
é luó sī zú
  • Russian ethnic minority in China;Russians
  1. 论新疆俄罗斯族传统文化的保护与转型

    Discussion about Protection and Transition of Xinjiang ' Russians Traditional Culture

  2. 南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹俄罗斯族人口密集,却抵抗格鲁吉亚的同化。

    South Ossetia and Abkhazia are heavily d by ethnic Russians and have resisted with Georgia .

  3. 运用Heath-Carter法对俄罗斯族体型的研究

    Study on Somatotypes of Russ Nationality by Heath-Carter Anthropometric Method

  4. 俄罗斯族中大部分人信仰东正教。

    Most believers amongst the Russian minority are Eastern Orthodox .

  5. 内蒙古额尔古纳市恩和屯俄罗斯族衣食住行变迁的研究

    Ergun City , Inner Mongolia and Tuen Russian TU Change Research Map

  6. 第四章从物质文化和精神文化两个方面论述了俄罗斯族生活方式的变迁。

    The forth chapter discusses the change of life style from four aspects .

  7. 健康、绿色营养和快捷是恩和屯俄罗斯族饮食发展趋势。

    The health , the green nutrition and shortcut are diet trend of Enhe Russia national minority .

  8. 农牧业体制的变革是俄罗斯族生产方式变迁的重要因素。这一变迁过程伴随着农作物改良、畜禽结构与牧养方式的变化、农牧机具的改进等问题。

    The change of agricultural and pastoral system plays a very important role in the cultural change .

  9. 目前,恩和屯俄罗斯族服饰呈现轻便型和时尚型发展趋势。

    At present , the cloth of Enhe Russia national minority has a convenient and vogue type as development trend .

  10. 鄂伦春、鄂温克、赫哲与俄罗斯族是东北、内蒙古地区人口较少的民族。

    The Oroqen , Ewenki , Hezhen and Russian nationalities are nationalities with less population in the Northeast and Inner Mongolia .

  11. 本文以翔实的第一手资料,比较全面、真实地记录了俄罗斯族的传统葬俗及其细微变化。

    Based on a lot of first-hand materials , this article deals with the Russian traditional funeral customs and their changes .

  12. 俄罗斯族作为一个特殊的外来移民群体,是兼具汉俄双重文化背景的边缘族群。

    As a special and foreign immigrant community , Russia nation is the edge ethnicity , which has both china and Russia dual cultural background .

  13. 俄罗斯移民音乐文化自18世纪开始至今发展约有200多年的历史,俄罗斯移民逐渐在中国形成俄罗斯族这一少数民族。

    Russian immigrants since the 18th century musical culture has developed about 200 years of history , Russian immigrants gradually formed in China , " Russian nation ," the minority .

  14. 格鲁吉亚的南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹两个地区同俄罗斯接壤,有大量的俄罗斯族人口。自从1991年格鲁吉亚这个前苏联加盟共和国宣布独立以来,南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹一直在抗拒格鲁吉亚中央政府的权威。

    The two Georgian regions , both of which border Russia and have large ethnic-Russian populations , have resisted central Georgian authority since the former Soviet republic became independent in 1991 .

  15. 这些俄罗斯人绝对数量不多,仅占新疆总人口的一小部分,但他们积极地融入近代新疆的社会生活,最终形成新疆的俄罗斯族。

    The population was not very large , only occupying a small proportion of Xinjiang total population , but they positively entered the social life of Xinjiang and eventually fonned the nationality of Russian .

  16. 克里米兰岛200万居民中有大部分是俄罗斯族,在苏联时期俄罗斯曾经将该岛作为海军基地出租,该租约将于2017年到期。乌克兰表示,该租约不会续签。

    A majority of Crimea 's two million residents are ethnic Russians , and Russia has a lease on the Soviet era naval base at Sevastapol which expires in 2017 , and which Ukraine says will not be renewed .

  17. 俄罗斯族在中国是一个人口较少民族,主要聚居于新疆和内蒙古自治区,其中内蒙古自治区额尔古纳市室韦俄罗斯民族乡是我国唯一的俄罗斯民族乡,是俄罗斯族居民生活的典型地区之一。

    The Russians nationality has a little population in China , and they mainly inhabit Sinkiang and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region . And Shi-wei County , Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is the only Russians nationality Autonomous country being the one of the representative areas which the Russians nationality reside .