
  1. 本词典的出版者是剑桥大学出版社。

    The publisher of this dictionary is Cambridge University press .

  2. 剑桥大学出版社是1534年特许成立的。

    Cambridge University Press was chartered in1534 .

  3. 威廉.莎士比亚,《奥赛罗》。诺曼.先德斯编,纽约:剑桥大学出版社,1984。

    Shakespeare , William . Othello . Edited by Norman Sanders . New York : Cambridge University Press , 1984 .

  4. 十多位德高望重的环境科学家,包括瑞文以及哈佛大学的爱德华·奥·威尔森要求鲁姆伯克的出版发行方剑桥大学出版社与他解除合作关系。

    A dozen esteemed environmental scientists , including Raven and Harvard 's Edward O.Wilson , are demanding that Lomborg 's publisher cut him loose .

  5. 让人倍感惊喜的是,剑桥大学出版社的编辑都认为这是个非常棒的主意,于是本书诞生了。

    To our amazement , the folks at Cambridge University Press thought this was a great idea , and The Elements of Java Style was born .

  6. 最近,他合作编辑了一本关于中国领导和管理的著作,将由剑桥大学出版社出版。

    He has recently coedited a book to be published by Cambridge University Press on Leadership and Management in China : Philosophies , Theories , and Practices .

  7. 本项研究成果将以专著《21世纪初期世界水资源》于1999年由剑桥大学出版社出版。

    It is planned to publish all the results of these studies as a monograph World Water Resources at the Beginning of XXI Century in 1999 , Cambridge , University Press .

  8. 利用2014年英国国家口语语料库,兰卡斯特大学和剑桥大学出版社的研究团队最终将能向我们揭示英式口语的发展演变。

    Using the ' Spoken British National Corpus 2014 ' , the team at Lancaster University and Cambridge University Press will be able to shed light on the way our spoken language changes over time .

  9. 乔治·洛威尔和安东尼·杰克逊(1984):《保留剧目专用剧场运动:英国地方戏剧史》;剑桥:剑桥大学出版社。

    Rowell , George and Anthony Jackson ( 1984 ) The Repertory Theatre Movement : A History of Regional Theatre in Britain , Cambridge : Cambridge University Press .

  10. 据约翰·艾尔吉奥在《剑桥英语史》(剑桥大学出版社,2001年)的说法,之所以发生这种转变,因为出生于低阶层的人们在工业革命时期已发家致富,他们极力寻求使自己有别于其他平民的方法;

    According to John Algeo in " The Cambridge History of the English Language " ( Cambridge University Press , 2001 ) , this shift occurred because people of low birth rank who had become wealthy during the Industrial Revolution were seeking ways to distinguishthemselves from other commoners ;

  11. 范文示例用书推荐《剑桥标准商务英语教程》(CambridgeBusinessBenchmark)剑桥大学出版社出版。

    Cambridge BEC Vantage 2 ( Student Book with Answers )