
mínɡ yù quán
  • right of reputation;right of fame
  1. 新闻报道侵害名誉权行为与防范

    Infringement of Right of Fame in News Report and Its Prevention

  2. 讨论了新闻报道侵害名誉权的四种主要表现形式,提出了防范新闻侵权风险应注意的四个要点。

    Four forms of infringement of right of fame in news report were discussed , advancing four points needing attention to prevent risks in infringement of news report .

  3. 第一百零一条公民、法人享有名誉权,公民的人格尊严受法律保护,禁止用侮辱、诽谤等方式损害公民、法人的名誉。

    Article 101 Citizens and legal persons shall enjoy the right of reputation . The personality of citizens shall be protected by law , and the use of insults , libel or other means to damage the reputation of citizens or legal persons shall be prohibited .

  4. 第一百二十条公民的姓名权、肖像权、名誉权、荣誉权受到侵害的,有权要求停止侵害,恢复名誉,消除影响,赔礼道歉,并可以要求赔偿损失。

    Article 120 If a citizen 's right of personal name , portrait , reputation or honour is infringed upon , he shall have the right to demand that the infringement be stopped , his reputation be rehabilitated , the ill effects be eliminated and an apology be made ; he may also demand compensation for losses .

  5. 舆论监督与名誉权保护

    On Public Opinion Supervision and the Protection of Right of Reputation

  6. 虚拟网络主体之间的名誉权纠纷&以网名为中心对一起典型案例的分析

    Disputes between Virtual Identities-Analysis of one typical case focusing on ID

  7. 行政机关侵犯公民名誉权及精神损害赔偿责任

    On Administrative Indemnity for the Citizens ' Reputation Right and Mental Damage

  8. 试论新闻侵害名誉权的构成要件

    On the Component Parts of News Encroaching on Reputation Right

  9. 隐私权与名誉权之法理比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Private Rights Personality Rights in Legal Theory

  10. 你知道,我们官司打输了。打赢一场名誉权官司

    We lost the case , you know . Win a defamation suit

  11. 那些说我坏话的人是在侵害我的名誉权!

    Those speaking evil of me infringe on my right of reputation .

  12. 一个男人被一个女人起诉损害名誉权。

    A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character .

  13. 论舆论监督与名誉权、人格权的法律保护

    On the media supervision and lawful protection of man 's reputation and dignity

  14. 论新闻媒体和公众人物名誉权纠纷

    Public Person and Media in the Lawsuits Over Reputation

  15. 名誉权与隐私权二者意义及冲突

    Significance of Right of Honour and Right of Privacy and Conflict between Them

  16. 污辱、诽谤是由法律所规定的两种侵害名誉权的言语事件。

    Defamation and insult are legally defined speech events .

  17. 第四部分分析了政府名誉权的社会意义。

    The forth part analyses the social status of the government reputation right .

  18. 舆论监督与政府机构的名誉权

    Supervision of the Public Opinion and the Reputation Right of the Government Institutions

  19. 作为一种特殊的侵害名誉权的方式,网络名誉侵权有自己的特点。

    As a special way of reputation infringement it has its own characteristics .

  20. 名誉权和隐私权的法学思考

    Jurisprudential Reflections on the Rights of Reputation and Privacy

  21. IT中的名誉权及隐私权保护

    Protection of Reputation Rights and Privacy Rights in IT

  22. 通常对侵犯隐私权的行为纳入在名誉权中进行保护。

    We usually write the right of privacy into the right of reputation .

  23. 过错与抗辩:以名誉权侵权为重点

    Fault and Defenses : with the Emphasis on Defamation

  24. 论新闻侵害名誉权的构成及预防

    On the Constitution and Prevention of the News Infringing the Right of Reputation

  25. 公众人物名誉权限制的法学思考

    Thought on Reputation Right Restrictions of Public Figures

  26. 媒体侵害名誉权证明责任研究

    Research on Burder of Proof in Media Defamation

  27. 公众人物名誉权保护法律问题研究

    Research on Reputation Right Protection of Public Figures

  28. 犯罪嫌疑人享有公民应该享有的一切权利,包括名誉权。

    On the human rights protection of the suspects in the criminal investigation stage ;

  29. 这些权益主要涉及到人的隐私权、名誉权、肖像权等。

    These interests are mainly related to the privacy , reputation , image rights .

  30. 常见的新闻侵权主要是侵犯名誉权、隐私权、肖像权。

    The normal news torts include infringement of defamation , private secrets , portrait .