
  • 网络Celebrity Advertising;celebrity advertisement;Celebrity Ad
  1. 二阶因素被命名为名人广告的信源有效性因素。

    The second-order factor is named as celebrity advertising source effect factor .

  2. 名人广告效果的制约因素研究述评

    A review of researches on the factors restricting the effectiveness of celebrity advertising

  3. 提高名人广告传播效果的策略

    The Strategies for Improving the Effect of the Publicity of Celebrity Advertisement

  4. 试论名人广告的法律调整和完善

    On the Adjusting and Perfecting of Famous Person 's Advertisement

  5. 这些修订是为了增强对明星代言和名人广告的管控。

    These changes were made to strengthen controls over celebrity endorsements and advertising .

  6. 论市场营销中名人广告效果的制约因素

    On the Restrictive Factors of Advertisement Effect from Celebrities in the Marketing Management

  7. 名人广告可信度实证研究

    A Positive Research on the Effectiveness of Celebrity Advertising

  8. 名人广告信源有效性因素结构及其作用过程研究

    The Study on Structures of Source Effect of Celebrity Advertising and Its Work Process

  9. 名人广告到底在什么条件下会达到传播效果,这是一个学术界、实务界都很关注的现实问题。

    The question about celebrity advertising effect has been drawing a lot of attention .

  10. 试论品牌代言人策略与名人广告的区别&品牌代言人基本概念的澄清

    On the Differences Between BSS and Celebrity Advertisements

  11. 名人广告效应与策略

    The Effectiveness and Strategy of Celebrity Advertisements

  12. 名人广告现象,引起了诸多学者的广泛关注。

    The phenomenon of celebrity advertisements has aroused widespread concern in a number of scholars .

  13. 名人广告对粉丝消费态度的影响研究

    Research on the influence of celebrity advertisement to the consumption attitude of the " fans "

  14. 名人广告是现代商业社会最常运用的一种广告形式,它在中国有着悠久的历史。

    Celebrity advertisement is one commonly used kind of advertisement form in the modern commercial society .

  15. 名人广告成功的一个基本前提,就是合理选用名人符号。

    One of the basic preconditions of successful advertisements is the rational choice of the celebrity symbol .

  16. 名人广告是当前我国广告传播当中采用非常广泛的形式之一。

    Nowadays , celebrity advertising is one of the popular ways used in advertising communication in our country .

  17. 名人广告代言对于引导消费者消费,促进市场经济的发展起着积极的作用。

    Celebrity endorsements plays a positive role in guiding consuming , promoting the development of the market economy .

  18. 实验运用加工分离程序,探讨了不同年龄阶段的受众对名人广告的信息加工模式。

    Information processing modes of ads with celebrities of different ages were discussed by means of the Processing Dissociation Procedure .

  19. 随着市场竞争环境日益激烈,传媒手段的日益丰富,使得名人广告越来越成为商家的新宠儿。

    With the increasingly fierce market competition environment and the rich media celebrity advertising has become a new pet to merchants .

  20. 为使名人广告能在自身发展轨道上顺利运行,本文提出了企业全方位规避风险,名人加强自我道德修养,国家完善相关法律法规、建立行业自律联盟、完善行政监管机制等措施和建议。

    Enterprise widely avoids risks . Celebrity strengthens self moral cultivation . Country improves the relevant laws and regulations . Establishment of self-discipline Alliance .

  21. 从符号学角度来看,名人广告的特殊之处在于广告中使用了名人这个符号。

    From the semiotic point of view , the special nature of celebrity ads is the use of the " celebrity " form symbol .

  22. 然而,随之而来的虚假名人广告充斥着市场经济活动,既有损竞争者的利益,也给消费者带来了损害。

    However , the accompanying false celebrity advertisements have been a big part of the market economic activities , which hurt both competitors and consumers .

  23. 网络、电视、杂志、报刊等传媒手段迅速发展,使得名人广告能够更好的展现在广大消费者的面前。

    The Internet , television , magazines , etc , the rapid development of media means can be good celebrity advertising in front of consumers show .

  24. 除却名人广告和善意的加州州民,目前的关键问题在于中国的富人能否听得进劝说而不再食用鱼翅。

    Celebrity endorsements and well-meaning Californians aside , the question now is whether wealthy Chinese in Asia can be persuaded to stop eating shark 's fin .

  25. 为提高传播效果,名人广告应采取以下策略:名人选择必须与广告产品密切相关;

    For improving the publicity , the celebrity advertisement should take the following strategies : the choice of the celebrity must be closely related to the products ;

  26. 目前,尽管对名人广告研究的成果为数不少,但是由于缺乏相关理论的指导,大多数研究都显得比较零散,并没有形成系统。

    Despite so much research findings , however , due to the lack of theoretical guidance , the majority of findings are fragmented , there is no system .

  27. 学界和业界对名人广告的研究也兴趣有加,但总体而言,名人广告的研究缺乏系统性和学理性,需要一种合理的理论研究架构对其重新整视。

    Academic and business circles are interested in Celebrity advertisement . But study in celebrity advertisement is not systematic and theoretical , and it needs reasonable theoretical structure to reconsider .

  28. 鉴于广告学的跨学科性,引入其它相关学科的理论对名人广告进行系统的研究不失为一种好的尝试。

    Because of advertising of its own interdisciplinary , naturally , it would be a good attempt that introduces other relevant disciplines to give a scientific , systematic research on it .

  29. 第四章针对当前名人广告出现的道德和法律问题,对名人广告的说服责任问题进行探讨,归纳名人广告应遵循的责任规范。

    The fourth chapter discusses the persuasive responsibility which targeted at the moral and law problems occurring in celebrity advertisement . The author summarizes the responsibility norm which celebrity advertisement should abide by .

  30. 然而现今国内名人广告却有种滥用的趋势,导致消费者利益遭受极大的损坏,从此看来,规范国内名人广告显得刻不容缓。

    But now the domestic celebrity advertising but have a trend of abuse , lead to consumer interest to suffer great damage , from now on view , regulate domestic celebrity advertising is the delay .