
dòng yì
  • motion;move;propose
动议 [dòng yì]
  • [motion] 会议中临时提出建议,也指这种建议

动议[dòng yì]
  1. 这项动议以6票对3票获得通过。

    The motion was passed by 6 votes to 3 .

  2. 我呼吁参加辩论的诸位投票反对这项动议。

    I urge the house to vote against the motion .

  3. 60%以上的成员对这一动议投了赞成票。

    Over 60 % of members voted in favour of the motion .

  4. 绝大多数选民赞成这一动议。

    A clear majority of voters were in favour of the motion .

  5. 他们已经提出一项动议,在下次党的会议上进行辩论。

    They have tabled a motion for debate at the next Party Conference .

  6. 法官拒绝他要求延期审理的动议。

    The judge refused his motion for a continuance .

  7. 这项动议有21票赞成,17票反对,2票弃权。

    There were 21 votes for and 17 against the motion , with 2 abstentions .

  8. 议员以99张的多数票批准了这项动议。

    Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine

  9. 这样的动议被视为对后座议员立场的考验。

    Such a motion is considered a test of backbench opinion .

  10. 工党很快提出终止辩论的动议。

    Labour quickly moved a closure motion to end the debate

  11. 学生们通过了对校长进行不信任投票的动议。

    The students passed a motion of no-confidence in the college principal .

  12. 主管官员裁定这项动议不符合议事规程。

    The presiding officer ruled that the motion was out of order .

  13. 国会投票否决了改变工会结构的动议。

    The Congress voted down a motion to change the union 's structure

  14. 此项动议立即遭到其中两个共和国的反对。

    The move was immediately challenged by two of the republics

  15. 党内的左翼成员有信心该动议会获得通过。

    The left-wing of the party is confident that the motion will be carried .

  16. 一项支持其经济政策的动议以322票对296票通过。

    A motion backing its economic policy was carried by 322 votes to 296 .

  17. 在他看来,与其说这是一项精心筹划的国防动议,倒不如说是外交上的一着妙棋。

    He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal

  18. 他们提交了一项动议,批评政府在该问题上无所作为。

    They 've tabled a motion criticising the Government for doing nothing about the problem .

  19. 这个计划的亮点是选民们动议的定期举行公民投票。

    The centrepiece of the plan is the idea of regular referendums , initiated by voters .

  20. 通过了这项动议。

    The motion was adopted [ carried ] .

  21. 该动议被大会否决了。

    The motion was voted down at the assembly .

  22. 他向会议提出一项动议。

    He introduced a motion to the meeting .

  23. 我赞成这项动议。

    I support the motion .

  24. 该动议的支持者们力图争取立案,然而从开始他们的对手就占了上风。

    The supporters of the motion tried hard to establish their case , but from the beginning their opponents had the best of it .

  25. 正式地说,在会议上,当有人提出一个建议或想法时,需要有第二个人(支持该动议的其他人)进行讨论,然后进行投票。没有second的想法或动议则不被考虑。

    Formally , in a meeting when someone suggests or proposes an idea , there needs to be a “ second ” ( someone else who supports the motion ) for discussion to take place that results in a vote . Without a “ second ” the idea or motion dies and is not considered .

  26. 那动议由X先生提议,Y先生附议。

    The motion was proposed by Mr X and seconded by Mr Y.

  27. “被盗资产收复(StAR)动议”的具体行动包括

    Concrete actions of the Stolen Asset Recovery ( StAR ) Initiative include

  28. 企业和政治领导人必须继续推动各种动议,比如“世界经济论坛农业新视野”(worldeconomicforumnewvisionforagriculture)。

    Business and political leaders must continue to drive initiatives , such as the world economic forum new vision for agriculture .

  29. 那动议经x先生提出有y夫人附议。

    The motion ie for debate was proposed by Mr X and seconded by Mrs y.

  30. Therepresentativesruledagainstthemotion.代表们否决了这项动议。法官作出不利于原告的裁决。

    The judge ruled against the plaintiff .