
zhēn běn
  • rare book;rare edition
珍本 [zhēn běn]
  • [rare edition; rare book] 珍贵而罕见的图书

珍本[zhēn běn]
  1. 一部珍本或一本装帧华美的书的美,同一幅油画或一尊塑像的美是一样的。

    And the beauty of a rare edition or of a richly manufactured volume is like that of a painting or a statue .

  2. 这是一本不可多得的珍本。

    It 's a rare book .

  3. 他的公司已经用货船运送了足够多的珍本书和古籍,以此来支付给75位Frenchboro居民邮书的费用,Frenchboro是一个离缅因州北部海岸约八英里的一个小岛。

    His company has shipped enough rare and antique books to sustain mail deliveries for the75 residents of Frenchboro , an island about eight miles off Maine 's northeast coast .

  4. 我在附近那家书店偶然发现了这一珍本。

    I tumbled upon the rare volume in the nearby bookstore .

  5. 她们需要得到北京图书馆里面的珍本书籍。

    They need access to the rare books in Beijing Library .

  6. 我确实很喜欢收集海内外珍本。

    I 'm really very fond of collecting rare books .

  7. 这个历史学家在各种珍本中搜寻资料。

    The historian delves into some rare editions for information .

  8. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。

    I must admit I am very fond of collecting rare book .

  9. 她小心地翻动着珍本书的书页。

    She turned over the leaves of the precious volume very carefully .

  10. 1936年编辑出版《珍本医书集成》。

    In 1936 , Qiu edited and published Integration of Precious Medical Books .

  11. 珍本图书对图书工作人员很有魅力。

    Rare books have a great fascination for librarians .

  12. 他有狂搜珍本书的癖好。

    He has a perfect mania for rare books .

  13. 小心翻动珍本书的书页

    Carefully turn over the leaves of the precious volume

  14. 我们的图书馆有八千册图书,很多都是善本和珍本。

    We have eight thousand books , many of them are rare and valuable .

  15. 愉快地阅读珍本书藉我阅读了大量的英语书。

    I read a good many English books .

  16. 这是一些珍本的副本。

    These are duplicates of some scarce books .

  17. 你能获得那本珍本古书吗?

    Can you procure that rare old book ?

  18. 我想我知道哪儿可以为你买到那本珍本书。

    I think I know where I can obtain that rare book for you .

  19. 从大火中抢出珍本;

    Rescue a rare manuscript from a fire ;

  20. 据说他是一位专卖珍本书的商人

    Says he 's a rare-book dealer .

  21. 在《算术珍本》中我们还可以看到一些中国数学的影响。

    Some influence of Chinese traditional mathematical problems can also be found in the book .

  22. 我无意中发现了一本珍本书。

    I stumbled on a rare book .

  23. 珍本书、珍奇的植物、稀有的蝴蝶

    A rare book , plant , butterfly , ie one of only a few that exist

  24. 我听说他图书馆里有一部稀世珍本。

    I have heard that he had in his library a certain very scarce and curious book .

  25. 这些中外珍本文献在世界和中国地质科学发展史上具有重要意义和研究价值。

    These precious document are valuable and significant in the study of world and Chinese geoscience history .

  26. 小心翻动珍本书的书页藏有大量珍本的图书馆

    Carefully turn over the leaves of the precious volume a library with a store of rare books

  27. 但是数以万计的专卖旧书和珍本书的小书商说他们将要遭殃了,因为他们依靠的就是国外的市场需求。

    But many thousands of smaller used-and rare-book merchants say they will suffer , since they rely on foreign demand .

  28. 那本旧书的书页都粘在一块儿了。我在一家旧书店里偶然发现一本珍本书。

    The pages of that old book have clung together . I lighted on a rare book in a secondhand bookshop .

  29. 这个图书馆藏有大量珍本书。我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。

    This library is well stocked with rare books . I must admit I am very fond of collecting rare Books .

  30. 现在,巨人成熟了,他的作品所有喜欢收藏珍本的人争相购买。

    Now the colossus ( 4 ) is reared , his works are eagerly bought up by all the purchasers of scarce books .