
zhōnɡ huá mín ɡuó
  • Republic of China
中华民国 [zhōng huá mín guó]
  • [Republic of China] 1911年至1949年中国国家的名称

  • 真正中华民国。-- 孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略序》

  1. 中华民国时期法院组织

    Court system in the period of the Republic of China

  2. 中华民国社团的基本特征

    On the Characteristics of the Mass Organizations of the Republic of China

  3. 台湾以其正式名称中华民国成为亚洲开发银行(AsianDevelopmentBank)的创始成员。

    Taiwan became a founding member of the Asian Development Bank under its formal name , the Republic of China .

  4. 我们正在策划名叫“从颗粒到像素”(FromGraintoPixel)的中国摄影展,展览将纵览从中华民国时期的摄影到当代中国艺术家们的生动创作。

    We are curating an exhibition of Chinese photography called " From Grain to Pixel , " a survey of Chinese photography from the early days of the People 's Republic to today 's vibrant works by contemporary Chinese artists .

  5. 一架中华民国空军的T-34教练机五月二十九日停在屏东县的一个河床上。

    An ROC Air Force T-34 training aircraft lies on a dry riverbed in Pingtung County , May29 .

  6. 中华民国时期的广东美术

    Guangdong Art in the Period of the Republic of China

  7. 近年来中华民国史研究述评

    A Review of Studies in History of The Chinese Republic

  8. 中华民国时期行政机关文书

    Administrative department records in the period of Republic of China

  9. 孙中山先生缔造了中华民国。

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen founded the Republic of China .

  10. 中华民国时期会计教育研究

    Research on the Accounting Education in the Age of the Republic of China

  11. 双十节是中华民国的生日。

    Double Tenth Day is ROC 's birthday .

  12. 《中华民国训政时期约法》制定过程浅析

    " Republic of China Government during Training about the Law " on Making Process

  13. 立即张贴您的免费中华民国广告!

    Post your free United States Ad now !

  14. 1918年中华民国留日学生救国团研究

    The Research on the Republic of China Youth Corps Students in Japan in 1918

  15. 其中最重要的成果是《中华民国临时约法》。

    The most important one was The Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China .

  16. 中华民国诞生于一九一二年。

    The Republic of China was born in1912 .

  17. 违反其它中华民国法令,情节重大者。

    Violation of other laws or regulations of the Republic of China with serious consequences .

  18. 蒋介石是中华民国历史上的关键人物。

    Chiang kai-shek is a key person in the history of the Republic of China .

  19. 里尔莱博维茨说,中华民国的首任总理完成了这个项目。

    Mr. Leibovitz says the first prime minister of the Chinese Republic completed this program .

  20. 中华民国成立以后,国内的革新思想不断涌现。

    After the founding of the Republic of China , the ideas of innovative emerged continually .

  21. 中华民国(公元1912&1949年)

    Republic of China ( 1912-49 )

  22. 中华民国时期是与当代中国距离最近、联系最为紧密的时期。

    Chinese Republican period is the closest , most closely related period , to contemporary China .

  23. 中华民国国际笔会秘书长。

    Secretary General of International PEN .

  24. 袁世凯是中华民国的大总统,他身材矮胖。

    Yuan shihkai , president of the Chinese republic , was short of status and thick-set .

  25. 但机具、设备、设施、复育成本,自中华民国九十年起分年征收。

    However , cost for machinery , facilities , devices and restoration shall be collected beginning in2001 .

  26. 我国自从废除中华民国六法全书之后,婚约就从我国法律规范中消失。

    Since our country abolished " Six Laws ", the betrothal would disappear in our legal norms .

  27. 中华民国史作为历史研究的新兴学科,近些年来取得了长足的进步。

    History of the Chinese Republic as a new discipline has made rapid progress in recent years .

  28. 中华民国是一个自由的国家。

    R.O.C.is a free country .

  29. 中国现代国家成长的历史经过了晚清新政、中华民国和新中国三个时期。

    The growth of modern nation-state experiences three periods : Late Qing , Democratic Nation and New China .

  30. 中华民国运作刘长春参加奥运会过程的分析

    The Analysis of the Process That How China Sent Liu Changchun to Take Apart in the Olympic Games