
  • 网络Fred Goodwin;F red Good-win;Fred Good-win
  1. 在英国,就在苏格兰皇家银行前首席执行官弗雷德·古德温爵士的住宅遭到民众肆意破坏之后,预计在20国集团峰会之际还将会有遍及各地的抗议活动。

    In the UK , there are expected to be widespread protests against bankers during the G20 meeting , following the vandalism attack on Sir Fred Goodwin 's home .

  2. 最佳商人与碎纸机&记苏格兰皇家银行首席执行官弗雷德·古德温文档分割导入模块根据映射知识库的信息将文档进行有效地分割,产生相应的表中的记录;

    The Best Merchant And the Shredder The document shredder accepts as input a document and accesses the information in the mapping repository to generate the records and populate the tables in the relational schema .