
míng zhì wéi xīng
  • Meiji restoration;Meiji reform
明治维新[míng zhì wéi xīng]
  1. 明治维新时期日本人西洋意识的诸类型

    The Types of Western Consciousness in Japan during Meiji Reform

  2. 浅析日本明治维新后的绘画革新与发展

    Innovation and Development in Japanese Painting since Meiji Reform

  3. 论明治维新前后日本对西方文化的大力吸收&尤其对社会制度改革思想的关注

    Vigorous Assimilation of Western Culture by Japan Around the Meiji Restoration

  4. 日本在明治维新以后加快对外侵略扩张。

    Japan accelerated its invasion and external expansion after the Meiji Restoration .

  5. 直到1868年的明治维新之后,日本才向世界敞开了大门。

    Only after the Meiji Restoration of 1868 was Japan flung open .

  6. 简析明治维新后日本对台湾的侵略

    A Brief Analysis Of Japanese Aggression upon Taiwan After the Meiji Reformation

  7. 洋务运动与明治维新教育改革中的功利主义

    Utilitarianism in the Education Reform of the Westernization Movement and the Meiji Reform

  8. 明治维新以来日本的音乐创作与音乐教育

    Music Composition and Education in Japan after Meiji Restoration

  9. 明治维新性质再辨析

    More Analysis of the Nature of the Meiji Restoration

  10. 明治维新后,日本留下诸多封建残余。

    After Meiji Reformation , there were many survivals of feudalism in Japan .

  11. 1868年的今天,日本明治维新:德川幕府被废除。

    1868 – Meiji Restoration in Japan : The Tokugawa shogunate is abolished .

  12. 作为日本现代化的开端,明治维新历来为人们所关注。

    People are astonished by the achievements of Japanese modernization during MEIJI reformation .

  13. 明治维新初期日本侵略台湾的动因

    The Motivation of Japanese Invasion into Taiwan at the Beginning of Meiji Reform

  14. 洋务运动与明治维新之比较

    A Comparison between Westernization Movement and Mingzhi Reform

  15. 明治维新对日本工业设计的影响

    On the Meiji Reformation and Japanese Industrial Design

  16. 析日本明治维新教育改革及其历史作用

    Talk on the Educational Reformation and Its Historical Function of Meiji Reformation of Japan

  17. 传统文化、明治维新与日本现代化的再思考

    A Second Thought about Traditional Culture , Meiji Restoration and the Modernization of Japan

  18. 洋务教育改革与明治维新教育改革之比较

    Comparison of Foreign Affair Education with Meiji Education

  19. 明治维新之后在日本也存在“日本的现代新儒学”。

    Neo-Confucianism existed in Japan after Meiji Restoration .

  20. 从1868年明治维新开始,日本就不断为赢得大国地位而苦苦奋斗。

    From 1868 , Japan had been working hard for a status of great power .

  21. 历史上只有日本自1868年明治维新开始的高速现代化可以媲美。

    Historically , only Japan since the1868 Meiji Reformation could match this pace of modernization .

  22. 我猜应该从19世纪中叶的明治维新开始。

    I would even postulate that it began with Ming-ji Reformation in the mid-19th century .

  23. 日本明治维新后,迅速走上资本主义的发展道路。

    After the Meiji Restoration , Japan quickly went on the path of capitalist development .

  24. 日本明治维新时期的私立大学缘起分析

    On the Analysis for the Emergence of Private Universities during the Meiji Restoration in Japan

  25. 这得益于日本自明治维新以来不断吸收西方文明的文化传统。

    All these profited from Japan 's cultural tradition of continuously absorbing western civilization after Meijirshin .

  26. 明治维新后,日本进入了资本主义时代,其经济开始了高速发展。

    Since MingZhi Reform , Japan has entered its capitalism era and started its high-speed economic growth .

  27. 一败一成:中国洋务运动与日本明治维新的比较。

    Failure vs success : a comparison of china 's self-strengthening movement with japan 's Meiji restoration .

  28. 中国与日本的现代化之路&以洋务运动和明治维新为中心

    The Way to Modernization of China and Japan & The Centre on Westernization Movement and Meiji Restoration

  29. 清末新政与日本明治维新之比较

    Comparison between the New Policies of the Late Period of Qing Dynasty and Japan 's Meiji Reform

  30. 文章分析了造成这种情形的历史原因、民族发展的特点,以及不彻底的明治维新的背景。

    It also analyzes the historical background and the peoples ' characteristics that lead to this end .