
  • 网络Automobile parts;auto Parts;Auto spare parts;car parts;Parts
  1. 中国影响汽车零部件措施案与WTO国民待遇原则

    The Case of China-measures Affecting Imports of Automobile Parts and the Principle of National Treatment Under WTO

  2. DI公司是一家以汽车零部件、游艇发动机零部件和液压件生产为核心业务的机械加工企业。

    DI is a mechanical machining company mainly focuses on the machining of automobile parts , marine engine parts and hydraulic parts .

  3. B公司汽车零部件国际市场进入模式探析

    The Study on Entry Models for Company B 's Automobile Spare Parts into the Global Markets

  4. 以目前正处于开发阶段的基于知识工程(KBE&Knowledgebasedengineering)的设计方法来研究制动器的设计问题,对推动相关汽车零部件产品采用更加先进的开发手段具有十分重要的意义。

    Taking the KBE ( knowledge based engineering ) to study the problem of brake design plays great roles in promoting developing other correlative vehicle components .

  5. 基于高级Petri网的汽车零部件电子采购业务流程建模

    Modeling of E-procurement Process of Auto Parts Based on High-level Petri Nets

  6. 精益生产模式下汽车零部件业电子商务和ERP整合

    Integration of ERP and E-Business under the Lean Production Mode in Automobile Part Industry

  7. 汽车零部件企业PDM和ERP系统集成的研究

    Research on the Integration of PDM and ERP in Automobile Part Company

  8. 基于XMLDOM的网上汽车零部件信息采集系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Information Collection System of Parts of Cars Based on XML DOM

  9. 基于AHP方法的汽车零部件发展序列

    Automobile accessory development order based on AHP

  10. H汽车零部件有限公司(以下简称H公司)是一家外商独资企业。

    H Auto Parts Manufacturing Co Ltd ( hereinafter refer to as H Company ) is a wholly foreign owned company in China .

  11. 聚丙烯(PP)由于具有价格低、原材料丰富、力学均衡性好、耐化学腐蚀等特点,近年来成为最热门的汽车零部件材料。

    For many advantages of polypropylene ( PP ), so it is become the best part material for auto in recent years .

  12. VMI在汽车零部件供应链中的应用

    Application of VMI in Automobile Spare Parts Supply Chain

  13. 促进重庆市汽车零部件产业进入OEM市场政策研究

    Research of Promoting the Policy of Chongqing Automotive Components Industry to Enter the OEM Market

  14. 去年,博世超越了举步维艰的美国德尔福公司(Delphi),成为世界上最大的汽车零部件供应商。

    Bosch is the world 's largest car-parts supplier , having overtaken the struggling Delphi of the US last year .

  15. 巴黎国际汽车零部件及装备展览会(EQUIPAUTO)创办于1975年,由巴黎展览委员会主办。

    Paris International Auto Parts and Equipment Exhibition ( EQUIP AUTO ) was founded in1975 , organized by the Paris Exhibition Committee .

  16. 论加入WTO给中国汽车零部件工业带来的机遇和挑战&兼论东风汽车零部件企业的应对策略

    Opportunities and Challenges Brought out by the WTO Entry to China 's Auto Components and Parts Industry & Discussion on the Countermeasures Taken by Dongfeng Auto Components and Parts Enterprises

  17. 了解如何使用Solr和PHP创建搜索汽车零部件数据库的小型应用程序。

    Learn how to use Solr and PHP to create a small application to search a database of automobile parts .

  18. 随着中国加入WTO,中国汽车零部件企业面临着越来越大的压力和挑战,全球性的跨国汽车及零部件公司正逐渐地入侵中国这一个世界上最大也是最后一个潜在汽车市场。

    China Automotive Parts enterprises face more and more pressure and challenge with China joining WTO . The global Automotive and Parts MNC are gradually entering the lastly and largest potential market of the world .

