
  • 网络Oregon State;oregon state university;Osu
  1. 俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员模仿此前对狗狗和婴儿的研究,对小猫咪也进行了一番研究,并得出结论:猫咪真的真的很爱主人——或者至少是把主人看做父母或“照顾者”。

    Oregon State University researchers concluded that cats really do actually love their humans — or at the very least , see them as parents or caregivers — after conducting a study on kittens , modeled after previous research on dogs and babies .

  2. PaulJepson是俄勒冈州立大学综合植物保护中心的负责人。

    Paul Jepson heads the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State University .

  3. 芭芭拉·菲克(BarbaraFick)是美国西北部的俄勒冈州立大学的一名推广员。

    Barbara Fick is an extension agent at Oregon State University in the northwestern United States .

  4. 俄勒冈州立大学研究人员LaurenceBecker表示,一些当地农民停止了耕作,导致产量下降,失业率上升。

    Researcher Laurence Becker of Oregon State University said some local farmers stopped farming . Food production fell and unemployment rose .

  5. 俄勒冈州立大学的植物学家steverenquist说,蓝莓植物可以种植在容器中,矮丛蓝莓就是一个不错的选择,该品种往往不到半米高。

    Plant expert Steve renquist at Oregon State University says blueberry plants can grow well in containers . He says dwarf varieties are a good choice . These plants are often less than half a meter tall .

  6. “这是朝着我们的目标迈出的重要一步,但是我们仍然需要一些改进。”俄勒冈州立大学的科学家、论文作者之一的FrankChaplen说。

    " This is an important step toward our goal , but we still need some improvements ," said Frank Chaplen , researcher at Oregon State University and one of the authors of the paper .

  7. 蓝莓在酸性土壤中长势最好。俄勒冈州立大学的植物学家SteveRenquist说,蓝莓可种植在盆罐里,矮丛蓝莓就是盆栽的好选择,这种蓝莓通常低于半米。

    Blueberry plants do best in soil that is . Plant expert Steve Renquist at Oregon State University says blueberry plants can grow well in containers . He says dwarf varieties are a good choice . These plants are often less than half a meter tall .

  8. 俄勒冈州立大学的讲师希琳·海拉皮特(ShireenHyrapiet)广泛地采访了这些人力车夫。她说,很多年轻移民仍然把拉人力车看作“一种提高社会地位的途径”。

    Still , says Shireen Hyrapiet , an instructor at Oregon State University who has interviewed drivers extensively , many young immigrants see pulling a rickshaw " as a means of upward social mobility . " Marnie Hanel

  9. 来自俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员调查了两百名年龄在12岁到31岁之间的男性,这些人都因为他们的破坏性行为而被归类为危险人群。

    Researchers from Oregon State University studied 200 males aged 12-31 who were classed as at risk because of their destructive behaviour .

  10. 但美国俄勒冈州立大学的安德烈亚斯-施密特纳在本周《科学》杂志上刊登的一篇报告认为,情况并非如此。

    But a paper published in this week 's Science , by Andreas Schmittner of Oregon State University , suggests it is not .

  11. 来自俄勒冈州立大学的研究人员调查了两百名年龄在12岁到31岁之间的男性,这些人都因为他们的破坏性行为而被归类为“危险人群”。

    Researchers from Oregon State University studied 200 males aged 12-31 who were classed as " at risk " because of their destructive behaviour .

  12. 俄勒冈州立大学的地质学名誉教授罗伯特·耶茨是一位国际地震专家,致力于对新西兰和美国的地震风险进行研究。

    Robert Yeats , a professor emeritus of geology at Oregon State University , who is an international earthquake expert and researcher on both New Zealand and U.

  13. 如果因特尔公司和俄勒冈州立大学不断向着第一代智能头盔的开发而努力,至少,上述自行车头盔的功能是能够实现的。

    At least that 's what they 'll do if the prototype smart helmet that Intel and Oregon State University are working on ever hits the road .

  14. 在将熊宝宝转交给俄勒冈州立大学之前,警方将暂时收留这只熊宝宝。大学会给熊宝宝找个家或是交给动物园或交给动物保护区。

    The police temporarily took the cub in until it is transferred to Oregon State University . It will eventually find a home or at a zoo or sanctuary .

