
  • 网络Virginia Tech;virginia tech university;Virginia Polytechnic Institute;Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  1. 用她的话说,她想以后去弗吉尼亚理工大学攻读家禽科学专业。

    In her words , she wants to go to Virginia Tech for poultry sciences in the future .

  2. 其中包括中午在弗吉尼亚理工大学校园里的一个默哀仪式。

    It included a moment of silence on the Virginia Tech campus at noon .

  3. 在弗吉尼亚理工大学(VirginiaTech)校园惨案中确认为学生的16名受害者中,每个人仍然还有一个facebook主页。

    Of the 16 victims of the Virginia Tech massacre identified as undergraduates , each still has a facebook profile .

  4. 2007年弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案致32人身亡,2012年康涅狄格州纽敦桑迪·胡克小学(SandyHookElementarySchool)枪击案致26人死亡。

    The 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech killed 32 people , while 26 people were killed in the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown , Conn.

  5. 斯蒂芬•斯克里帕克(StephenSkripak)喜欢告诉弗吉尼亚理工大学(VirginiaTech)的潜在学员,在20世纪80年代末,作为通用电气(GeneralElectric)的一名年轻主管,他是如何一边工作一边取得普渡大学(PurdueUniversity)的MBA学位的。

    Stephen Skripak likes to tell prospective students at Virginia Tech about how he earned his MBA at Purdue University in the late 1980s while working as a young executive at General Electric .

  6. 布莱恩·刘易斯(BryanLewis)是一名流行病学家,供职于弗吉尼亚理工大学(VirginiaTech)弗吉尼亚生物信息学研究所(VirginiaBioinformaticsInstitute),他认为这些估计是合理的,相对于其他模型得出的估计数目而言,甚至有点偏低。

    Bryan Lewis , an epidemiologist at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech , agreed that the estimates were reasonable , perhaps even a bit low compared with those generated by other models .

  7. 三维成像设备方面,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学生物医学成像实验室的学者们展开了深入研究并提出了结合Micro-CT的设备原型,而国内相关方面的研究还处于起步阶段。

    Scholars in Biomedical Imaging Division of Virginia Polytechnic University of United States have expanded in-depth study of three-dimensional imaging device and proposed a prototype system combined with Micro-CT .

  8. 在过去的3到4年间,弗吉尼亚理工大学注意到申请全日制MBA项目的学生人数下降,而申请兼职项目的人数上升,因此学校在去年决定只提供在职教育项目,包括EMBA、晚间班和周末班。

    Virginia Tech made the decision to go all part-time - offering executive , evening and weekend programmes - last year after watching its full-time MBA applications drop and part-time applications rise for the past three or four years .

  9. 弗吉尼亚理工大学会计与信息系统系副教授山姆希克斯(samhicks)表示,该校已放弃关于跨国企业会计的独立硕士课程,支持将ifrs纳入课程。

    Sam Hicks , associate professor in the Department of accounting and information systems at Virginia Tech , says his school has dropped its standalone masters-level course on multinational accounting in favour of incorporating IFRS into the curriculum .

  10. 弗吉尼亚理工大学助理教授和老鼠研究领域内的资深撰稿人安德鲁·尼尔森(AndrewNeilson)说,这些实验结果表明肠道内部的可可粉发生了一些事情,但这一结果对巧克力爱好者意味着什么尚不分明。

    What the results suggest , says Andrew Neilson , an assistant professor at Virginia Tech and the senior author of the mouse study , is that there is something going on with cocoa in the colon , but what that means for chocolate lovers is not clear .

  11. 弗吉尼亚理工大学助理教授和老鼠研究领域内的资深撰稿人安德鲁·尼尔森(AndrewNeilson)说,这些实验结果表明“肠道内部的可可粉发生了一些事情”,但这一结果对巧克力爱好者意味着什么尚不分明。

    What the results suggest , says Andrew Neilson , an assistant professor at Virginia Tech and the senior author of the mouse study , is that " there is something going on with cocoa in the colon , " but what that means for chocolate lovers is not clear .

  12. 弗吉尼亚理工大学本周余下的课程被取消了。

    Classes are cancelled the rest of the week at Virginia Tech.

  13. 曼努埃尔·佩雷斯·奎诺恩斯是弗吉尼亚理工大学计算机科学教授。

    Manuel Perez-Quinones is a computer science professor at Virginia Tech.

  14. 弗吉尼亚理工大学百分之七的学生来自世界各地。

    Seven percent of the students at Virginia Tech are international students .

  15. 沈泽,24岁,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学医学院学生

    Shen Ze , 24 , medical student at Virginia Tech , US

  16. 一名弗吉尼亚理工大学的遇难者今天被安葬在以色列。

    One of the Virginia Tech victims was buried in Israel today .

  17. 但学校官员认为隐私法阻止弗吉尼亚理工大学共享这些信息资料。

    But school officials thought privacy laws prevented sharing this information with Virginia Tech.

  18. 我在弗吉尼亚理工大学交通研究所开车进行2.2英里的测试。

    I drove the 2.2 mile test track at Virginia Tech Transportation Institute .

  19. 科隆比纳,纽镇奥罗拉的弗吉尼亚理工大学。

    Columbine , Virginia tech , Aurora , Newtown .

  20. 三年前的今天这件事发生在弗吉尼亚理工大学的校园。

    It happened on the campus of Virginia Tech University three years ago today .

  21. 一个委员会上周给它的关于弗吉尼亚理工大学4月校园枪击案的调查结果。

    A committee gave its findings last week about the Virginia Tech shootings in April .

  22. 此外,弗吉尼亚理工大学调查组讨论了他的心理健康历史。

    Among other things , the Virginia Tech Review Panel discussed his mental health history .

  23. 并非只有弗吉尼亚理工大学这么做。

    Virginia Tech is not alone .

  24. 弗吉尼亚理工大学的枪击案刚一发生,许多美国人都赶去致哀。

    Immediately after the shooting at Virginia Tech University , Americans gathered to mourn the dead .

  25. 在弗吉尼亚理工大学,那天早上二人被杀死时,急救服务部门反应迅速。

    At Virginia Tech , emergency services reacted quickly after two people were killed early that morning .

  26. 可以肯定的是,弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案是最为黑暗的一个时刻。

    And , surely , the Virginia Tech massacre is one of the darkest moments of all .

  27. 这是根据弗吉尼亚理工大学的研究人员的研究结果,睡眠不足意味着行车路上的莽撞举动。

    That 's according to researchers here at Virginia Tech. And no sleep means bad moves on the road .

  28. 4月16日,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学发生恶性校园枪击案,引起美国社会强烈震动。

    Summary : The shooting incident that occurred at Virginia Tech on April 16 shocked the entire American nation .

  29. 的确,报告显示,弗吉尼亚理工大学的枪击犯是亚洲人,但是绝大多数其他特大枪击案犯都是白人。

    Yes , reports indicate the Virginia Tech gunman was Asian ; but almost every other mass shooter has been white .

  30. 然而,在弗吉尼亚理工大学惨案发生后的几天里,汹涌的悲痛浪潮席卷了这个系统。

    In the days after the Virginia Tech massacre , however , the system was struck by enormous surges of grief .