
jù shí jiàn zhù
  • Megalithic architecture;polylith
巨石建筑[jù shí jiàn zhù]
  1. 与那国岛海底地形(YonaguniMonument)位于离琉球群岛(RyukuIslands)海岸线不远处,是一处沉入水底的巨石建筑遗址,也许日本所有著名的石碑建筑中没有哪个可以与与那国岛海底地形相提并论。

    Of all the famous monuments in Japan , perhaps none is more perplexing than Yonaguni , an underwater rock formation that lies off the coast of the Ryuku Islands .

  2. 当然,有一些巨石建筑不是很神秘,但是大多数情况下的巨石建筑看似都不太可能是由古人类自己建造的。

    Still , there are a few megalithic structures that are not mysterious , but mostly it seems impossible that the ancients made these things themselves .

  3. 最古老形式的史前巨石建筑可能是石室冢墓,这是一种由数个直立的支撑物和一个平坦的屋顶构成的石室墓葬。

    The most ancient form of megalithic construction may be the dolmen , a type of burial chamber consisting of several upright supports and a flat roofing slab .

  4. 类似于世界各地的许多其他巨石建筑群,吉萨金字塔多年来一直被人们认为是外星人的杰作,这主要是因为它们巨大的工程量。

    Similar to many other megalithic sites around the world , the Pyramids of Giza have been repeatedly attributed to extraterrestrials throughout the years , mostly because of the sheer magnitude of their construction .

  5. 试图应用一种建筑类型学方法,经过分析/识别、归类/抽象、类推/还原,全面深入的解读一座被称为巨石的建筑的建筑学含义;

    The objective of this article is to interpret the architectural meanings of a particular building : the Monolith of EXPO 02 , by a typological method in which a process of analysis / cognition , classification / abstraction and analogy / reduction is developed .