
  • 网络Osu;The Ohio State University;ohio state;Ohio State University at Columbus
  1. 俄亥俄州立大学的科学家发现,人们能够根据脸色的变化来判断他人的情绪。

    Scientists from the Ohio State University have found that people are able to tell other people 's emotions according to changes in the color of their faces .

  2. Michael拥有俄亥俄州立大学的软件工程学位。

    Michael has a Software Engineering degree from the Ohio State University .

  3. 那篇文章发表后,俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)的研究人员发布了一项调查的详细结果。

    Since it appeared , details have been published of a study by researchers at Ohio State University .

  4. n.毕业生我的儿子和女儿都是俄亥俄州立大学的毕业生。

    alumni My son and my daughter are both alumni of Ohio State University .

  5. 他说:当我攻读完(俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)金融学)博士学位的时候,我就收到了香港中文大学的邀请,但我留在了美国。

    When I finished my PhD [ in finance at Ohio State University ] I had an offer from CUHK but stayed in the US , he says .

  6. 俄亥俄州立大学的LaraMcKenzie是首席研究员。

    Lara McKenzie from Ohio State University was the lead researcher .

  7. 俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)最近的一项调查显示,在2005年至2010年间,美国急诊室内接收的因行走时使用手机而受伤的病例数量增长了一倍,达1500例。

    The number of U.S. emergency-room visits linked to phone use on the move doubled to as many as 1 , 500 between 2005 and 2010 , an Ohio State University study recently showed .

  8. 俄亥俄州立大学公共卫生学院的副教授ElizabethKlein是该研究的首席作者。

    Elizabeth Klein , an assistant professor at the College of Public Health at Ohio State University , was the lead author .

  9. 1994年春季的一个早晨,俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)的心理学家约翰•卡乔波(JohnCacioppo)起身推开座椅,独自到校园里散步。

    One morning in the spring of 1994 , John Cacioppo , a psychologist at Ohio State University , pushed back his chair and set off for a solitary walk around campus .

  10. 俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)校长E·戈登·吉(E.GordonGee)于2013年卸任,任内最后一年他的薪俸超过了600万美元,当时媒体广为报道。

    For E. Gordon Gee 's final year as the president of Ohio State University , which he left in 2013 , he got a package of more than $ 6 million , as was widely reported .

  11. 俄亥俄州立大学的研究报告表明,按照美国大学的评分方法,与从不使用该网站的学生相比,使用Facebook的学生平均分“低得多”。

    The Ohio report shows that students who used Facebook had a " significantly " lower grade point average - the marking system used in US universities - than those who did not use the site .

  12. 同时,俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)社会学家雷切尔德怀尔(RachelDwyer)表示,大多数新创造的就业岗位都集中在最顶端和最底层,中间的职位较少。

    At the same time , says Rachel Dwyer , a sociologist at Ohio State University , most job creation has been at the top and bottom of the scale , with fewer jobs in the middle .

  13. 俄亥俄州立大学研究人际交流的助理教授杰西•福克斯(JesseFox)表示,对于那些本就更可能突破正常行为的界限的人来说,自拍往往更有吸引力。

    Selfies tend to attract a type of person already more likely to push the boundaries of normal behaviour , says Jesse Fox , an assistant professor of communications at Ohio State University .

  14. “换句话说,想到性也不是什么大不了的事,”俄亥俄州立大学心理学家、研究员TerriFisher说道。

    " In other words , there was nothing special about sexual thoughts ," said study researcher Terri Fisher , a psychologist at The Ohio State University .

  15. 俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)和密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)的研究员所做的这项研究表明,这种被称为“自我疏离”(self-distancing)的方法有助于将人们在被激怒时的愤怒和攻击性降到最低。

    The study , from researchers at The Ohio State University and the University of Michigan , shows that this strategy , called ' self-distancing , ' can help minimize how angry and aggressive people become when someone aggravates them .

