
  • 网络star economics
  1. 这就是新的摇滚明星经济现实。

    Welcome to the new rock star economics .

  2. 资本开始从全球金融中心流入新兴明星经济体。

    Capital starts to flow from the global financial centres towards the newly emerging star .

  3. 他担心,德国和波兰等明星经济体与较疲弱的地中海地区以及匈牙利之间的差距会越来越大。

    He fears a widening gap between star economies such as Germany and Poland and the weaker Mediterranean regions , as well as Hungary .

  4. 相对不那么清楚的是,明星经济学者在斯坦福大学扎堆,是否也能形成其他顶尖大学已具备的一脉相承的学派。

    Less clear is whether the agglomeration of economic stars at Stanford will ever amount to the kind of coherent school of thought that has been achieved at some other great universities .

  5. 明星的经济价值源自其所具备的“劳动”与“资本”双重属性,通过“明星形象”这个中介来实现对明星资本的管理和经营。

    Their price is based on the property of both their work and capital , and the capital management is done through the star 's images .

  6. 超级明星四分卫布雷特法弗的经济人称他就要退休了。

    An agent for super star quarterback Brett Farve says his client is retiring .

  7. 第二章阐明了明星体制是注意力经济中的基本体制。

    The second chapter illustrates the star system is the basic system of attention economy .

  8. 明星是一种经济现象,在当代娱乐工业结构中作为一种资本形式发挥作用。

    Celebrity is an economic phenomenon which functions as a form of capital in contemporary entertainment industry .

  9. 你给我的印象是,你不太喜欢你那位明星职员,因此经济衰退为你提供了一个借口,去做你可能一直就希望做的事情。

    I get the idea that you do not like your star much , so the recession offers you an excuse to do what you might have wished to do all along .