
  • 网络JIAN NAN CHUN CHIEW;Jiannanchun liquor
  1. 中国十大文化名酒企业茅台、泸州老窖、剑南春等因正确实施人才战略而得以蓬勃发展。

    The top ten famous liquors enterprises with cultural backgrounds in China such as Maotai Group .

  2. 中国名酒剑南春由于其独特典型的风格深受消费者的肯定和喜爱。

    The typical and special characters of Jiannanchun , one of the Chinese famous liquors , are popular and recognized by customers .

  3. 剑南春以高粮、大米、糯米、玉米、小麦五种谷物为原料精心酿制而成,属浓香型。

    Jian Nan Chun is a Luzhou-flavor liquor meticulously brewed from the five grains of sorghum , rice , sticky rice , corn and wheat .