
ɡōnɡ shānɡ ɡuǎn lǐ shuò shì
  • Master of Business Administration
  1. 的确,在美国威斯康辛-麦迪逊大学,艺术管理专业是属于MBA(工商管理硕士)的专业。

    Indeed , at the University of Wisconsin Madison , the arts administration program is a specialization within the Master of Business Administration ( MBA ) program .

  2. 为适应国家社会经济发展、满足企业及其他组织对高层管理人才的需要,国家于2002年,在全国开始了高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)专业学位办学试点。

    In order to develop national businesses . in 2002 , the country began a Master of Business Administration Senior Management ( EMBA ) degree in educational pilot .

  3. 他获得了工商管理硕士学位。

    He has a Master 's in Business Administration .

  4. 全国工商管理硕士(MBA)教育指导委员会宣布,从明年起,申请就读高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)课程必须经过全国统考。

    The China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee announced over the weekend that , from next year , a nationwide exam will be the only way to apply for an EMBA course .

  5. 任汇川个人履历教育背景:北京大学(PekingUniversity)工商管理硕士

    R é sum é Education : M.B.A. from Peking University .

  6. 他们都有金融学或工商管理硕士(MBA)的学位么?

    Do they always have a degree in finance or MBA ?

  7. 沙兹•维斯兰在哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)就读工商管理硕士时,发现了一个改变婴儿喂养方式的契机。

    While earning her MBA at Columbia Business School , Shazi visram saw an opportunity to change the way children are fed .

  8. 它是法学博士、哲学博士、工商管理硕士还是DDS?

    Is it a JD , Ph.D. , MBA or DDS ?

  9. 加州艺术学院(CaliforniaCollegeoftheArts)于2008年第一次推出设计战略方向的工商管理硕士项目时,申请者只有92人。

    California College of the Arts saw 92 applications for the M.B.A. in Design Strategy in its first year , 2008 .

  10. 1978年,埃尔森•汉斯从莱斯大学毕业后又在哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)拿到了工商管理硕士学位,随后就职于能源巨头壳牌公司(Shell)。

    After graduating from Rice in1978 , Elsenhans headed to Harvard Business School , earned her MBA , and ended up at energy giant Shell .

  11. 这种经历让我感觉到,商学院和工商管理硕士(mba)课程有其价值。

    This sort of experience makes me feel that business schools and MBAs have merit .

  12. 哈佛商学院改良其工商管理硕士(MBA)课程

    Harvard Business School reinvents its MBA course

  13. 据行业协会高层管理人员工商管理硕士理事会(ExecutiveMBACouncil)的统计,2007年,这类访问有49%去往中国。

    In2007,49 % of such trips were to China , according to the Executive MBA Council , an industry association .

  14. 当时,中国没有西方意义上的商学院,而工商管理硕士(mba)课程基本不为人知。

    There were no business schools in the Western sense , and the MBA was practically unknown .

  15. 有些人能找到理由证明花上两年时间和10万美元去读个工商管理硕士(MBA)学位是值得的。

    Some people can justify an investment of two years and $ 100000 to get an MBA .

  16. 拿到哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)的工商管理硕士(MBA)后,自己就立志要成为创建数码时尚产业的第一人。

    I had an MBA from Columbia University and was determined to be the first to construct a digital fashion industry .

  17. 工商管理硕士(MBA)能提供深入教育,但主要是教授在已有的企业结构中工作的管理技能。

    MBAs can provide an insightful education , but mainly teach managerial skills for working within pre-existing company structures .

  18. 正当美国顶尖商学院将两年制工商管理硕士(mba)课程作为黄金标准加以推广时,他却有不同看法。

    While the top US schools promote the two-year MBA as the gold standard , he has different views .

  19. 尽管拥有MBA工商管理硕士学位,我还是不会填写纳税表格。

    Even though I have a master 's degree in business administration , I cannot fill out my tax form .

  20. 2008年,斯坦福大学的保罗奥耶研究发现,斯坦福的工商管理硕士(MBA)在熊市时都或多或少地避免在华尔街就业。

    A 2008 study by Paul Oyer of Stanford University found that Stanford MBAs disproportionately shunned Wall Street during a bear market .

  21. 李:由于越来越多的跨国公司在中国设办事处,MBA(工商管理硕士)也随之成为热门。

    Li : Since more and more trans -- national corporations are setting up offices in China , MBA is getting hotter .

  22. 上周,一个MBA(工商管理硕士)学生给我发来一封措辞得体的电子邮件,希望我能就如何打进华尔街提些建议。

    Last week , I received a very nice email from an M.B.A.student looking for advice on how to break into Wall Street .

  23. 案例研究是许多商学院钟爱的教学工具,通过它们把信息传递给工商管理硕士(mba)学员。

    Case studies are a favourite teaching tool of many business schools as a way of delivering their message to their MBA students .

  24. 工商管理硕士(MBA)是起源于欧美国家的一种专门培养中高级管理人才的专业硕士学位。

    MBA education is a professional diploma originated in Europe and the United States , which train middle and senior managerial professionals specially .

  25. 纽约非营利研究机构Catalyst的一项新研究显示,拥有工商管理硕士(MBA)学位的女性在经济衰退期间的境况跟同等资历的男性一样。

    Women with M.B.A.s have fared during the recession as well as their male counterparts , according to a new study by New York nonprofit research group Catalyst .

  26. 提到高级工商管理硕士(ExecutiveMBA)课程,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(Wharton-Univ.ofPennsylvania)算得上是黄金标准。

    As far as Executive MBA programs go , the Wharton version has pretty much become the gold standard .

  27. Ting医学博士、工商管理硕士和同事们写道。

    Ting , MD , MBA , of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester , Minn. , and colleagues .

  28. 许多院校选择了联合开办高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)项目,但这个过程并非一帆风顺。

    Many opted for joint EMBA programmes , but it has not all been plain sailing .

  29. 这一排名评估的是管理学硕士课程。该课程与工商管理硕士(MBA)课程的区别在于,其大多数学生是在取得本科学位后直接升入就读的。

    The ranking assesses Masters in Management degrees , which differ from MBA programmes in that most students join the courses directly after their undergraduate degree .

  30. 学校设有18个学院,有62个本科专业;110个学科具有硕士学位授予权,并设有MBA(工商管理硕士)、MPA(公共管理硕士)和JM(法律硕士)专业学位点;

    The University has 18 colleges , and has 62 undergraduate disciplines , 110 master-degree-granting disciplines , including MBA , MPA and JM .