  15. 俄勒冈州立大学学生和英特尔公司实习生使用嵌入式螺旋仪及两个加速计来设计头盔,使其具有检测骑车人是否受撞击的功能。

    Oregon State undergrads and Intel interns designed a helmet that uses an embedded gyroscope and two accelerometers to determine if a cyclist might have been in a crash .

  16. 同时以俄勒冈州立大学的校园规划为例研究其模式原则的理论和方法对校园规划设计方法的影响。

    At the same time the Oregon State University campus planning study its model as an example of the theoretical and methodological principles of the overall design of the campus .

  17. 所以马格努松凯西,俄勒冈州立大学教授说:“这类黄酮和其他物质可能在形成最佳形式的记忆能力方面有作用。”

    Kathy Magnusson , a professor at OSU , said : ' This flavonoid [ xanthohumol ] and others may have a function in the optimal ability to form memories . "

  18. 研究报告的作者,俄勒冈州立大学教授大卫科尔说:做父亲是一种变革性的体验,即使是对于那些总是做出高危行为的男性来说也是如此。

    Professor David Kerr , of Oregon State University and author of the study , said : Fatherhood can be a transformative experience , even for men engaging in high risk behaviour .

  19. 俄勒冈州立大学的教授认为,他们已经开始研究为什么常见于包括人类在内的大多数哺乳动物的衰老造成的记忆力减退的状况却在试验用的年老老鼠身上没有发生。

    Experts at Oregon State University ( OSU ) believe they have taken a step to understanding the degradation of memory that happens with age in many mammals , including humans , because no effect was seen in older mice used in the study .

  20. 俄勒冈州立大学公共卫生和人文科学学院的教授何艾米丽说:“我们最初的目标是想确认萝卜硫素补充剂是否有很好的耐受性,并看它是否能改变与癌症相关的表观遗传机制。”

    Emily Ho , a professor at the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences , said " our original goal was to determine if sulforaphane supplements would be well tolerated and might alter some of the epigenetic mechanisms involved in cancer . "

  21. 花椰菜和其他十字花科蔬菜含有的萝卜硫素长期以来就被证明具有防癌价值,而据俄勒冈州立大学及俄勒冈卫生与科学大学联合进行的新研究显示,萝卜硫素还能减缓癌细胞的扩散。

    While sulforaphane has long shown evidence of value in cancer prevention , researchers at Oregon State University ( OSU ) and the Oregon Health and Science University suggested in a new study that it may play a role in slowing cancer growth as well .

  22. 康涅狄格州立大学系统今年的申请学生人数预计将增加11%,俄勒冈州立大学的申请人数增加了12%,得克萨斯州立大学的申请人数也创下纪录,增幅为6%。

    The Connecticut State University System expects an 11 percent rise in applications this year , while Oregon State University 's applications have grown by 12 percent . And in a record-breaking year at the University of Texas , numbers are up 6 percent . 7 .

  23. 通过研究蚊子和扁虱的琥珀标本,来自俄勒冈州立大学的乔治皮奥纳教授表明,细菌出现之时恐龙正处于濒临灭绝的时期,他认为很有可能是一场细菌瘟疫导致了这些庞大恐龙的消失。

    From looking at mosquitoes and ticks stuck in amber , Dr. George Poinar from Oregon State University said that germs started to emerge at the same time the dinosaurs were dying out , and it 's possible the mighty dinosaurs were brought down by a microscopic plague .

  24. 俄勒冈州州立大学的LaurenceBecker表示,获得独立后,非洲国家试图帮助农民。

    Laurence Becker from Oregon State University says after ing , African nations tried to help farmers .

  25. 在上世纪70年代末,来自俄勒冈州州立大学的一个研究小组意外的发现了在太平洋海底的一个排气口周围拥有完整且兴旺的生态系统。

    In the late1970s , a team of researchers from Oregon State University unexpectedly discovered whole ecosystems thriving around a hot vent on the Pacific seafloor .

  26. 厄内斯特·维甘德是俄勒冈农业学院(今俄勒冈州立大学)的园艺学家,他致力于让本土樱桃的形状和质地在腌渍过程能够达到美国人期待的标准。

    Ernest Wiegand , a horticulturist at Oregon Agricultural College ( now Oregon State University ), focused on figuring out how best to preserve the shape and structure of local cherries to the standards Americans expected .