
huà xué shì jì
  • chemical agent;chemical reagent
  1. 氢酿AR由上海凌峰化学试剂有限公司提供,灭菌双蒸水配制成原溶液。

    Hydroquinone AR from shanghai LingFeng chemical agent Ltd , prepare solution with distilled water .

  2. 应用Excel软件制作石化环境监测质量控制校准曲线,可节省大量的时间和化学试剂,提高工作效率。

    To make a calibration curve of petrochemical environment monitoring and quality control by Excel can save time and chemical agent and improve work efficiency .

  3. NET技术开发出的C/S模式下的化学试剂管理系统的功能进行了详释。

    NET technology under Client / Server mode .

  4. X射线粉末衍射法鉴定无标签化学试剂

    Identification of unknown solid chemical reagents by X-ray powder diffraction

  5. DNA合成用化学试剂的研究(Ⅲ)&DMAP的合成和应用

    Research on chemical reagents for syntheses of DNA fragments (ⅲ) Preparation and application of DMAP

  6. “GB/T17521-1998化学试剂N,N-二甲基甲酰胺”

    " Chemical reagent N , N-Dimethylformamide "

  7. GB/T604-1988化学试剂酸碱指示剂pH变色域测定通用方法

    Chemical reagent & General method for the determination of pH ranges corresponding the colour transition of acid-base indicators

  8. DC行业顺位前3位的是化工原料、染料涂料和化学试剂助剂;

    Top 3 industries were chemical raw material , dye and paint , and chemical reagent and auxiliary .

  9. 蛋白质随着PH值不同携带不同电荷,但当某些化学试剂存在时会带负电荷。

    Proteins carry a charge that changes with pH , but becomes negative in the presence of certain chemical detergents .

  10. XRD分析没有检测到诸如残余化学试剂和氧化物之类的杂质。

    No impurities , such as residual chemical agents and oxides were detected by XRD analysis .

  11. 利用结晶物质在一定温度下熔融的特性,通过对四种化学试剂进行熔点测定。选出试剂A和试剂B作为干热灭菌温度指示剂和参考指示剂。

    Reagent A and reagent B were selected as temperature indicators for heat drying sterilization by measuring the melting points of four crystal chemical reagents .

  12. 明胶,CP级,上海化学试剂分装厂;

    Gelatin ( CP grade ) was produced by Shanghai Chemical Dispensing Factory ;

  13. 温度和pH的轻微变化,金属离子及化学试剂的存在均会显著影响rLADI的催化能力。

    Slight changes of temperature and pH , or presence of metal ions and reagents showed strong influences on its catalytic ability .

  14. 能够对DNA或RNA进行序列特异性切割的化学试剂,是一类非酶裂解新工具,被称为化学核酸酶或人工核酸酶。

    Chemical nuclease or artificial nuclease is a novel cleavage tool , which can cleave the DNA or RNA sequence specifically .

  15. 对涂膜的基本性能、热失质量(TG)和耐化学试剂性能进行了测试,结果表明该涂料性能优异。

    The test results of TG and chemical resistance indicated the good performance of the coatings .

  16. 系统地研究了制备活性碳纤维的KOH化学试剂活化方法,并用碘值、苯值测定了活性碳纤维的吸附性能。

    In the paper , the KOH activation method of ACF is studied systematically .

  17. pro,平均收率为34.41万U/kg红细胞,并且主要化学试剂成本降低93.0%。

    Pro , average output was 34.41 × 104U / kg red cell , the main cost of reagent was decreased 93.0 % .

  18. 对大豆进行湿热、不同的pH值溶液及化学试剂处理,采用分光光度计测定处理后的大豆中脂肪氧化酶(Lox)的活性。

    After soybean was humidified heated , treated by acid or base or other chemical reagents , the lox activity was detected by spectrophotometer .

  19. 作为一种低毒性和有多种反应活性的化学试剂,碳酸二甲酯(dimethylcarbonate简称DMC)的合成与应用近年来受到广泛的重视。

    Much attention has been paid to the synthesis and application of dimethyl carbonate ( DMC ) because of its low toxicity and versatile chemical activity .

  20. Outlast腈纶纤维的耐化学试剂性研究

    Research of Outlast Acrylic Fibre Chemical Reagent Resistance

  21. 化学试剂10%福尔马林、苏木素、伊红、EDTA、苯酚、氯仿、2%SDS对PCR存在抑制作用,而95%乙醇、Tri5.HCI、二甲苯在上述浓度范围内时对PCR影响不大。

    10 % formalin , hematoxylin , eosin , EDTA , phenol , chloroform , 2 % SDS have effects of inhibition on PCR , but 95 % ethanol , Tris .

  22. 分别考察了pH、温度、金属离子、化学试剂对重组ADI活性的影响,同时考察了它的温度稳定性,测定了酶动力学参数。

    The effects of pH , temperature , metal ions and chemicals on the activity of recombinant ADI were investigated , as well as its thermostability and kinetic parameters measurement .

  23. 采用化学试剂配成不同MgO含量的原料,高温烧结,制成试样,对其进行观察,分析MgO成份对烧结矿矿相组成的影响。

    The purpose of the experiment was to analyze the effect of Magnesia on composition of the sinter mineral phase , when the content of MgO was different .

  24. 利用铁的新指示反应测定化学试剂中的超痕量铁&酸性铬蓝K-H2O2体系

    Determination of ultra trace amounts of iron in chemical reagents with a new indicator reaction & System of hydrogen peroxide-acid chrome blue K

  25. 利用紫外吸收光谱法直接测定COD是一种不用化学试剂、对样品无须加热消解、快速、简洁、无二次污染的绿色技术。

    Determination of COD by UV absorption spectrum is a quick and simple analytical technique , which has the ( advantages ) of no reagent application , no digestion , and no secondary pollution .

  26. 根据湘潭钢铁公司的冶炼条件,以现场渣为基料,添加化学试剂,配制成高Al2O3渣系。

    Based on metallurgical condition of Xiangtan Iron and Steel Corp , the authors have prepared high Al_2O_3 dreg series by adding chemical agents into basic material made of slags found in the company .

  27. 机械振荡和化学试剂分散振荡两种处理后的团聚体分布和平均重量直径(MWD)均具有显著差异,化学分散剂加剧了机械振荡的破坏作用。

    The particle size distribution ( PSD ) and mean weight distribution ( MWD ) after mechanical shaking treatment and chemistry dispersion treatment , were significantly different .

  28. 研究探索用美国KRUEGER实验室分析检测嗜酸耐热菌方法,探讨了不同厂家的化学试剂对检测结果的影响。

    How the reagents from different makers affected the test results of thermophilic acidophilic bacteria in a US Krueger Laboratory was investigated .

  29. 运用差速离心法和化学试剂逐步提取法分析了Cu在鸭跖草Commelinacommunis根、茎、叶的亚细胞分布及贮存形态。

    The differential centrifugation technique and sequential chemical extraction method were used to study the subcellular distribution and the chemical forms of Cu in the roots , leaves and stems of Commelina communis .

  30. RFC-30免化学试剂控制器的性能特点及其维护

    The functional characteristics and maintenance of RFC-30 reagent free controller