- express warranty;express security

Express Warranty of the Quality of Goods in the United States
Starting from the legal practice in the United States , this part introduced the current warranty legal system under American law .
There are three conditons to determinant the generalized product quality liability They are tacit assurance , clear assurance and the unqualified product .
This part mainly discussed the basic concept and historical development of the express warranty system of the quality of goods under American law .
While discussing the express warranty system of the American law , this paper put away the general theoretical introduction , and cited and analyzed many cases .
The authors believes that the there are two problems of the current express warranty legal system under the American law , firstly the lack of certainty on the formation standard , secondly the imbalance on the protection of buyer and seller .
Express warranty , as one of the fundamental component of quality warranty system on the sale of goods , relates to various kinds of business transactions . Disputes on the quality warranty are the main types of disputes on the sale of goods .
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