
  • 网络New product;original products;all new item
  1. 可以定制的设置小到单个WebSphereApplicationServer属性,大到一个全新产品的安装和配置。

    You can customize settings as small as a single WebSphere Application Server attribute , or as large as installing and configuring an entirely new product .

  2. 他必须成功地推出第三款全新产品,也就是价格更加亲民的GenIII,并且要在不到ModelS一半的价格上使它盈利。

    He will have tsuccessfully launch his third all-new product , the more affordable Gen III , and make it profitably for less than half of what the Model S sells for . New models are demanding .

  3. 苹果新推出的MacBook确实是一款全新产品,无论是机内部件,还是外观,这款笔记本都堪称彻底革新之作。

    Apple 's new MacBook is indeed all-new , and it 's a complete overhaul of the device , from components on out .

  4. 这款所谓的智能手表将是首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(TimothyD.Cook)领导下的苹果推出的第一款全新产品,库克是三年前乔布斯去世后不久接掌公司的。

    The so-called smartwatch will be the first brand-new product unveiled under Timothy D. Cook , Apple 's chief executive , who took the helm three years ago , shortly before Mr. Jobs 's death .

  5. 探讨了CS战略的内涵及其在企业产品开发中的重要意义。提出在产品开发中必须树立符合CS战略的全新产品观,必须对所开发的新产品重新定位。

    This paper explores the CS strategy and its important role in products development , and points out that we must form a brand new concept of products in accordance with the CS strategy and reorientate the products to be developed .

  6. 一种全新产品&戴纳派克双层沥青摊铺机

    A Sort of Complete New Product : Double-ply Asphalt Spreader

  7. 当他们开发一个全新产品的时候,他们遇到了麻烦。

    When it came time to develop a brand new product , they had trouble .

  8. 然而,他承认,预测一个全新产品的需求非常具有挑战性。

    Yet he acknowledges that predicting demand for a brand new genre of product was very challenging .

  9. 根据创新问题类型的不同,通过对多种功能分解方法特点的分析,总结出了面向全新产品设计的功能分解方法和面向已有产品改进创新的功能分解方法。

    According to different type of creative design problems , various functional decomposition methods were analyzed in this article .

  10. 路虎在九月份的法兰克福车展上发布了全新产品,神行者。

    The Frankfurt Motor Show in September sees the debut of a brand new Land Rover product , the Freelander .

  11. 我们着迷于制作全新产品的方法,而不是新产品本身。他说。

    We are drawn to the ways of making new things , rather than the new things themselves , he says .

  12. 在那些科学技术先进的国家和地区,这样的能力指创造全新产品的前沿技术。

    In countries at the world technological frontier , such capabilities refer to cutting edge skills to innovate entirely new products .

  13. 全新产品的交易场所在决定在何处开设门店的时候,很可能会把交易税纳入考虑。

    Trading venues for entirely new products may well take transaction taxes into account when deciding where to set up shop .

  14. 品牌延伸是指企业利用其成功品牌的声誉不断推出改良产品或全新产品。

    The brand elongation means that the enterprises use their successful brand to promote their other products or renew their products .

  15. 这是我们的全新产品,是用户进行在线银行或购物,或集中在其电脑上的敏感数据。

    This is our brand-new product and is focused on users that do on-line banking or shopping or that have sensitive data on their computer .

  16. 废料设计师:废料设计师用创意手法把生产过程中的副产品转变成高质量、可以制作全新产品的材料。

    Garbage designer : Garbage designers find creative ways to turn theby-products of the manufacturing process into high-quality materials for making another entirely separate product . 6 .

  17. 蒙迪欧-致胜是福特欧洲有史以来科技含量最高、工艺最精良的旗舰车型,是一款在设计、配置和技术上均不同于现有蒙迪欧的全新产品。

    Being an all-new flagship model different from current Mondeo in design , configuration and technology , it features the best-ever technology and art in Ford Europe 's history .

  18. 原型,是指具有全新产品和全新工艺所有技术特征与技术性能的原始模型,而原创技术,就是关于这一模型的系统知识。

    Archetype is original model that has all the technical characters and capabilities as new product or new arts and crafts , and original technology is the systemic knowledge about this model .

  19. 的确如此,无论你是在努力推动公司起步,还是推出一款全新产品或者服务来完成这个季度的业绩。

    And that is true whether you are trying to get your company off the ground , or are introducing a new product or service in order to make this quarter 's numbers .

  20. 发现创新会产生两种方向:种因路径依赖作用产生渐近式的创新;另一种因巨涨落力作用产生非线性突变式的创新,产生全新产品。

    Innovation can be processed in two directions , one is gradual innovation generated by path dependence effect , the other is non-liner mutation innovation generated by force fluctuation effect , which will lead to the birth of brand-new product .

  21. 飞机的设计通常是全新产品或者是改型产品的设计,在其设计开始之前很难准确地给出设计活动(或任务)的时间,只能对其进行预测和估算。

    The aircraft design is often new products design or modified products design , it is difficult to accurately give the time of design activities or tasks ahead of its design time , they only can be forecasted and estimated .

  22. 论文研究了订单企业的并行设计模式,提出将订单企业产品设计分为全新产品开发和订单产品快速设计两种类型,以缩短订单产品设计周期,优化企业的产品结构。

    The dissertation has a research on concurrent design model of order-oriented enterprises . An idea that group product design into new product development and order product design quickly , to short the period of order product design and optimize the structure of enterprise 's products .

  23. AppleWatch是苹果公司继2010年的iPad后首款全新的产品。

    Apple Watch is the company 's first all-new product since it introduced the iPad in 2010 .

  24. 您的脚本包可以安装应用程序,配置WebSphereApplicationServer,调优操作系统和安装全新的产品等。

    Your script package can install applications , configure the WebSphere Application Server , tune the operating system , install entirely new products , and so on .

  25. Note还催生了数十款跟风产品,形成了一个全新的产品种类:平板手机,即大得几乎足以被当做平板电脑的智能手机。

    The Note also spawned dozens of copycats , making for an entire new category : phablets , or smartphones almost big enough to be considered tablets .

  26. HTC这款全新主打产品将于4月19日面市,合约价为199美元。

    HTC 's new flagship phone is due April 19 for $ 199 with a contract .

  27. 乔布斯创造了一个全新的产品线,iMac

    jobs created a brand-new product at apple , the imac .

  28. 一直萦绕在苹果头上的问题是,会不会有一款全新的产品比如定于明年初发售的AppleWatch在某一天成为明星,在销售额和利润上堪比iPhone?

    The question remains if a brand-new product the Apple Watch due for release early next year could one day become a star that rivals the iPhone in terms of sales and profit .

  29. 一直萦绕在苹果头上的问题是,会不会有一款全新的产品——比如定于明年初发售的AppleWatch——在某一天成为明星,在销售额和利润上堪比iPhone?

    The question remains if a brand-new product - the Apple Watch due for release early next year - could one day become a star that rivals the iPhone in terms of sales and profit .

  30. 最后,我们终于有了一个全新的产品,没有很多bug,但支持之前一半的功能。

    And , in the end , we now have a shiny new product which is less buggy than before but handles only about half the functionality of the original .