
láo wù
  • labor services;personal service;labour service
劳务 [láo wù]
  • [labor services] 指劳动力或劳动事务

劳务[láo wù]
  1. 国际承包劳务市场态势与展望

    The Trend and Prospect of International Contract Engineering and Labour Service Market

  2. 加快发展河南农村劳务经济的对策研究

    Reflections On Promoting Rural Labour Service Economy In Henan

  3. 劳务输出在发展中国家非常普遍。

    Labour export is very common in developing countries .

  4. 消费者受到商品和劳务出售者奉承,劝诱和央求。

    Consumers are courted , enticed , and implored by sellers of goods and services .

  5. 增加了的商品及劳务税

    increased tax on goods and services

  6. 拓展帮扶领域,健全帮扶机制,优化帮扶方式,加强产业合作、资源互补、劳务对接、人才交流,动员全社会参与,形成区域协调发展、协同发展、共同发展的良好局面。

    We should expand the fields for paired assistance , improve related mechanisms and common regional development .

  7. 它是指交易双方通过国际互联网(Internet)进行商品或劳务的交易。

    In other words , it means the two sides of trade do business of goods or service on the internet .

  8. 舟山市出国劳务渔民境外感染HIV的因素分析

    Analysis of risk factors of HIV infection caught abroad in Zhoushan labour exporting fishermen

  9. 层次分析方法(AHP)在劳务分包单位选择中的实例应用

    The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process on the Selection of Labor Subcontractors

  10. 东亚国际工程承包劳务市场现状及我对策论加入WTO对我国对外工程承包业的影响

    INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTING BUSINESS IN EAST ASIA On the Influence to the International Contracting for Construction Industries After China Joined WTO

  11. 加入WTO给中国经济带来的最大冲击和挑战,不在商品和资本市场,而在劳务市场。

    The greatest shock and challenge that would be caused by the entering of WTO to China 's economy is not in commodities and capital market , but in labor market .

  12. 结合EPC模式下分包商及劳务用工HSE管理方面存在的问题,对工程分包管理中的HSE控制进行了探讨。

    Combined with the problems existed in HSE management of subcontractor and contracted workforce under EPC modal , HSE control in the management of project subcontracting has been discussed .

  13. 此外,像爱马仕(Hermes)、香奈儿、路易威登和范思哲等公司大部分产品在欧洲制作,因此原料和劳务费都用欧元支付。

    In addition , brands such as Hermes , Chanel , Vuitton and Versace make most of their products in Europe , paying for their materials and labor in euros .

  14. 然而,这种传统GDP核算体系忽视自然资源与环境成本,仅以产品与劳务的市场交易价值作为评价标准的明显弊端,造成GDP指标的虚拟增大,因此对其修正刻不容缓。

    However , the traditional GDP calculation system neglects the cost of natural resources and the environment . The obvious limitation of the system that takes product and service market value in exchange as the only assessment criteria , results in the false increase of the GDP indicators .

  15. 日本东京-24岁的HidekazuNishikido是一家劳务派遣公司的职员,最近得到晋升,协助管理一小组员工。

    Hidekazu Nishikido , a24-year-old agent at a staffing company , recently got promoted to help manage a small group of employees .

  16. 我们不是单纯的汽车公司或劳务公司;

    We are not a simple car companies or service companies ;

  17. 甘肃省农村劳务输转问题研究

    On the Export and Transfer of Rural Labors in Gansu Province

  18. 第6章对我国劳务派遣发展实践中劳务派遣履约问题进行分析。

    Chapter six analyzes the labor dispatch contract performance in China .

  19. 中俄在俄远东地区开展劳务合作的前景

    Prospects of the Sino-Russian labor service cooperation in the Far East

  20. 世界劳务市场及中国劳务出口的前景分析

    Prospects for world labor market & china 's labor service export

  21. 对南水北调工程建设中劳务分包管理的思考

    Labor Service Subcontract Management in Construction of the South-to-North Water Project

  22. 劳动关系非标准趋势下的劳务派遣问题研究

    Study on Labor Dispatch under the Trend of Non-standard Labor Relations

  23. 经济学家就称这种商品或者劳务为次品。

    Economists refer to the goods or service as inferior .

  24. 劳务输出业服务价格的制定策略和方法

    Pricing Strategies and Methods in the Labor Force Exporting Industry

  25. 小城镇劳务中介机构功能研究

    Study on Work Agency 's Functions in Our Country 's Small Towns

  26. 论用人单位与劳务派遣工之间的关系

    Discussion on Relationship of Employing Unit and Laborer for Services

  27. 劳务派遣是企业的一种新型用工模式,必定要经历从形成到发展再到完善的过程。

    Labor dispatch is a new pattern of company employment .

  28. 建筑劳务用工制度改革与构建和谐社会

    The Reformation of the Construction Employment System and Building a Harmonious Society

  29. 建筑施工劳务分包机制研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Labor Subcontracting in Construction Industry

  30. 外地劳务人员自杀原因分析及心理支持

    Analysis of suicide causes and psychic support in workers from other places