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  • gigantism
  1. 巨人症治愈后,乔尔森的自信也回来了。

    With the gigantism under control , Joelison 's confidence grew 。

  2. 低生长激素性巨人症

    Gigantism with Low Serum Level of Growth Hormone : A Case Report

  3. 常伴发脑下垂体巨人症。

    It is often associated with pituitary gigantism .

  4. 本文报道垂体生长激素腺瘤126冽,均有肢端肥大症或巨人症的表现。

    126 cases with pituitary GH adenomas presenting symptoms and signs of acromegaly or gigantism were reported .

  5. 关于脑回,与脑回有关联,或包含脑回。常伴发脑下垂体巨人症。

    Relating to or associated with or comprising a convolution of the brain . It is often associated with pituitary gigantism .

  6. 生长激素分泌性肿瘤多见于男性,可以出现肢端肥大症(成人)和巨人症(儿童)。

    GH secreting tumors , which are more common in men , may present with acromegaly in adults and gigantism in children .

  7. 与以往其他持有人的名称,鲍不具备巨人症,生长混乱,有助于他成长极端的高度。

    Unlike other previous holders of the title , Bao does not have gigantism , the growth disorder that contributes to extreme height .

  8. 如果阿非利卡人遗传了两对突变基因,那么他们会患上障碍性的硬化性骨化病,这会导致严重的骨质增生、巨人症、口眼歪斜、失聪和早逝。

    If an Afrikaner inherits two copies of the mutated gene , they develop the disorder sclerosteosis , which leads to severe bone overgrowth , gigantism , facial distortion , deafness , and early death .

  9. 今年28岁的乔尔森·费尔南德斯·德·席尔瓦自幼患有巨人症,疯长的身高让他在学校备受欺凌,他因此辍学并多年呆在家中不愿出门。

    Joelison Fernandes da Silva , 28 , developed gigantism as a child and his rapidly soaring height forced him to drop out of school due to bullying and then refuse to leave the family house for years 。