
  • 网络full service;Full-service;total service
  1. 根据用户需求可以进行工业循环冷却水加药、检测和管理的全方位服务。

    According to user needs can be industrial cooling water and medicine , detection and management of full service .

  2. 如果你是一个提供全方位服务的品牌,拥有许多会议厅,却没有一个真正开大型会议的场所,那你可就麻烦了。

    If you 're a full service brand with lots of meeting spaces but you 're not a real convention space , you 're going to struggle .

  3. 在2009年美国提供全方位服务的餐馆的营业额与以前同期相比有超过6%的降幅,但是快餐连锁企业的营业额却依然保持不变。

    In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6 % , but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains .

  4. 来自欧睿国际的数据显示,在中国TOP15的全方位服务连锁餐厅中,有7家都专营火锅。

    Data from Euromonitor International showed that seven of China 's top 15 full-service restaurant chains specialize in hotpot .

  5. 在全方位服务网络中在线网络测量起到很大的作用,在其中可用带宽的最近数据信息将会尽快的被下一层的IP层获得。

    Inline network measurement is useful in service overlay networks , in which up-to-date information on the available bandwidth in the underlying IP network should be known as early as possible .

  6. 随着瑞银(UBS)退出全方位服务的投行业务,这家德国银行想要获益于后雷曼时代的最新一轮行业整合。

    Now , as UBS retreats from full-service investment banking , the German bank wants to capitalise on the latest round of post-Lehman sector consolidation .

  7. 不过就像佩奇决心发展社交网络以强化谷歌的全方位服务一样,扎克伯格将搜索当作促进Facebook未来发展的一个收入来源。

    But just as page was intent on moving into social to strengthen its overall offerings , Zuckerberg sees search as one more revenue stream to feed into its future growth .

  8. 捷星首席执行官布鲁斯布坎南(brucebuchanan)表示,捷星的票价将比现有提供全方位服务的航空公司低50%。

    Fares will be 50 per cent less than existing full-service carriers , according to Bruce Buchanan , Jetstar chief executive .

  9. 。而那些在购物方面较为谨慎的消费者,也许会更喜欢下午3到5点间在BG餐厅(BGRestaurant,位于商店七楼)享用下午茶。如果你觉得喝茶还不过瘾的话,那里还有一个提供全方位服务的酒吧。

    Wary shoppers may enjoy the afternoon tea service from 3-5pm in the BG Restaurant ( located on the seventh floor ) where there is also a full bar , in case tea just won 't cut it .

  10. 利用计算机信息管理系统(MIS)建立和利用客户数据库,与现代信息技术、网络技术相结合,着重从服务模式、关系管理为顾客提供全方位服务,是企业提升竞争力的重要方法和手段。

    Applying MIS and modern information network technologies , establishing and applying the customer data base , providing all-round service for customers from the aspects of service mode and . relation management , are the important methods and measures for enterprises to enhance their competitiveness .

  11. 伦敦律师事务所LawrenceGraham的企业业务主管克里斯托弗•泰特(ChristopherTite)表示,在公司内部拥有提供全方位服务的法律部门没有什么价值,因为许多业务可以成本效益更高的方式实现。

    Christopher Tite , head of corporate at the London-based law firm Lawrence Graham , says there is little merit in having a full-service legal function in-house , as many operations can be accomplished cost-effectively elsewhere .

  12. 把它想成你脸部的全方位服务商店。

    Think of it as your one-stop shop for the face .

  13. 他们开玩笑说,罗伯逊是一位提供全方位服务的经纪人。

    They joked that Ms. Robertson was a full-service broker .

  14. 全方位服务于国内商业地产领域。

    We devote to serving mainland business real estate .

  15. 通过良好的全方位服务的物流供应商及许多优质产业服务公司提供的服务;

    By fine surrounding service promoted by logistics suppliers and many excellent logistic company ;

  16. 我国技术中介的发展存在许多不足之处,因此,迅速建立全方位服务模式的中介业已是当务之急。

    There will be many problems in the development of technological medium in our country .

  17. 他们享受生活、医疗、康复、心理等全方位服务。

    They receive all-bearing services in daily care , medicine , rehabilitation , psychology , etc.

  18. 万盟是目前业界少数能提供系统整合全方位服务之自动精密机械设备公司。

    We are a full service system integration can provide automatic precision machinery equipment company .

  19. 零距离沟通,全方位服务。

    Zero-Distance Communication , All-round Services .

  20. 但提供全方位服务的航空公司不会在他们最赚钱的航线上接受挑战。

    But full-service carriers will not take the challenge on their most lucrative routes lying down .

  21. 该公司为奥古斯塔及艾肯区的数家主要工厂提供全方位服务。

    This company provides turnkey service to several major industrial plants in the Augusta and Aiken area .

  22. 与竞争对手不同,巴克莱财富提供财富管理市场的全方位服务。

    Unlike some of its competitors , Barclays Wealth offers its services across the whole wealth management market .

  23. 我们一直注重品质,为客户提供全方位服务。

    We stick to pay attention to the quality , and provide the omni-directional service for the customer .

  24. 通过加强资质审核管理,促使咨询机构人员素质、办公现代化条件及全方位服务质量都得到提高。

    Through strengthening the verification management the quality of personnel , office condition and omnibearing service quality are improved .

  25. 建全服务体系,创新服务手段,全方位服务于航运中心建设;

    The forth is building the whole service system , innovating service , serving the construction of shipping center omni-directionally ;

  26. 这些招数有助于人们关注于瑞安的核心特点:票价比提供全方位服务的航空公司便宜。

    All this helps people focus on what matters at Ryanair : its tickets are cheaper than full-service carriers ' .

  27. 与它更为知名的对手阿里巴巴(其业务领域是作为一个平台,在买家和卖家之间搭桥)不同,京东是一个提供全方位服务的在线零售商。

    It is a full-service online retailer , unlike its better-known rival , Alibaba , whose marketplace connects buyers and sellers .

  28. 目的了解门诊输液患儿家属的需求,为患儿输液实施全方位服务提供理论依据。

    Objective To determine the parents needs of children receiving intravenous infusion and to provide theoretical reference for providing all-sided nursing service .

  29. 全方位服务的设计中心为客户量身定制全部工程的各个阶段和细节,客户无需再雇请其它卖主。

    A full-service design center allows clients to custom tailor all phases and elements of entire projects without having to hire other vendors .

  30. 其主要原因是电子银行具有成本低、规模效益和全方位服务等许多优势。

    The main reasons are the advantages of e banking such as low costs , economies of scale and all round services , etc.