
láo wù hé tonɡ
  • service contract;labor contract;labor services contract;contract of labor
  1. 浅析劳动合同和劳务合同的区别

    Analysis of Differences between Employment Contract and Labor Contract

  2. 同时,强调定期租船合同劳务合同特点的也是日本和德国等大陆法系的国家居多。

    But in civil law countries such as Japan and Germany , they also emphasize the labor contract character in the time charter parties .

  3. 麦卡锡与bxj签的劳务合同。

    That 's mccarthy 's employment contract with bxj .

  4. 船员劳务合同相关法律问题研究

    A Study on the Issues of Contract of Crew 's Employment

  5. 在与姿方的劳务合同谈判中,劳方占有利地位。

    Labor is on top in it 's contract discussions with management .

  6. 本文简单介绍劳动合同与劳务合同。

    This article introduces briefly labor contract and work contract .

  7. 劳动合同、劳务合同、雇佣合同三者关系密切。

    The labor contract is the legal basis of legal relation of employment .

  8. 关于船员劳务合同中优先权问题的探讨

    On Maritime Priority in the Crew Employment Contract

  9. 狭义的劳务合同仅指一般的雇佣合同。

    In its narrow sense , it only refers to a common engaged contract .

  10. 正在考虑续签该合劳务合同。

    The employment contract is up for renewal .

  11. 我国公立高校已经普遍和教师签订劳务合同,实行聘用制。

    Teachers of public universities in our country generally have signed labor contracts implementing the employment system .

  12. 船员劳务合同是船员与雇佣方建立劳动力交换关系的基础。

    As the basis of labor relationship , the crew 's contract is very important to protect the crew 's benefit .

  13. 大型企业仅依赖于高额工资或签订劳务合同很难真正留住优秀的人才。

    It is hard for large enterprises to urge talents to stay by depending on higher salary or signing labour contracts .

  14. 在实践上,不仅存在双重劳动关系,而且存在劳动合同与劳务合同大量混用的状况。

    In practice , it is not only the dual labor relations but also the confusion of labor contract and service contract .

  15. 首代如是大陆人需同上海外服机构签订劳务合同;

    If the chief representative belong to main land of China , should sign personal services contact with Shanghai Foreign Service Company .

  16. 因此,船员劳务合同较之一般行业的劳务合同在保障上就显得更为突出。

    Thereupon , contract of seaman 's employment in guaranteeing seems to be more outstanding than contract of the general vocation 's employment .

  17. 然后,对现有法律条件下船员劳务合同法律适用的问题进行分析,希望解决现存司法实践中在此问题上法律适用混乱的问题。

    After that , the author discusses the problems about the conclusion , modification and the termination of the contract and the application of law .

  18. 目前,我国船员劳务合同的使用和签订比较混乱,船员利益难以得到充分保障。

    Nowadays , the chaos of the application and signing of crews service contract , lead to the difficulty of safeguarding the interest of crews .

  19. 一般门诊医疗合同,应系无名劳务合同与买卖合同的混合合同;住院医疗合同内容极为复杂,应系无名劳务合同、租赁合同、买卖合同及雇佣合同的混合合同;

    A contract concerning physicians diagnosis and treat patients shall be deemed as a mixed contract of non-typical service contract and purchase and sale contract ;

  20. 文章对劳动合同、雇佣合同、劳务合同从概念、法律性质上加以区分,使读者更好地理解三者之间的区别与联系。

    From a legal perspective , some of the general sense of labor relations ; and another belonging to the civil part of the employment relationship .

  21. 例如,为满足公司销售或劳务合同而持有的存货量的可变现净值是以合同价格为基础的。

    For example , the net realisable value of the quantity of inventory held to satisfy firm sales or service contracts is based on the contract price .

  22. 不管是养老金还是劳务合同,关键在于只要是为别人打工,就没有‘工作保障’一说。

    Regardless of pension promises or signed contracts , the real fact of the matter is there is no ' job security ' in working for someone else .

  23. 《中华人民共和国劳务合同法》规定,在职工怀孕等情况下,公司不得解除劳动合同。

    The Law of the People 's Republic of China on Employment Contracts stipulates several conditions under which a company cannot terminate a contract , such as pregnancy .

  24. 依据劳动合同和劳务合同,劳动者与所在单位(用人单位)在实现社会劳动过程中形成的权利义务关系存在很大差异。劳动合同、劳务合同、雇佣合同三者关系密切。

    In the course of enforcement of a labor contract and a contract for services , there are lots of differences between the rights and obligations of employees and employers .

  25. 因此,法律应当明确规定劳动仲裁前置原则不适用于国内船员劳务合同纠纷。

    In conclusion , the law should definitely provide that the case of dispute on domestic crew 's labor contract shall be excluded to apply to the Rule of labor arbitration be first lodged .

  26. 凡是与社会主义经济秩序无关的合同,如监护、收养、抚养以及赠与合同、劳务合同等有关身份关系的合同或者协议,均不属合同诈骗中的合同。

    Due to have no relationship with the socialism economical order , any contracts which are related to identification confirm , such as guardianship , adaptation , tutorship , grant contract , labor contract and other contracts are different from the contract fraud .

  27. 针对船员劳务合同中优先权问题进行了探讨,指出在船员与船舶所有人没有劳动合同的情况下,船员仍对劳动报酬享有船舶优先权;

    This paper makes a study on the maritime priority in the crew employment contract , points out that crew members should be entitled to enjoy maritime priority for their wages and other remuneration if there is no labour contract between the crew and the shipowner .

  28. 在对合同诈骗罪进行简要概述以后,首先从合同诈骗罪之合同的性质、形式,以及利用劳务合同进行诈骗是否构成合同诈骗罪等几个方面,对如何界定合同诈骗罪之合同进行了讨论。

    Following the brief introduction of contract defraud , the thesis begins with the definition of essential , contract , of contract defraud , including character , and format of ' contract ', and whether fraudulence under labor service contract can be deemed as contract defraud .

  29. 论海员劳务雇用合同

    Discussion about seamen 's Employment Contracts

  30. 长期工程(包括劳务)合同,一般应当根据完成进度法或者完成合同法合理确认营业收入。

    Revenue of long-term project contract ( including labour service ) shall be reasonably recognized , in general , according to the completed progress method or the completed contract method .