
  • 网络pan-politicization;Pan-politicalization;politicized;pan-political
  1. 对罪犯的改造状况进行科学的评估,必须走出监狱机关泛政治化的窠臼,必须摆脱传统的评价罪犯改造质量的经验型、主观性和理想化的模式。

    To the transformation of criminals scientific assessment of the situation , we must get out of prison authorities " excessively politicized " nest condition , move away from traditional criminals to transform the quality of the experience-based evaluation , subjective and idealistic model .

  2. 中国传统文化最主要的特征就是泛政治化。

    The extending politics is chief feature of Chinese traditional civilization .

  3. 无直接利益冲突处置泛政治化的因素

    On the political factors of coping with " conflicts without direct interests "

  4. 调适法学研究的学术性与政治性&去泛政治化视角的分析

    Coordinating the Academic and Political Aspects of Legal Studies

  5. 泛政治化思维与职能分化思维是影响我国当代行政的两种主要行政思维方式。

    The extensive political thinking & functional divided thinking are the main administrative thinkings that influence our modern administration .

  6. 我国现阶段的信仰教育却更多的停留在泛政治化、泛道德教育化的模式当中。

    The present stage of faith education stays on a mode which seems more like political education and moral education .

  7. 在课程的价值导向上,逐渐摆脱泛政治化,从关注个体政治品质到引导儿童过有道德的生活;

    Firstly , the value guidance of the curriculum has changed from attention individual politics quality to guiding children living morally .

  8. 然而近年来,司法的泛政治化似乎又有所抬头,甚至得到了高层的肯定。

    However , in recent years , the administration of justice begins to rise again , and even get a high-level recognition .

  9. 中国社会系统结构的分化是一个从泛政治化的单轨运行向去政治化的多轨运行转化的过程。

    This paper holds that the structural differentiation in system of china 's society is a transformation carried out from the mono-way of pan-politicized system to the multi-way de-politicized one .

  10. 他是日本霸权文化对殖民地台湾的施虐者,同时也是文学泛政治化的受害者与牺牲品。

    On behalf of the supremacy from Japan , he is a criminal who did harm to the Taiwanese culture , meanwhile , he also became the victim of Political Literature .

  11. 历史传统、社会习俗、官本位观念、体制制约、功利主义、名牌效应等方面的因素,都有可能引发学术泛政治化现象。

    The politicalization of the academic journals can be caused by the following factors : historical traditions , social conventions , authorities-based , binding systems , utilitarianism , and domino offect of name brand .

  12. 传统行政文化对现代行政产生影响的因素主要有:伦理性、封闭性和排他性、形式主义、官本位意识、人治思想、全能性、民本思想和泛政治化等行政文化。

    The factors of the Influence of Traditional administration Culture to Modern Administration include Ethicality , closeness and exclusiveness , Formalism , Officialdom standard consciousness , Rule by people thought , Humanistic Thought and so on .

  13. 中国自古就是一个隐公而不隐私的社会,私文化、个人文化及权利文化的匮乏、泛政治化观念的扩张及社会结构的强烈地域性均为其原因。

    China has always been a hidden public and not private social , regional expansion and the social structure of culture , cultural and personal private rights culture , lack of extensive political ideas are the reason .

  14. 影响我国中学德育管理新体制建立与完善的原因是:德育的泛政治化倾向、学校德育内容不稳定,缺乏整体系统规划、上级领导部门的微观化管理。

    The reason why the new management system of middle schools moral education can not be set up is the political inclination of moral education , the unsteady moral contents and the micro management from the higher department .