  19. 我国加入WTO后,汽车零部件业将面临逐渐失去高关税保护,以及由于汽车业采购国际化带来的同世界上实力强大的零部件生产企业的竞争的双重压力。

    When China affiliates with the WTO , the Chinese automobile parts and components industry will gradually lose the protection of high tariff , and its manufacturers will have to compete with powerful international corporations .

  20. 另一家大型汽车零部件供应商德尔福(Delphi)在决定分拆为两部分后,股价随即上涨10%。

    Delphi , another large supplier , made the decision to split into two and was immediately rewarded with a 10 per cent increase in the stock price .

  21. 文中首先给出了汽车零部件行业供应链结构和生产模式,介绍了MRP和GT的相关知识;

    In this paper , the supply chain structure of automotive parts industry is summarized , the theories of MRP and GT are introduced .

  22. WTO争端解决机构迄今只受理了一件针对中国的案件&欧盟、美国和加拿大就汽车零部件问题提起的一宗联合诉讼,指控中国对进口汽车零部件征税不公。

    Only one case against China has so far been pursued in the WTO 's dispute settlement body – a joint action by the EU , US and Canada on car parts , imports of which they say China is taxing unfairly .

  23. 因此,焊接飞溅对于使用自动化或机器人焊接系统的汽车零部件制造过程成为一个严重的问题,因为在这些应用场合焊接时间通常小于5s。

    Therefore arc start becomes a big problem during automotive part fabrication using mechanized or robotic welding because five second long welding operations are commonplace in these applications .

  24. 为了加快汽车零部件企业运用ERP的步伐,国内汽车零部件业也迫切希望有一个适合于国有大型汽车零部件企业的ERP系统应用管理模式可以参照。

    In order to accelerate the paces of implementing ERP by the automobile spare part enterprises , the domestic automobile spare part industry urgently hopes to have an ERP system model that can be consulted by the large-scale state-owned automobile spare part enterprises .

  25. 本论文即是在对ERP系统的国内外理论研究,以及国内汽车零部件业应用ERP系统的实证研究的基础上,对国有大型汽车零部件企业的ERP销售系统应用管理模式进行的初步设计。

    Based on the domestic and international theoretical researches of ERP system and the positive researches of implementing ERP by the domestic automobile spare part industry , this thesis preliminarily designed the ERP sales system management model of the large-scale state-owned automobile spare part enterprises .

  26. 在电动载具电池方面三星和博世&这个世界最大的汽车零部件供应商以及动力和引擎管理技术的创造者强强联手,组建了三星非常重视的合资公司SBLiMotive。

    In electric-vehicle batteries Samsung has joined forces with Bosch , the world 's biggest supplier of car parts and a fount of expertise on power-and engine-management .

  27. 为了提高汽车零部件生产效率,确保按时完成客户订单,将物料需求计划(MRP)技术应用于汽车零部件生产计划系统中。

    To improve the production efficiency in the automotive parts manufacturing company and meet the needs of customers in time , the technique of Materials Requirement Planning ( MRP ) is applied to the production planning system of automotive parts .

  28. 汽车零部件供应商耐世特汽车(Nexteer)生产的电动转向系统比传统液压动力转向系统更为高效。

    Hong Kong-listed auto-parts supplier Nexteer makes electrical power-steering systems that are more efficient than the hydraulic kind .

  29. 但他们警告称,情况仍“未确定”,因为双方还没有签署协议,加拿大汽车零部件供应商和组装商magna也有可能重新获得机会。

    But they warned that the situation was still " fluid " and , as no deal has yet been signed , there was a chance that Magna , the Canadian supplier and car assembler , could come back into the running .

  30. DPES公司是欧美的大型汽车零部件供应商,首先分析欧美汽车制造企业的质量管理体系和其所遵循先期质量策划,由此引入流程管理和门径管理理论。

    Firstly , after the state of quality management system and methods of advanced product quality planning in oversea automobile manufacturing enterprises is introduced , the whole architecture of process management theory and stage gate management theory .