
  • 网络The River Cam
  1. 布赖恩记得曾在剑河学过钓鱼。

    Brian remembers learning to fish in the River Cam .

  2. 学生们显然还在欢腾的气氛中,把派对带到了剑河上。

    Students were evidently still in the party mood as they took the party onto the River Cam .

  3. 贵州剑河白香猪和黑香猪组织器官的LDH同工酶比较

    Comparison of tissue and organ LDH isozymes between Jianhe white xiang pig and Jianhe black xiang pigs in Guizhou

  4. [方法]对剑河县疾病预防控制中心2005年体检的民族高中2142名学生Hb检测资料进行分析。

    [ Methods ] To analyze the data of the haemoglobin content test results of 2142 senior high shool students examined by Jianhe CDC .

  5. 方法VCD母带制作完成后,在贵州省黔东南州榕江和剑河县进行2轮预试验。

    METHODS After completing VCD script , were made in Rongjiang and Jianhe County , Guizhou Province .

  6. 剑河大桥为主跨为150m的大跨径预应力混凝土悬臂桁架拱桥,属拱梁组合体系结构。

    The Jianhe River Bridge is a prestressed concrete arch bridge with trussed cantilevers , the main span of which is 150 m.

  7. 贵州剑河白香猪的繁殖性能观测

    Observation on reproductive performance of white Xiang Pig in Jianhe , Guizhou

  8. 剑河大桥的设计、施工与校验

    Design , construction and testing of the Jianhe river bridge

  9. 贵州剑河白、黑香猪的血液蛋白多态性研究

    Studies on Blood Protein Polymorphism in Xiang Pig in Guizhou

  10. 她在一间可以俯瞰剑河的非常漂亮的新办公室里工作。

    She works in a very smart new office overlooking the river canm .

  11. 在剑河县旅馆的房间里开圣诞派对需要些什么呢?

    What do you need for a Christmas party in a Jianhe hotel room ?

  12. 剑河新县城旅游形象定位与旅游功能建设

    Tourist image positioning and tourist function building for the new county town of Jianhe

  13. 英格兰中东部的一座享有自治权的市镇,靠近剑河且位于伦敦市东北偏北。

    A municipal borough of east-central England on the Cam River north-northeast of London .

  14. 英格兰东部的一座城市,靠近剑河;剑桥大学所在地。

    A city in eastern England on the River Cam ; site of Cambridge University .

  15. 一名男子因过河时,不慎掉进他的剑河。

    A man was crossing the river when he accidentally dropped his sword into the river .

  16. 2005年剑河县某高中学生贫血状况分析

    Analysis on the Prevalence of Anemia of Senior High School Students in Jianhe County in 2005

  17. 三农县的小康建设模式与农村学习型社会&以剑河县为个案的小康建设理论探讨

    Well - off Construction Mode in " San - nong County " and Learning Society in Countryside

  18. 选用30头2月龄的贵州剑河白香猪,与剑河九仰黑香猪进行营养需要的比较饲养试验。

    An experiment on nutrient requirement of Jiaohe White Xiang Pig in Guizhou was carried out with 30 two month age pigs .

  19. [结论]剑河县民族高中学生贫血状况较轻。

    [ Conclusion ] It showed that the prevalence of anemia for students from senior high school of Nationalities in Jianhe County was minor .

  20. 圣诞节在贵州省剑河县等待着我们,我们已经让朋友们把几样圣诞节物品寄到了那里,那些物品能帮我们安排一些庆祝仪式。

    Christmas awaited us in the county town of Jianhe , swhereswe had asked friends to send a few special items to help us concoct some sort of celebration .

  21. 埃德苦苦想着答案。但是在这个圣诞节他找到了答案&王方和,一位61岁的苗族老人,他带着我们翻过山脊,在天黑之前到了剑河县。

    Ed struggles for an answer , but this Christmas Day he found it-Wang Fanghe , a61-year-old Miao gentleman who led us over the mountain ridge to Jianhe before dark .

  22. 20岁的心理学专业学生本-克罗宁说,当工作人员告诉他由于他不够有吸引力,不能胜任在剑河船上打工的工作时,他感到很震惊。

    Psychology student Ben Cronin , 20 , alleges that he was shocked when staff told him he wasn 't attractive enough to work the boats on the River Cam .

  23. 但是地处贵州省黔东南自治州剑河县与台江县交界&巫溜村,由于地理位置偏僻,交通十分不便,所以是一个不为人知的小村寨。

    Jianhe County , Southeast Autonomous Prefecture , located in Guizhou Province , Taijiang County at the junction-the witch slipped village , geographically isolated , the traffic is very inconvenient , so it is an unknown small village .