
mínɡ chēnɡ quán
  • right of name
  1. 法人、个体工商户、个人合伙享有名称权。

    Legal persons , individual businesses and individual partnerships shall enjoy the right of name .

  2. 法人的名称权、名誉权、荣誉权受到侵害的,适用前款规定。

    The above paragraph shall also apply to infringements upon a legal person 's right of name , reputation or honour .

  3. 任何组织或者个人不得以干涉、盗用、假冒等方式侵害他人的姓名权或者名称权。

    No organization or individual may infringe name by means such as interference , misappropriation , impersonation , or the like .

  4. 企业自成立之日起享有名称权。

    Enterprises enjoy name rights from the date of establishment .

  5. 商标权与企业名称权的法律冲突以及解决方案

    Conflicts and Settlement of Law between Trademark Authority and Trade Name Authority

  6. 论加强企业名称权的行政保护

    Enhance the Administration Protection of the Business Enterprise Name Power

  7. 试析商标权和企业名称权的冲突

    The Analysis of the Conflict of Trademark Right and Name Right of Enterprises

  8. 高校名称权保护探究

    On the Protection of the Name Right of Colleges

  9. 商号权与企业名称权定位的探讨

    A study on firm right and enterprise name right

  10. 试论企业法人名称权性质与继承

    The Nature and Inheritance of the Title Right of An Enterprise as Legal Person

  11. 商标专用权与企业名称权冲突之法律分析

    The Analysis of the Exclusive Right of Trademarks and the Name Right of Enterprises

  12. 第三部分研究商业名称权的性质与内容。

    Part III studies the legal nature and the content of right of trade name .

  13. 其次对公司名称权的涵义、特征及其权利内容做了界定。

    Secondly , this paper defined the meaning of the right of the company name , its characteristics and contents .

  14. 在上述基础上提出商标权与企业名称权冲突的五种具体的法律解决途径。

    Based on the trademark rights and enterprise name right conflict the five kinds of specific legal solution are put forward .

  15. 目前,国内高校校名主要依据《中华人民共和国民法通则》享有名称权保护。

    At present , the name right of colleges and universities is protected according to China 's general rule of the civil law .

  16. 目前发达国家以及一些重要的国际公约建立了商标反淡化的法律制度,仍没有彻底解决企业的商标权和名称权的法律冲突问题。

    The developed countries and some important International Conventions have taken some measures such as establishing Against Dilution law to solve the problems .

  17. 商业名称权的主要内容包括专用权、许可权、转让权及救济权。

    The right of trade name main contains right of use , right of licensing , right of transferring and right of obtaining compensation .

  18. 对完善现行法律.加强企业名称权保护的几个问题进行探讨。

    The paper also made some investigations into the perfection of the present law , and the strengthening of the protection for the right .

  19. 目前世界各国都注重对企业名称权的法律保护与规范,大多采用由民法、知识产权法和反不正当竞争法等法律组成的多角度、多层次的保护机制。

    Nowadays the right of trade name has been legally protected and regulated mainly by both intellectual law and anti-unfair competition law in many countries .

  20. 现行相关的法律制度中存在着一定的缺陷,这是商标权与企业名称权产生冲突的主要原因。

    There are some defects in the existing legal regulations and rules , which is the main reason for the conflict of trademark right and name right of enterprises .

  21. 中小企业自身也应增强企业名称权保护意识,通过行政、法律多种途径保护自己的合法权益。

    Small and medium-size enterprises should also enhance their protection awareness on corporate name rights ; protect their legitimate rights and interests by diversified ways such as administration and law .

  22. 原告认为,浙江尼康侵犯了其商标专用权和企业名称权,构成不正当竞争。

    The plaintiff believed that Zhejiang Nikon has violated the right to the exclusive use of its trademark and its right to enterprise name , which has constituted unfair competition .

  23. 论述了企业名称权的性质,特点;分析侵犯企业名称权的行为表现,提出对企业名称权的法律保护;

    The paper discussed the nature and the characteristics of the enterprises ' denomination right , analysed the behaviour of infringing upon the right , and proposed the legal protection of the right .

  24. 我国近年诸多有关商标权与企业名称权侵权与不正当竞争纠纷案例的大量存在,影响了市场竞争秩序,恶化了市场环境。

    In recent years many relevant trademark rights in China and enterprise name right infringement and unfair competition disputes cases exist massively , impacting the order of market competition , worsening the market environment .

  25. 原产地名称权是一种集体权利,属于知识产权保护的范围。研究表明:集体利益的基础是集团范围内共同的获利机会;

    Appellations of origin is a collective right within the extent of intellectual property protection . It shows that a mutual profit opportunity belonging to the group is the foundation of the collective interest .

  26. 本文的观点是:从知识产权角度出发,兼从名称权和商标权两方对高校名称进行全面保护。

    The viewpoint of the article is : from the perspective of intellectual property rights , comprehensive protection for names of colleges and universities is given from two aspects of the name rights and trademark rights .

  27. 在此基础上分析了驰名商标与企业名称权、计算机域名权的权利冲突问题,并提出了解决权利冲突的措施。

    Based on the analysis , it discusses further the problems of resound brand and the brand-name of enterprise , and of the conflict between the rights of computerized name-right , finally suggests some countermeasures to cope with right conflicts .

  28. 正是基于以上原因,商品经济起萌较早以及市场经济比较发达的国家很早就开始重视对公司名称权的保护与规范,关于公司名称的保护也比较完备。

    It is for these reasons , the right of the company name have been protected and regulated by the countries which have the early commodity economy and the market economy and specifications on the company name protection is also more complete .

  29. 通过商标权与企业名称权冲突的理论分析,从法理的角度阐述了字号尴尬的法律地位,总结了处理商标权与企业名称权冲突的三大基本原则。

    Through the trademark rights and enterprise name right of theoretical analysis of the conflict , from the aspects of legal name " embarrassing " legal status , this article summarizes the processing trade mark and enterprise name right three basic principles of conflict .

  30. 近年来,一些单位和个人冒用,盗用高校名义从事商业活动,使高校名称权受到严重侵害,学校的无形资产蒙受巨大损失。

    In recent years , some organizations and individuals have infringed and embezzled the name of higher educational institutions to engage in commercial activities , causing the right of such institutions ' name to exert serious infringement and these institutions ' intangible assets suffer a huge loss .