  16. 俄亥俄州立大学的官员表示,到目前为止,讲授IFRS的新课程受到了学生的欢迎,某些情况下甚至出现超额选课现象。

    So far , the new courses that teach IFRS are popular among students , and in some cases are oversubscribed , according to officials at Ohio State .

  17. 新的指南能使更多的人去做CPR,俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校助教Sayre说。

    The new guidelines may inspire more people to perform CPR , says Sayre , an associate professor of emergency medicine at Ohio State University , Columbus .

  18. 第二章,选取了NASD的资深机构会员之一&美国俄亥俄州立大学舞蹈系为个案进行研究。

    The second part of this article focuses on the case study of the department of dance of Ohio state university .

  19. 为了消除人种差异给IQ测试带来的影响,来自俄亥俄州立大学的杰伊·扎葛斯基剔除了所有非洲裔和西班牙裔美国人的样本,只留下了10878个纯种白人女性的样本。

    To eliminate any bias in the IQ tests caused by ethnic and racial differences , Jay Zagorsky from Ohio State University dropped all African Americans and Hispanics from the analysis , reducing the sample size to 10878 white , females .

  20. 好消息:俄亥俄州立大学的研究人员最近发现,从Hass鳄梨中淬取的植物化学物质,能杀死口腔癌细胞或阻止其生长。

    The good news : Researchers at Ohio State University recently found that phytochemicals extracted from Hass avocados could kill or stop the growth of oral cancer cells .

  21. 俄亥俄州立大学传播学和心理学教授、该研究报告作者之一布什曼(BradJ.Bushman)说,人们不会自然地进行自我疏离;当他们生气时,会很自然地沉迷于自己的情绪当中。

    ' People don 't self-distance naturally ; when they become angry , they naturally ruminate on it , ' says Brad J. Bushman , a professor of communication and psychology at Ohio State and one of the study 's co-authors .

  22. ShaynePiasta是俄亥俄州立大学教学助理教授,也是这篇研究的作者。

    Shayne Piasta , an assistant professor of teaching and learning at Ohio State University , was an author of the study .

  23. 俄亥俄州立大学的BradBushman博士认为,饥饿和愤怒之间是否有联系是值得去研究的,对饥饿感更深层的了解也许能够帮到肥胖症患者。

    Dr. Brad Bushman at Ohio State University thinks it may be worth investigating if there is a link between hanger and violence , a better understanding of hanger may also help people struggling with obesity .

  24. 美国俄亥俄州立大学社会学副教授、克丽丝蒂?威廉姆斯(KristiWilliams)博士说,和其他的结婚人群不同,贫困的未婚妈妈不会从结婚中受益。

    The reason , said Kristi Williams , Ph.D. , an associate professor of sociology at The Ohio State University , is that marriage fails to provide the same benefits to poor , single mothers as it does for others .

  25. 俄亥俄州立大学纽瓦克分校心理学荣誉退休教授萨拉•斯塔茨(SaraStaats)在2009年主持的一项研究发现,具有英雄主义倾向的人与他人有较高程度的情感共鸣,即对他人的关爱或担心。

    Empathy , or care or concern for others , runs high in people with heroic tendencies , according to a 2009 study led by Sara Staats , a professor emeritus of psychology at Ohio State University in Newark .

  26. 俄亥俄州立大学医学院采取的是一个统一课程的教学模式。

    Ohio State 's College of Medicine uses an integrated curriculum .

  27. 我在俄亥俄州立大学攻读第一个学位。

    I did my first degree at the University of ohio .

  28. 黄伟,清华大学和美国俄亥俄州立大学,教授。

    Emmanuel Monod , PhD , HDR Associate Professor , Paris Dauphine University .

  29. 进入俄亥俄州立大学之后,他创造了更多的田径记录。

    He shattered more track and field records while attending Ohio State University .

  30. 最近,他向俄亥俄州立大学大约3.5万名学生发表了讲话。

    Recently he spoke to about thirty-five thousand people at Ohio State University .