
ní hónɡ dēnɡ ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • neon-light advertisement
  1. 介绍一种基于GPRS网的远程数据传输方案,以实现对霓虹灯广告牌动画控制信息的定期自动更新。

    This paper introduces a remote data delivery method based on GPRS network to realize automatic data renew of neon cartoon ad board .

  2. 3年多以前,上海庆祝了史上最著名的垃圾食品之一——奥利奥(Oreo)问世100周年纪念日——外滩上燃放了焰火,摩天大楼上投射了几层楼高的奥利奥霓虹灯广告。

    Three scant years ago , Shanghai celebrated the 100th birthday of one of history 's most famous junk foods - the Oreo biscuit - with fireworks on the Bund and multi-storey neon adverts projected on to skyscrapers .

  3. 霓虹灯广告业正蓬勃发展,但霓虹灯控制系统的技术相对落后。

    Neon advertising is developing rapidly , but the neon control technology falls behind it .

  4. 璀璨夺目的霓虹灯广告照亮整个不夜城,潮水般的人群涌向这个区域。

    Colorful neon signs light up the street at night when thousands of people flood the area .

  5. 在东京涩谷商业区,类似时代广场的巨大霓虹灯广告牌已经停止使用。

    In Tokyo 's Shibuya shopping district , the huge Times Square-style neon billboards have gone dark .

  6. 还有路牌广告、霓虹灯广告、交通广告、电影广告、空中广告、汽球广告、邮递广告、幻灯广告、电台广告等。

    Besides , there were also road sign ads , neon sign , transportation sign , slide ads , etc.

  7. 基于GPS授时的霓虹灯倒计时广告牌

    Neon lamp countdown billboard based on GPS