
  1. 论女性劳动就业权的平等实现

    On the Realization of Equalization of Female Employment

  2. 残疾人劳动就业权保护的比较法和国际法研究

    On Protecting Rights of the Employment about the Disabled from Comparative and International Law

  3. 基于此,保护残疾人的劳动就业权成为行政法的重要任务。

    Based on this , protect the employment rights of persons with disabilities to become an important task of administrative law .

  4. 其次介绍了残疾人劳动就业权保障法律状况,包括从国家立法到地方立法的具体分析。

    Secondly discussed the disabled employment right legal status , including from the national legislation to the analysis of the specific local legislation .

  5. 维护职工的劳动就业权,是工会维护劳工权益的基础和重中之重。

    Safeguarding the workers ' right to work is a basis and key point that trade unions protect workers ' rights and interests .

  6. 劳动就业权的保障是一个世界性的问题,世界各国都存在着不同程度的劳动权不平等现象。

    The protection of labour right is a worldwide issue , such unequality of labour right phenomena of various degrees exist in different countries of the world .

  7. 而在国内,对残疾人劳动就业权的保护仍然以发达国家较为完善,但发展中国家正在不断的提高。

    But in domestic , the developed country is better than the developing nation in the protection to the right of labor and employment about the disabled .

  8. 本文旨在通过运用比较的方法,来对残疾人劳动就业权的国际法律保护进行研究。

    The purpose of this article is for researching the protection about the international law concerning with the right of the labor and employment of the disabled through using the comparative methods .

  9. 然后,文章从国际法的视角,探讨了当前国际社会有关残疾人劳动就业权的国际法律途径。

    Then , from the viewpoint of the international law , the article introduces the international legal way of current international society concerning with the right of labor and employment about the disabled .

  10. 保护残疾人劳动就业权的实现,不仅能够保障残疾人及其家庭的切身利益,而且有助于深化法治建设,营造和谐社会环境。

    Protection for employment the realization of the right , can not only guarantee the disabled and their families ' vital interests , and help deepen the rule of law construction and create a harmonious social environment .

  11. 现实生活中普遍存在的就业歧视现象,严重影响了劳动力市场的正常发育与成长,损害了就业市场的公平竞争环境,也损害了劳动者的劳动就业权。

    Employment discrimination in our country is widespread and serious . It influences on the normal development of labor market , and it is harmful to equitable competition of labor market and laborer 's right to employment .

  12. 其次,文章从发达国家、发展中国家以及以联合国为代表的国际组织三个方面对残疾人劳动就业权国际法律保护的现状进行了详细的研究。

    Next , from the three aspects of the developed country , the developing nation and the United Nations , the article introduces concretely the present situation of international legal protection according to the right of labor and employment about the disabled .

  13. 解雇权是雇主经营自主权不可缺少的一部分,然而,雇主对解雇权的滥用不仅损害劳动者的劳动就业权,更进一步损害社会整体利益。

    Dismissal right is an indispensable part of decision-making power of an employer , however , the abuse of dismissal right of an employer not only damages the employment right of workers but also further damages the interests of the whole society .

  14. 在此基础上,以应然的法律理念为起点,探讨残疾人劳动就业权行政立法制度的完善、行政执法措施的健全以及司法救济保护的强化。

    On this basis , the " should be " legal philosophy as a starting point to explore the employment of persons with disabilities the right to the Executive and Legislative System , a sound administrative and enforcement measures to strengthen the protection of judicial relief .

  15. 劳动权既包括劳动报酬权、就业权,也包括社会保障、教育等财产权利内容;既要通过市场竞争去优化个体权利,也需国家通过政府调控去达到资源的优化配置。

    Labor rights include reward rights , employment rights , social protection rights , education rights , etc. , which needs both market competition to optimize individual rights and State governmental adjustment and control to optimize resource distribution .

  16. 在国有企业改制中,法规的缺失及不规范的操作使国有企业职工与企业的劳动关系处于不稳定的状态,使得职工劳动就业权的充分实现受到威胁。

    The labour relationship is unstable and a lot of labour disputes arise from the labour relation adjustment in the state-owned enterprise reform .

  17. 笔者通过本文6个部分的论述,对此问题进行了较深入的研究,以期能对我国国有企业改制中劳动关系的妥善调整,进而保护好职工的劳动就业权提供一定参考。

    The author has conducted a thorough research regarding this topic through the six partials in this article , hoping the elaboration can give certain suggestion on how to protect the work rights in the course of labour relation readjustment during the reform of state-owned enterprises in our country .