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  1. 本文在重点介绍了柳珊瑚种群遗传多样性和柳珊瑚种上阶元系统发育学两方面的研究进展和所取得研究成果的同时,也讨论了珊瑚虫纲的系统发生关系。

    This paper not only gives the progress and findings in the researches on genetic diversity and phylogeny of gorgonian , but also a simple discussion of the phylogenetic relationship of anthozoa .

  2. 植物DNA序列由于进化速率上的差异而适用于不同分类阶元的系统发育研究,因此,针对某一特定的系统学问题选择相应合适的分子片段是分子系统学研究中最为关键的一步。

    DNA sequences , because of their disparity in the rate of evolution , are suitable for phylogenetic study at different taxonomic levels . It is , therefore , the most significant process to select an appropriate DNA region to address a certain phylogenetic issues .

  3. 其研究的内容涉及目间、科间等高级阶元的系统发生关系,以及属间、种间以及亚种或种群间的系统发生关系。

    Phylogenetic relationships among higher categories ( orders and families ) and among genera , species , and subspecies or populations were involved in these studies .

  4. 十足目动物线粒体基因排列顺序的比较研究显示,在绒螯蟹中发现的4基因块的重排,对十足目高级阶元的系统发生研究是有用的信息。

    Comparisons of mitochondrial gene arrangements of decapod suggested that rearrangement of the four gene-block found in Eriocheir is informative for high level phylogenetic study of decapod .

  5. 提示BDNF基因可以应用到目及目以下分类阶元间的系统发生研究中。

    This suggests BDNF an appropriate candidate in the phylogenetic reconstruction at order or lower level .

  6. 迄今,蝗科内各分类阶元之间的系统发生关系大部分是未知的。

    The phylogenetic relationships among all taxa within the Acrididae ( Orthoptera : Acridoidea ) were largely unknown until now .

  7. 主非编码区在单殖吸虫不同亚纲之间具有各自的特点,主要表现在重复序列的大小和重复次数的差异,推测其可用于推断高级阶元类群间的系统发育关系。

    Major non-coding regions ( MNRs ) had different characteristics among different subclasses of Monogenea . The size and repetitive frequency of repeat units was the main difference , which might be used to infer phylogenetic relationship of high taxonomic groups .

  8. 本文系统综述了两者在不同分类水平(高级阶元、低级阶元)上的系统发育关系研究。

    In this article we reviewed the advances in phylogenetic relationships between aphids and Buchnera at different taxonomic levels ( from higher to lower ) .