
  • 网络spatial sequence;spatial order;space order
  1. 第一步,采用VB语言编程实现了将工业CT二维断层图像序列按其空间顺序依次逐层显示;

    First , a succession of two - dimensional serial images scanned by CT are displayed in their spatial orders by VB programming .

  2. 这些序列中均存在与基因表达调控有关的WBOX、Xbox、YBOX、CCAATbox以及类TATABox调控元件,且遵循严格的空间顺序。

    Regulatory elements W box , X box , Y box , CCAAT box and TATA-like box which were associated with the expression of structural gene were found in all the URR sequences .

  3. 语言结构的空间顺序

    Spatial Sequence and Word Order Compared the actuality of the structure of th

  4. 视网膜神经和血管分别按照各自的时间和空间顺序发育。

    Retinal nerves and vessels growth follows separate temporal and spatial sequence of development .

  5. 方向关系描述了对象间的空间顺序关系。

    Direction relations deal with order in space .

  6. 在此基础上,提出购房者选择空间顺序的选择规律、空间综合权衡的选择规律、空间定位的选择规律。

    And on the base , they raise the laws of choosing space , weighing space and choosing space location .

  7. 本文从时间顺序和空间顺序两个角度探讨句序的认知特点。

    This paper intends to deal with the cognitive features of sentential order from the two angles of temporal sequence and spatial sequence .

  8. 从空间顺序、进水方式及回流方式等方面涵盖了多种工艺的特点,是多种先进工艺的优点集成。

    There were characteristics of several process on space sequence influent and return flow modality and so on in single-tank , and it is advantage integration of several process .

  9. 本文指出,时间顺序,空间顺序,因果关系,整体/部分关系在句法上呈线性特征;

    At the semantic level , temporal sequence , spacial order , causal relation , relation between the whole and the part can be represented in the linear order of language structure .

  10. 它以空间顺序为研究对象,以计算机为工具,通过人的参与进行一系列的空间操作与分析,并提供规划管理和决策等有用信息。

    It uses computer to proceed a series of operation and analysis in space , and provides the useful information of programming management and policy . Direction relations deal with order in space .

  11. 性别分化过程在分子水平上的表现是与性别分化程序相关的基因在诱导信号的作用下发生去阻遏作用,并依照时间和空间顺序表达出特定的产物。

    Sex differentiation manifested at the molecular level for sex differentiation process involves the induction of genes occur signaling role to derepression , and by the time and spatial sequence expression of a specific product .

  12. 本文引入语言结构的空间顺序的观点,尝试对一些语序现象做出统一的解释,并提出,时间顺序除外,空间概念作为语序的一种生成机制,同样具有认知理据。

    Adopting the notion of spatial sequence , this paper attempts a unified interpretation of these problems in Chinese and English , and suggests that besides temporal sequence , spatial sequence also accounts for word order arrangement and reflects the mechanism of human cognition .

  13. 分析发现所得序列中存在与MHCⅡ类基因表达调控有关的高度保守的W、X、Y、CCAAT及类TATA调控元件,调控元件的空间组织顺序也与其他物种相应序列的相同。

    There exist highly conserved sequence motifs including W , X , Y , CCAAT , and TATA-like boxes in the obtained sequences , showing the same organization of the conserved regulatory elements as in other species .

  14. θ相移在单次学习过程中促进神经网络对空间位置顺序记忆的研究

    Theta phase precession enhancing memory of place sequence in single trial learning

  15. 胚胎发育一直是生命科学研究的主题之一。家蚕是重要的模式实验昆虫,从一个受精卵发育成一个多细胞的个体,是许多基因在时间和空间上顺序表达的结果。

    Embryo development is one of the most important subjects in life science research .

  16. 开放式庭院,连接个别山区成室外空间自然顺序结合起来。

    The open courtyards that connect the individual mountains are integrated into a natural sequence of outdoor spaces .

  17. 有序岩石遥感信息是指图像上在空间上顺序相邻或空间、时间上有序的一组岩石信息。

    Sequential rock remote sensing information is a group of rocks which are related with each other in space or space and time .

  18. 对于大地数据,由于地区表面具有封闭的特性,因此空间填充Z顺序曲线可能不是最好的选择。

    The space filling Z-order curve might not be the best choice for geodetic data , given the closed nature of the earth 's surface .

  19. 植物的生长发育和形态建成是一个极其复杂的过程,也是一系列基因在不同时间和不同空间上的顺序表达的过程。

    Plant development and architecture is a complicated process in which series of genes expressed spatio-temporally .

  20. 如果空间效率和顺序性都很低,那么您可能会希望重组该文件系统。

    If the space and sequentiality are too low , you might want to consider file system reorganization .

  21. 本文论述了如何转换句子成分(主要是定语和状语)的位置和如何调整句间的顺序(时间、空间、逻辑顺序),以使译文真正接近于原文。

    The thesis clarifies how to convert the position of attributive clauses and adverbial clauses , and how to adjust the time , place and logical orders in components of a conjunction so as to make the translation close to the source .

  22. far(远)的最高级;在空间、时间或者顺序上最远。

    Comparatives of far ; most remote in space or time or order .

  23. 根据设备占地、物流占地、操作者空间、工位前后顺序等在每个作业区内,利用CAD作图进行设备布置模拟。

    According to the space of the equipments , logistics , and the worker , the sequence of the working place , simulate the equipments layout in work area use the CAD drawings .

  24. 因此考虑在使用SSD时嵌入较少的空闲空间,因为集群顺序可能并不那么重要。

    So consider embedding less free space when using SSDs , since the clustering sequence may not be so important .

  25. 是否可以改变共享空间相册的排列顺序?

    Is it possible to change the order my albums ?

  26. 空间桁架结构施工顺序优化分析

    Optimization of Construction Process of Space Truss Structures

  27. 闽、台及海峡三区域发生的较大强度的地震,在时间上具有成丛性系列的特征,在空间上具有一定顺序的迁移性。

    The larger earthquakes occurred in Fujian , Taiwan and strait regions possess the cluster character in times and transfer character in space .

  28. 电化学震荡现象是电极反应体系某个参数远离平衡时产生在时间和空间上具有某种顺序的现象,是由电极和电解液共同组成的多相震荡。

    The electrochemical oscillation is phenomenon in time and space when a parameter in the system of electrode reaction is far from the equilibrium , which is composed of electrode and electrolyte multiphase oscillation .

  29. 实验表明了算法CAMFT能够快速处理带有离群点的复杂形状聚类的空间数据,结果与对象空间分布顺序无关,并且效率优于已有的同类聚类算法BIRCH与CURE。

    Experimental results show the algorithm can identify clusters of complicated shapes efficiently in large spatial database that have many outliers , and outperform BIRCH algorithm and CURE algorithm in efficiency .

  30. 在空间数据库和地理信息系统中,方向关系描述空间数据对象之间的空间顺序关系,构成了重要的用户查询类。

    Direction relations describe order in space and constitute an important class of user queries in SDBMS and GIS .