
jiē jí yì shí
  • class consciousness
  1. E·P·汤普森阶级意识理论评述

    Comments On Thompson 's Theory of Class Consciousness

  2. 论卢卡奇《历史与阶级意识》中的辩证法特点

    On the Dialectical Characteristics in Lukas ' History and Class Consciousness

  3. 19世纪的英国是个阶级意识强烈的社会。

    Nineteenth-century Britain was a class-conscious society .

  4. 同样,企业策略专家尤安森普尔(EuanSemple)也怀疑,像英国这种阶级意识分明的国家,是否会接受一个让蓝领和白领交流的职业社交网站。

    Equally , Euan Semple , a business strategist , wonders if a class-conscious country like the UK will adapt to a career networking site that mixes blue - and white-collar workers .

  5. 一种权威意识的引退&评新时期小说创作中阶级意识的消解

    On the dispelling of class awareness in novels of modern times

  6. 当代中国产业工人的阶级意识问题研究

    Discussion of Chinese Industrial Workers ' class Consciousness of the Present Age

  7. 历史辩证法:《历史和阶级意识》的主题

    Historic Dialectics : the Theme of History and Class Consciousness

  8. “现在已经转入《阶级意识发凡》。”

    But now it 's switched over to Elementary Class Consciousness . "

  9. 物化是《历史与阶级意识》中的一个重要概念。

    " Reification " is an important concept in History and Class Consciousness .

  10. 中国与韩国社会阶级意识的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Class Consciousness in Societies between China and South Korea

  11. 与其说美国人有阶级意识,不如说他们有种族意识

    Americans are far more race-conscious than they are class-conscious

  12. 资本主义需要更多的消费者,而不是有阶级意识的工人和农民。

    Capitalism needs more consumers rather than workers or farmers with class consciousness .

  13. 社会冲突与阶级意识当代中国社会矛盾研究

    Social Conflict and Class Consciousness : A Research on Contradictions in China Today

  14. 卢卡奇的存在论视域及其批判&《历史与阶级意识》的黑格尔主义定向

    On Luk á cs ' History and Class Consciousness

  15. 要对农民工进行工人阶级意识教育

    Reinforcement on the Education of the Working Class Consciousness Towards the Peasant Workers

  16. 有时,这种年辈意识比阶级意识更鲜明。

    At times this kind of generation consciousness is even sharper than class consciousness .

  17. 这一比较有助于更好地理解汤普森的阶级意识理论。

    This comparison is conducive to better understanding of Thompson , s class consciousness theory .

  18. 他认为,实践的问题说到底也就是阶级意识问题。

    He thought that in the final analysis , the practice was the proletarian consciousness .

  19. 这将会培养出一种阶级意识。

    It will breed a class consciousness .

  20. 阶级意识(理论),既是一种观念,更是一种观察分析社会的方法。

    Class consciousness is both a notion and a method to observe and analyze the society .

  21. 从《神食》看赫·乔·威尔斯的阶级意识

    On the Class Awareness of H. G. Wells as Reflected in The Food of the Gods

  22. 对文学阶级意识的强调;

    Stressing literary class awareness ;

  23. 二是社会阶级意识的觉醒及其与人性、个性意识的对立;

    The second stage of awakening of social class consciousness and conflicts between humanity and individual consciousness ;

  24. 调查数据验证,现实中的中国产业工人已经逐步形成这种新型的社会主义市场经济产业工人阶级意识。

    The data of investigation reveals that industrial workers have formed the new class consciousness step by step .

  25. 即使如此,它完全没有同类英国幽默中暗含的那种阶级意识。

    Even so , it was free from the class-consciousness implicit in British humour of the same sort .

  26. 阶级意识、爱国主义在茅盾的道德、价值观中占据主导地位。

    Class-consciousness , nationalism and patriotism played a leading role in Mao Dun 's moral and ethical views .

  27. 劳动实践是存在总体的核心范畴,阶级意识是社会存在的产物。

    Labour practice was the core category of existent ensemble . Class consciousness was the product of social being .

  28. 清醒的阶级意识、叙写重大历史事件、表现工农生活是其突出特征。

    They had clear class consciousness , described significant historical events , and presented lives of workers and peasants .

  29. 异化不仅存在于经济领域中,还深入到人的意识中,物化的解决有赖于阶级意识。

    It exists not only in economical field , but also in human consciousness . Its solution depends on class consciousness .

  30. 卢卡奇在《历史与阶级意识》中赋予总体性范畴三种内涵:首先是作为认识方法的辩证的总体;

    Lukach'cs gave general category three connotations in History and Class Consciousness : totality of dialectics as a method of knowledge ;