
  1. 合作储存:关于珍贵文献保护的思考

    Cooperative Store : Pondering Over Precious Literature Preservation

  2. 尚存的十余块碑刻,记载着许多珍贵文献和动人的故事。

    Surviving more than ten pieces of stone , recorded in a number of precious artifacts and moving story .

  3. 现在这些志书已成为人们研究安阳历史的珍贵文献。

    Today , these local history books have become treasurable literatures for people to study the history of Anyang .

  4. 其方法是,建立一个具有权威性的协调中心,合理分配大部分图书和珍贵文献的采置任务,统一编目准则,扩大读者直接借阅的权利。

    An authoritative coordinating center can be set up to allocating books and precious literature , to unify rules of category and to granting readers more borrowing scopes .

  5. 这都是研究春秋时期及其前代史官文化的珍贵文献资料,有些还是其它史籍所缺乏的。

    This is the valuable cultural documents of the study on behalf of the Spring and Autumn Period and the former historiographer and some are lacking in other historical records .

  6. 本文作者近年主持编纂英国、法国藏西夏文献,亲临现场直接调查、研究藏于海外的的珍贵文献,积累了丰富的资料和研究心得。

    Taking the chance of participating in compiling the Xixia documents in British and French collections , the author investigates and studies the documents conserved overseas on the spot and accumulates abundant information and study experience .

  7. 裘吉生在每一类的书目选择上,不仅注重珍本、孤本、稿本等珍贵文献的保存,更加注重其学术特点与实用价值。

    When choosing the books of every category , Qiu paid attention not only to the preservative value of only existing copies , precious copies and original manuscripts , but also to the academic features and practicability of every book .

  8. 南朝女性墓志是珍贵的文献资料。

    STATISTICAL DATA Female Epitaphs in the Southern Dynasties are the precious documents materials .

  9. 宋代《礼记》学文献具有珍贵的文献价值和重要的学术价值。

    The Liji Documents of Song Dynasty has precious value of Documents and important value of learning .

  10. 正因为此,《皖政辑要》以其珍贵的文献价值,理应在中国的政书发展史上占有重要的地位。

    Because of this , WAN ZHENG JI YAO with its precious literature value , supposedly in China Certification development occupies an important position in the history .

  11. 从理论史的角度考察,一些经典作家对农户进行了深入细致的观察,留下了许多珍贵的文献。

    From a theoretical perspective of history , a number of classical writers make a study of the farmers in-depth and detailed observation , leaving a lot of valuable literature .

  12. 维吾尔历史上留下了很多珍贵的文献,这其中有许多关于水的记载,而从水文化的发展脉络中去分析维吾尔对水的观念以及认识,鲜有专题研究成果问世。

    There are many precious literature in Uighur history , many of which record on water , while the cultural development of water to analyze the Uighurs ' understanding of the concept of water , did not come out thematic research .

  13. 这些灾难性突发危机事件产生的破坏和损毁都触目惊心,给人类社会带来了无法挽回的损失,其中许多珍贵的文献资料和古代文物,其价值更是难以估量,如果发生损毁,将难以修复。

    The result of these disastrous emergent events is shocking , and that brings irreparable damage to the human society . In particular , the value of precious literature and antiquities is inestimable , and it would be difficult to repair if damaged .

  14. 这些珍贵的历史文献,丰富了我国早期农业文明研究的内容。

    These precious historical documents increased the research contents of Chinese ancient agricultural civilization .

  15. 除了中文古籍,很多大型公立图书馆还收藏有很多珍贵的西文文献。

    In addition to the Chinese ancient books , a lot of large public library collects many precious western literatures .

  16. 虽然这些西北地区作者的著作在数量上不能与江浙地区相提并论,但是部分珍贵的西北文献因此得以保存和流传。

    In the quantity it cannot place on a par with Jiangsu and Zhejiang province , but the precious northwest documents therefore can preserve .

  17. 靖难之役的相关史料,安国的铜活字印书,《魏源集》失收的文章等都是珍贵的历史文献资料。

    Related historical materials about the compaign of Jingnan , printed books copper type , and the answer sheets of imperial examination by Weiyuan are all rare historical literature materials .

  18. 红色歌谣,是研究近代革命史极其珍贵的历史文献。它反映了第二次国内革命战争这一伟大历史时期的真实情况,具有重要的研究价值。

    Revolutionary ballads , which well reflect the real situation in the period of the Second Civil War , are considered to be most valuable historical documents in the research of the modern revolutionary history .

  19. 因此该书具有珍贵的学术与文献价值。

    It is of valuable academic and literature value .

  20. 《穆天子传》是一部颇为珍贵的历史地理文献与优秀的文学作品。

    Biography about King Mu is a precious work on historical geography and an excellent literary writing .

  21. 它们不仅是具有珍贵文物价值的文献,还是丁玲精神的原型记录,是学习丁玲精神的又一部生动教材。

    They are not only valuable cultural relics but also an original record of Ding Ling 's spirit and a lively text to study Ding Ling .

  22. 但是,目前我们看到的《湖南农民革命序》,有不同版本写作时间的记载,因此,《湖南农民革命序》的写作时间就成为湖南农民革命这份珍贵的革命历史文献的小小瑕疵。

    But as to the time of writing of the Preface to Hunan Peasant Revolution , we are confronted with different versions of record , which blemishes this valuable revolutionary historical document .

  23. 《华洋诉讼判决录》它让我们又回到过去,它为我们了解近代中国在华洋诉讼活动中整个司法制度的运作情况提供了非常珍贵的第一手文献资料。

    Judgment Records for Litigations between Chinese and Foreign Citizens brings us back to the past times providing valuable first-hand documental materials for our understanding of the operation of the whole judicial systems in terms of Sino-foreign activities in Modern China .