
  • 网络Russia;the Russian Empire
  1. 19世纪,克鲁吉亚被并入俄罗斯帝国的版图。

    Georgia was absorbed into the Russian Empire in the19th century .

  2. 1867年,约翰逊从俄罗斯帝国手中购买下了阿拉斯加。

    Johnson purchased Alaska from the Russian Empire in 1867 .

  3. 收藏俄罗斯帝国和法国的装饰艺术品。

    Collect Russia Imperial and French decorative arts .

  4. 恢复俄罗斯帝国的荣耀!

    Restore the Glory of Imperial Russia !

  5. 居里夫人在俄罗斯帝国统治下的波兰度过了艰苦的童年。

    She had a tough childhood in her native Poland , then under oppressive Russian rule .

  6. 在19世纪,俄罗斯帝国开始扩张,进入中亚。

    In the19th century , the Russian Empire began to expand , and spread into Central Asia .

  7. 虽然沙皇尼古拉二世将自己描述为热爱和平的人,但他实际上喜欢一个扩大的俄罗斯帝国。

    Although Nicholas II described himself as a man of peace , he favoured an expanded Russian Empire .

  8. 他有一颗浪漫怀旧的心,想要重返早期哥萨克人定居并保卫俄罗斯帝国边疆的生活。

    A romantic throwback to earlier generations of Cossacks who settled and secured the borders of the Russian empire .

  9. 普京的所有正确的行动都致力于成为新俄罗斯帝国的新沙皇。

    Vladimir Putin has been making all the right moves towards becoming the new Tsar of the new Russian Empire .

  10. 据说克里米亚自卫军加强了对乌克兰军队的攻击,他们认为这些人是扩张的俄罗斯帝国的叛徒。

    Crimean self-defense forces are said to be increasingly aggressive towards Ukrainians that they see as traitors to an expanded Russian empire .

  11. 在南方,有研究员斯拉夫人和东正教徒在巴尔干地区纳入大俄罗斯帝国。

    To the south , there are fellow Slavs and Orthodox Christians in the Balkans to be incorporated into a Greater Russian empire .

  12. 沙皇彼得大帝(1682-1725)将源自西方的法国规则式园林设计手法以一种巨大的尺度移植到俄罗斯帝国的大地上。

    Tsar Peter the Great ( 1682-1725 ) grafted Western methods of French formal gardens into the Russian " soil " on a huge imperial scale .

  13. 他出生时正值俄罗斯帝国的最后辉煌时期,但逝世前却是比佛利山的名流。拉赫玛尼诺夫是他所属时代最伟大的钢琴家,同时也是一位天才作曲家。

    Born during the last flowering of Imperial Russia but ending his days as a celebrity in Beverley Hills , Rachmaninov was the greatest pianist of his age and a composer of genius .

  14. 我原本期待本书更关注俄罗斯帝国覆灭与苏联势力崛起期间,俄罗斯文化与信仰所扮演的角色,因为文化与信仰是俄罗斯人的身份认同,以及他们那种弥赛亚式宿命感的核心。

    I would have wished more attention to the role of culture and religion in the fall of the Russian empire and the rise of Soviet power , given their central places in Russian identity and sense of messianic destiny .

  15. 在某些问题上,我也希望奥巴马能更加果断一些:坚决要求以色列政府履行其国际义务;或者,对于莫斯科方面重建俄罗斯帝国的努力,态度更加强硬一些。

    There are instances where I too would like Mr Obama to be more decisive : insisting that the Israeli government live up to its international obligations ; or drawing a sharper line against Moscow 's efforts to reclaim the Russian empire .

  16. 1853年俄罗斯帝国同英、法、奥斯曼帝国盟军进行了一场战争,但就是这场残酷的克里米亚战争夺去75万名士兵的生命,而且是有史以来第一次摄影师们用相片的方式告诉人们战争到底有多残酷。

    In 1853 the Russian Empire fought the allied armies of the Ottoman Empire , France and Great Britain in the short , but brutal Crimean War that claimed the lives of three quarters of a million soldiers and for the first time photographers were able to give people a glimpse of what war was like .

  17. 酒厂成立于俄罗斯帝国时代,以生产优质起泡酒为己任同受欢迎的法国香槟竞争。乌克兰曾是前苏联最大的葡萄酒供应商,但其葡萄酒产量也受到过苏联政府减少酗酒措施的重创,其中包括许多葡萄园受到破坏。

    The winery was founded during the days of the Russian empire in order to produce top-quality sparkling wine to compete with popular French Champagnes . Ukraine was the largest supplier of wines to the Soviet Union , but its wine production was hit by Soviet government efforts to reduce alcoholism , which included destruction of many vineyards .

  18. 让我们从一堂小小的历史课说起:欧洲饱经杀戮、饥荒、灾难、独裁和战争数百年,曾不断被罗马人、拜占庭人、蛮族人、撒拉逊人、奥斯曼人、俄罗斯帝国等征服和重建。

    Let 's begin with a small history lesson : Europe has been carved by centuries of blood , famine , plagues , dictatorships , and wars . It 's been conquered and rebuilt repeatedly by the Romans , the Byzantines , the Barbarians , the Saracens , the Ottomans , the Russian empire , and the list continues .

  19. 俄罗斯的帝国都城?圣彼得堡,曾是世界最美的城市之一。

    The one-time Russian Imperial capital is one of the world 's most beautiful cities .

  20. 俄罗斯大帝国在很多方面至今仍和封建时代的欧洲没有多大不同。

    The great empire of Russia is even now , in many respects , the scarcely modified image of feudal Europe .

  21. 对俄罗斯新帝国主义的谴责,有时是合情合理的,尽管如此,这种谴责总是应该有所节制,要意识到这种行为在昔日帝国都并不罕见。

    Condemnation of Russian neo-imperialism , though sometimes justified , should always be tempered by awareness that such behaviour is hardly unique among former empires .

  22. 在一战结束时,随着俄罗斯和奥匈帝国的瓦解,比萨拉比亚(今天摩尔多瓦的东部)和特兰西瓦尼在1918年与罗马尼亚王国结盟。

    At the end of the World War I , which brought the disintegration of the empires of Russia and Austria-Hungary , Bessarabia ( eastern part of today Moldova ) and Transylvania united with the Romanian kingdom in 1918 .

  23. 卢布(货币代码RUB)是俄罗斯联邦和白俄罗斯(以前是苏联和俄罗斯帝国)使用的货币。

    The ruble or rouble ( currency code RUB ) is the currency of the Russian Federation and Belarus ( and formerly , of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire ) .