
  • 网络Chemical Nomenclature;Méthode de nomenclature chimique;Methode deNomenclature chimique;Methode de nomenclature chimque
  1. 论化学命名法和化学符号的历史演变

    A Brief Discussion about the Functions of Chemical Nomenclature and Chemical Symbolism

  2. 《中华本草》化学成分命名法

    Nomenclature of Chemical Components in Chinese Materia Medica

  3. 这四个元素由位于美国的国际纯粹与应用化学联合会于12月30日证实,这个世界性的组织负责着化学界的命名法、术语和测量。

    The four were verified on 30 December by the US-based International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry , the global organisation that governs chemical nomenclature , terminology and measurement .