
  1. 吃臊子面最讲究的要数流水席。早上天刚亮,吃面的流水席就开了。

    From early in the morning , a feast serving guests with noodles starts .

  2. 岐山臊子面既是饭也是菜,这种饭菜合一的方式在中国人的米食中也随处可见。

    Qishan saozi noodles function as both the rice and the dishes . Such a combination of rice and dishes can also be found elsewhere in China .

  3. 岐山臊子面也来自陕西,面条筋道,汤是酸辣味的,里面有辣味碎猪肉、胡萝卜、木耳和黄花菜混合物,新鲜的碎欧芹更为之增添风味。

    Qishan noodles , also from Shaanxi , are chewy bands in a hot-sour broth , topped by a chile-plowed heap of minced pork , carrot , wood-ear mushrooms and day-lily buds , with the faintest leavening from a crush of fresh parsley .

  4. 据当地的史志记载,岐山臊子面起源于3000年前,“只吃面、不喝汤”是当地人约定俗成的饮食规矩。

    As soon as the guests come , they 'll get a bowl of noodles . Local chronicles say that Qishan saozi noodles originated 3000 years ago . According to the local custom , people only eat the noodles but don 't drink the soup .

  5. 几千年来,臊子汤在岐山村村落落的面锅里翻滚着,岐山臊子面更成为一件精彩绝伦的艺术品。

    For thousands of years , saozi soup has been boiling in every corner in Qishan Village . Qishan saozi noodles have become a wonderful art piece .
