
  • 网络nominal economy
  1. 这意味着目前诱导一定程度的名义经济活性和规模膨胀,对于促进经济扩张和增强政策效应是十分重要的。

    This implied that increasing the nominal economy scale and volatility are very important to keep the rapid growth and enforce the policy roles .

  2. 古典经济学中的古典两分命题认为,实际经济与名义经济互不相关:以货币为单位的名义变量的同尺度变化,只能影响价格和工资等名义变量,而对实际经济变量没有影响。

    In the opinions of the classical dichotomy , the real economy is uncorrelation to the nominal economy . When the nominal variables that measured with currency changed in the same scale , they only have effects on price and wage , but have no effects on real economy variables .

  3. 他说,第一种与名义经济增长率挂钩的债券将取代欧洲救助贷款,第二种是他所称的永久债券,将取代欧洲央行(ECB)所持的希腊债券。

    The first type , indexed to nominal economic growth , would replace European rescue loans , and the second , which he termed perpetual bonds , would replace European Central Bank-owned Greek bonds , he said .

  4. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)国际策略师基特•朱克斯(KitJuckes)说,过去30年破灭的三个世界级金融大泡沫背后,都是“美联储(Fed)太久时间将政策利率维持在名义经济增长率之下”。

    All three of the big worldwide financial bubbles that have blow up in the last three decades have ' been fueled by the Fed keeping policy rates below the nominal growth rate of the economy far too long , ' says global strategist Kit Juckes of the French bank Societe Generale .

  5. 该行将使用多种货币工具来确保流动性,使货币供应量和社会融资增长与名义经济增长保持一致。

    The bank will use monetary tools to ensure liquidity and keep the growth of money supply and social financing nominal economic growth .

  6. 实证分析还表明,时间趋势并非相关名义宏观经济变量之间的长期内在关系中的一个关键因素。

    Furthermore , empirical analyses reveal that time trend is not a key factor in the long run relationship between relevant nominal economic variables .

  7. 如果货币供给仅仅导致名义宏观经济变量的变化(如名义产出,价格水平等),则认为货币政策是无效的。

    If the change of money supplies only causes nominal macroeconomic variables ( such as nominal output , prices levels , etc ) change , then we may think that monetary policy is ineffectual .

  8. 经核准的企业集团名称可以在宣传和广告中使用,但不得以企业集团名义订立经济合同,从事经营活动。

    The approved name of an businessenterprise group may be used for propaganda or advertising , but the concerned parties may not conclude any economic contract or be engaged in any businessenterprise activity in the name of the businessenterprise group .

  9. 在所有这一切发生的同时,央行以名义零利率刺激经济的能力也受到限制。

    While all this is happening , central banks are constrained in their ability to stimulate the economy by the zero nominal interest rate bind .

  10. 他们认为,由于工资和价格刚性的存在,价格对总需求变动的调整是一个渐进的过程,名义冲击能够对经济产生持续的影响。

    They believe that due to the existence of nominal stickiness prices adjust gradually to the changes of aggregate demand , and nominal shocks have persistent effect on output .

  11. 汉代虽然存在以个人名义与外界进行经济交往从而产生债的情况,但汉代都是以家庭(户)的财产来履行债务,这与现代民法中债的主体是有区别的。

    Although there existed the situations which produce debt by individuals themselves through outside economical contact in Han Dynasty , but the debt is all fulfilled by the property of household , so the main body is different from the modern civil law .

  12. 本文发现,当个体之间存在消费攀比现象时,政府的最优货币政策是一种反周期的总需求管理政策当经济萎缩时,政府通过降低名义利率来刺激经济;

    We find that , with the exogenous random shocks , the government 's optimum monetary policy is a one of counter-cyclical aggregate demand management . When economy is shrinking , the government stimulates the economy by increasing the money supply and reducing the nominal interest rate ;