
  • 网络Car advertising;Automobile Advertisements;Automotive Advertising;Smart;honda
  1. 同时,也填补对汽车广告研究中的一大块空白。

    Also fill a large blank of the studies of automotive advertising .

  2. 坎贝尔•爱华德公司曾经策划了汽车广告历史上具有里程碑意义的几个广告方案。

    Campbell Ewald had created arguably some of the most memorable campaigns in automotive advertising history .

  3. 而这也必须小心处理:汽车广告很难适合一个充满幻想色彩的mmorpg。

    This too must be handled sensitively : ads for cars would hardly fit well in a fantasy MMORPG .

  4. 在Facebook上,这可能是新闻推送中的一则汽车广告,邀请阅览者填写个人信息或者预定试驾,竭力让阅览者更接近作出购买决定。

    On Facebook , this might be an ad in its news feed for a car that involves the viewer entering personal details or booking a test drive - anything that moves the viewer closer to a purchasing decision .

  5. 1996年本土汽车广告公司排名第二。

    In1996 , it ranked the second among domestic advertising companies .

  6. 二手汽车广告是个大骗局。

    The used car advertisement is a big rip - off .

  7. 第五章从专业的角度详细分析总结了汽车广告摄影中表现人性化的创意方法以及相关技术知识;

    Creativity for the car photograph and related technique knowledge ;

  8. 尽管如此,一些大众网站的汽车广告仍大幅增长。

    Still , some general-interest sites have seen their auto advertising jump .

  9. 星期天出版的杂志上汽车广告总要占很大的比例。

    Sunday magazines always include a high proportion of advertisements for cars .

  10. 汽车广告挑起我的贪婪;

    Ads for new cars tempt me to covet ;

  11. 文化视角中的中英文汽车广告对比分析

    Auto Advertising in English and Chinese : A Comparative Analysis from Cultural Perspective

  12. 论平面汽车广告解释过程中的连贯构建

    On Coherence Construction in Interpreting Print Auto Advertising

  13. 本文的研究或许能对汽车广告语的创作及设计起到一定的借鉴作用。

    This study may play a certain reference role in advertisement creation and design .

  14. 第三章论述我国汽车广告存在的问题并分析产生问题的原因;

    Chapter Three treat the limitation and problems in automobile advertising and analyze the reasons ;

  15. 用人本主义思想对我国汽车广告进行分析和探讨,并以此指导我国汽车广告的发展方向;

    Use humanism to analyze and discuss china automobile advertising , and steer its developing direction ;

  16. 对我国汽车广告发展历程进行归纳和分析,总结出各阶段性特征。

    Divide the development process of automobile advertising and sums up the characteristic of each period .

  17. 一条汽车广告插播进来。

    A car commercial came on .

  18. 谈谈汽车广告的表现技巧

    Expression Technique of Automobile AD

  19. 那些恼人的塞拉汽车广告,只向妇女销售的汽车政策,就是正在进行的基因岐视。

    Thoseirritating Sheila 's Wheels adverts , selling women-only car policies , are genetic discrimination in action .

  20. 汽车广告方式呈现出多样的趋势,一言以蔽之,就是整合营销。

    Automotive advertising presents a variety of trends , in a word , that is , integrated marketing .

  21. 中国汽车广告探微

    Automobile Advertising in China

  22. 本文力求通过多角度、多方位、多领域的分析法,对电视汽车广告进行更深刻的诠释。

    This article seeks through multi-angle , multi-faceted , multi-field analysis , the TV auto ads more profound interpretation .

  23. 汽车广告作为汽车厂商重要的营销手段对汽车销售有着重要影响。

    Automotive advertising has an important impact on vehicle sales as an important marketing tool using by automobile manufacturers .

  24. 这是广告,就象汽车广告说一加仑油能跑30英里

    It 's an ad. It 's like those cars that say they get 30 miles to the gallon .

  25. 毫无疑问,英语汽车广告的本质是推销其产品,努力获得最大利润。

    Without any doubt , the essence of English auto ads is promoting advertised cars and achieving the greatest profits .

  26. 要想对汽车广告有一个全盘理解,我们必须从消费文化视野来看汽车广告,既有经济的文化维度,也有文化的经济维度。

    For having a comprehensive understanding of the automotive ads , we have to introduce a view of consumer culture .

  27. 人本主义要求汽车广告承认、了解、研究和满足汽车消费者的各级需求。

    It claims that the automobile advertising should commit , know , research and meet the different needs of the consumers .

  28. 因此,本文将综合各项因素,从纵向的历史和横向的人文等方面探讨汽车广告。

    Therefore , this article will be integrated all kinds of factors , discussed the car ads from history and culture .

  29. 同样,你可能也会对我们网站曾经发表的“最具创意性运动广告”“最具创易性汽车广告”感兴趣。

    Also you may be interested in The Most Creative Sport Ads and Creative Car Ads previously published on our website .

  30. 由于广告在日常生活中所扮演的重要角色,这篇论文选择英语汽车广告作为研究对象。

    Due to the significant role advertising played in everyday life , this thesis chooses English auto ads as its study object .