
kōng xiǎng shè huì zhǔ yì
  • utopian socialism
空想社会主义[kōng xiǎng shè huì zhǔ yì]
  1. 空想社会主义是社会主义观的初级形态。

    Utopian socialism is the elementary form of the socialist view .

  2. 论康有为的空想社会主义思想

    On the Thought of Kang You-Wei 's Utopian Socialism

  3. 最近十年关于空想社会主义者圣西门的研究综述

    Roundup of Recent 10-Year Researches on Saint Simon , Utopian Socialist

  4. 欧洲空想社会主义的“和谐社会”观

    The European utopian socialist conception of " harmonious society "

  5. 试论空想社会主义者的公有制设想

    On the Assumption of Public Ownership Of Utopian Socialist

  6. 检索与分析空想社会主义的有关文献,可以丰富社会主义的思想宝库。

    To check and analyze the documents about Utopian socialism can enrich socialist ideology .

  7. 论空想社会主义者的和谐社会构想

    On Utopian Socialists ' Concepts of Harmonious Society

  8. 他认为空想社会主义是一种宗教性话语,是属于中世纪的。

    He regards Utopian socialism as a sort of religious discourse with mediaeval traits .

  9. 欧文的教育实践与他的空想社会主义实践的关系

    The Relationship between Owen 's Educational Practice and the Practice of His Utopian Socialism

  10. 空想社会主义产生于十六世纪的欧洲,到了十九世纪达到顶峰。

    Utopian socialism arose in Europe in the sixteenth century , peaked in nineteenth century .

  11. 早期空想社会主义者的教育思想

    Educational thought of early utopian socialist

  12. 中国现代化模式经过了从苏联模式到“左”倾空想社会主义模式再到“中国式现代化”模式的三次选择。

    Chinese modernization has undergone three selections of model , which are selection of the model of U.S.S.

  13. 空想社会主义人口论

    Utopian socialistic population theory

  14. 英国是世界上第一个工业化国家,也是空想社会主义的发祥地。

    Britain is the first industrialized country in the world , and also the birthplace of Utopian socialism .

  15. 19世纪初的空想社会主义最早提出了和谐社会的理论,并最早进行了和谐社会的实践。

    The fantasy socialism of the 19th century proposed the theory of harmonious society and practiced it earliest .

  16. 德国古典哲学家与空想社会主义者对和谐社会思想的发展作出了巨大的贡献。

    German classical philosopher and utopian socialists made a great contribution to the development of a harmonious society thought .

  17. 空想社会主义作为超越资本主义社会的最初理论形式,在社会主义学说史上具有重要的贡献。

    As the initial theoretic form to transcend capitalism , utopian socialism contributes a lot in the history of socialist theory .

  18. 19世纪空想社会主义者的未来社会构建模式中,和谐社会成为了一个共同的价值追求。

    In the 19th century , harmonious society had become a common value that utopian socialists seeked in their future model of society .

  19. 对于同源性的空想社会主义,研究这一时期的核心价值,其理论和现实意义是十分明显的。

    For the utopian socialism of homology , study the core values of this period , its theoretical and realistic significance is obvious .

  20. 对于社会主义核心价值的理论溯源必须认识到空想社会主义核心价值在理论源头上对于社会主义核心价值的影响。

    For socialist core value traceability must be aware of the theory of utopian socialism core value in the theory source for socialist core values .

  21. 英国空想社会主义的社会建设思想是英国思想家们在批判资本主义社会弊端的基础上,为解决资本主义引发的问题而提出的社会主义理想。

    British Utopian Socialists created much social construction thought when developing Utopian Socialism based on criticizing to capitalism and exploring how to solve problems caused by capitalism .

  22. 科学社会主义与空想社会主义的区别在于前者揭示历史发展规律,而不是对未来社会的描绘;

    The difference between scientific socialism and conceit socialism is that the former exposes the law of historical development , instead of the description of future society .

  23. 国外的社会主义思想经历了从空想社会主义到科学社会主义的发展;本民族的社会主义思想经历了从古典空想社会主义到近代空想社会主义的发展。

    Foreign socialist ideas went from Utopian socialism to scientific socialism , whereas national socialist ideas experienced the development from classical Utopian socialism to modern Utopian socialism .

  24. 其中客观条件主要包括欧洲启蒙运动批判传统和空想社会主义批判精神的影响、德国古典哲学批判思想的影响及青年黑格尔派批判理论的影响。

    The objective condition includes European enlightenment criticizing traditions , the Utopian socialism critical spirit , German classical philosophy critical spirit , and Youth Hegelians critical spirit .

  25. 马克思、恩格斯在对空想社会主义合作思想中关于农业合作社相关理论批判继承的基础上,创立了唯物主义的农业合作思想。

    On the basis of critically inheriting Utopian Socialism Thoughts about the Agricultural Cooperative Ideology , Marx and Engels founded the Dialectical Materialist theory of Agricultural Cooperative Ideology .

  26. 罗伯特•欧文不仅作为19世纪最伟大的空想社会主义者之一,而且被誉为“人事管理之父”。

    Robert Owen was not only one of the greatest utopian socialists in the19th century , but also was considered to be " the father of personnel management " .

  27. 一方面,继承了空想社会主义者对资本主义制度无情批判的精神,同时克服了空想社会主义者抽象理性思维的缺陷。

    On the one hand , Marx inherited the ruthless critical spirit by utopian socialists against capitalist system and overcame the shortcomings of the abstract rational thinking of utopian socialists .

  28. 由于历史局限和理论缺欠,三大空想社会主义者的和谐社会思想中存在着消解自身批判精神和否定个人自由的因素。

    Owing to its historical limitation and theoretical deficiency , there exist some factors that dispel self-critical spirit and negate individual liberty in the harmonious society thought of Utopian socialist .

  29. 追寻马克思伦理批判的时代背景和思想渊源,当时他受到了德国古典哲学、空想社会主义和古典政治经济学的影响。

    Search for the historical background and ideological origins in the critique of Marxist ethics , he was influenced by German classical philosophy , Utopian socialism and classical political economy .

  30. 在总结和吸取前人特别是空想社会主义者公平思想的基础上,马克思主义的创始人马克思恩格斯提出了自己的公平理论和公平保障设想。

    Based on the summarizing and absorbing the thought of predecessor , in particular utopian socialist , Marx and Engels put forward their own theory of fairness and the fair safeguard .