
sān lián ɡuàn
  • champion three times running;champion in three main categories of the same sport
  • triple crown
三连冠 [sān lián guàn]
  • [triple crown] 一个队或一个人在一种竞赛项目(如排球)的三个连续大赛中获得冠军

  1. 其他项目亮点频出乒乓球女单8级决赛,中国选手茅经典和黄文娟打成3比1,分获冠亚军,茅经典实现了该项目三连冠。

    During the women 's singles class 8 table tennis final , China 's Mao Jingdian won 3-1 against her teammate Huang Wenjuan , dominating the event with her third straight gold medals .

  2. 梅西三连冠荣膺2011年FIFA金球奖.

    Messi wins 3rd straight FIFA player of year award .

  3. 梅西三连冠荣膺2011年FIFA金球奖

    Messi wins 3rd straight FIFA player of year award

  4. 如今NBA任何大的交易最终目的都是和勇士队抗衡,以阻止他们获得三连冠。

    Any big move in the NBA is to eventually dethrone the Warriors and make sure there 's no three-peat in Oakland this season .

  5. 向三连冠的目标进发

    In one 's quest to three-peat side bearing arch

  6. 荣获奥斯卡最佳影片三连冠

    Win the first place for Oscar Best film award three times in succession

  7. 今年,广州恒大也实现了在中超赛场上的三连冠。

    Evergrande has also won China 's Super League for the last three years in a row .

  8. 底特律老虎队的米格尔·卡布瑞拉成为第十五名获得三连冠的棒球运动员。

    The Detroit Tigers ' Miguel Cabrera became just the 15th player to win baseball 's Triple Crown .

  9. 在俱乐部方面,他随皇马实现了欧洲冠军联赛三连冠。

    On the club side , the playmaker won the third straight UEFA Champions League title with Real Madrid .

  10. 俄罗斯在花样游泳团体赛中夺冠,包揽花游两枚金牌,获得奥运三连冠。

    Russia has won the team event and swept both gold medals in synchronized swimming for the third consecutive Olympics .

  11. 2002年釜山亚运会上,刘翔获得110米栏冠军,开始了亚运会三连冠。

    Gold in 110m hurdles at 2002 Busan Asian Games is the first one of Liu 's three consecutive titles of Asian Games .

  12. 粉丝迫切地等待着滑雪明星肖恩·怀特在本届冬奥会上实现该项目三连冠,怀特的标志性特征就是他那耀眼的红发。

    Fans have been eagerly waiting star snowboarder Shaun White , recognizable by his flaming red hair to defend his 8-year-race of champion .

  13. 这位德国高尔夫选手在英国和美国公开锦标赛上赢得了胜利,最有希望在欧洲杯锦标赛上取得三连冠的成绩。

    Having won in the British and American Open Championships , the German golfer was favourite to make his trick in the European Cup .

  14. 刘翔说:“三连冠的感觉太好了,我希望下次能赢第四场”。

    " To be a triple champion was great . I still hope to win the fourth next time ," said a beaming Liu .

  15. 余下的3场比赛只要再拿4分就能锁定三连冠。这也将是曼联的第11个联赛冠军和第18个顶级联赛冠军。

    Four points from three remaining games would hand the Reds a third consecutive title , 11th Premier League and18th championship success in total .

  16. 周日,刘翔的再次夺冠也使他成为首位在此项赛事中获得三连冠的中国运动员。

    Liu ` s victory on Sunday made him become the first Chinese athlete to win an event in a row in three straight Games .

  17. 为曼联带来三连冠是伟大的成就,但现在我们希望更进一步。

    Bringing the trophy to Old Trafford three times on the trot was a big achievement , but now we want to go a step further .

  18. 另一方面,纳达尔上个月刚刚赢得了法网三连冠,如果他能在温布尔登夺冠就能坐上世界第一的位置。

    Nadal , on the other hand , won his third consecutive French Open title last month and could snatch the NO1 ranking with a win at Wimbledon .

  19. 菲尔-杰克逊经过短暂的退役之后又回到了教练席上,率领湖人拿到三连冠开始了这十年,这次他们的核心叫沙克-奥尼尔。

    Phil Jackson returned from his brief retirement to lead the Lakers to three consecutive championships to open the decade , this time leaning on center Shaquille O'Neal .

  20. 本年度湖人历史出现了首次在总决赛横扫对手的表演,02年也标志着球队历史上那具有重大历史意义的首次三连冠。

    As well has being the first finals series sweep in Lakers history , 2002 marked the Lakers completion of a historic'three-peat'for the first time in franchise history .

  21. 我们正努力连续第五年进入决赛,我们正努力实现三连冠。

    We 're trying to get to the Finals for the fifth year in a row , we 're trying to win our third title in a row .

  22. “想想我们今年拿到的,这是一个美好的赛季。还包括联赛的三连冠,”吉格斯告诉曼联电视。

    " It 's been a fantastic season when you consider what we 've achieved this year – including our third league title on the trot ," Ryan told MUTV .

  23. 他待在湖人的十个赛季,他们七次进入总决赛,下一年杰克逊有机会拿到他生涯的第四个三连冠。

    Los Angeles has made the finals in seven of his10 seasons with the club , and Jackson will have a chance next year for the fourth three-peat of his career .

  24. 天津女排与八一女排攻防效果与特点对比研究&兼析天津女排三连冠制胜原因

    The Comparative Study on the Effect and Characteristics of Attack and Defence Between Tianjin and PLA Women Volleyball Team & The Reason of Wining Three Champions of Tianjin Women Volleyball Team

  25. 另外关于乔丹和队友的一个事实是,皮蓬,格兰特和阿姆斯特朗都在没有乔丹的时候表现得比有乔丹,三连冠的时期更好。

    Another fact about Jordan and his teammates is that his best teammates Scottie Pippen , Horace Grant and B.J.Armstrong from his first three-peat all played better without him than with him .

  26. 学会期望能在下届的大专杯比赛中再卫冕成功,一尝三连冠永久保留奖杯的滋味。

    The club has its sights set on permanently keeping the trophy and has begun to formulate strategies for winning next year 's competition – making it three years in a row .

  27. 考虑到勇士队正在处理几个挥之不去的伤病,并且希望向三连冠进发,因此额外的恢复时间对于他们来说比平时更重要。

    The extra time to recover is even more important than usual for Golden State , given that the Warriors are dealing with several lingering injuries as they look to win their third straight NBA championship .

  28. 当湖人开始步入接下来的新赛季时,科比和加索尔的发挥与健康明显对渴望三连冠的湖人至关重要。

    When the Lakers take to the hardwood this coming season , the play and health of Kobe and Gasol are obviously going to be important to the Lakers'hopes for winning a third championship in a row .

  29. 乔治,最后一个和科比一起拿下三连冠的球员,将成为不受限制自由球员,他可能不会回来,除非他愿意降薪(本赛季他年薪500万)。

    Devean george , the last link besides Bryant to the three-championship teams earlier in the decade , is an unrestricted free agent who will not be back unless he takes a pay cut from the $ 5 million he made this season .

  30. 在里约一个闷热的周日晚上,这位牙买加的超级明星赢下了田径赛跑中他的标志性项目,为他本已闪耀的履历又添一项:历史上首位奥运会百米三连冠得主。

    On a muggy Sunday night in Rio , the Jamaican superstar won the signature event in track and field in a runaway and added this line to his already gleaming resume : first person to capture three straight 100-meter titles at the Olympics .