
  • 网络labor force participation rate;participation rate;labour force participation rate
  1. 基于内生增长模型的建模思想,通过改进Romer的内生增长模型,建立包含劳动参与率因素的内生增长模型。

    Based on the ideas of how to establish an endogenous growth model , this article sets up an endogenous growth model , which embodies the factor of labor force participation rate , by improving David Romer ′ s results .

  2. 同失业率一样,劳动参与率也是反映就业状况的一个重要指标。

    Labor force participation rate , as unemployment rate , is an important employment indicator .

  3. 不过劳动参与率(labourforceparticipationrate)依然令人失望,上个月只有62.9%。

    But the labour force participation rate has remained disappointing , coming in at 62.9 per cent last month .

  4. 我国女性劳动参与率的变化趋势及效应分析

    The Change Tendency and Effect Analysis of Chinese Women 's Labour Participation Rate

  5. 对中国女性劳动参与率变动的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis on the Fluctuation of Female Labor Force Participation Rate in China

  6. 中国人口劳动参与率与未来劳动力供给分析

    Analysis on Labor Force Participation Rate and Labor Supply in the Future in China

  7. 直到2000年,美国女性劳动参与率一直与其他国家同步攀升。

    Until 2000 , the US female labour force participation rate climbed in parallel with those of other countries .

  8. 女性劳动参与率是反映一个国家或地区女性经济地位的重要指标。

    The female labor force participation rate can reflect the economic status of women in a country or in a region .

  9. 世界银行集团的分析表明,有利于商业发展的规章制度可以增加女企业家的比例和妇女的劳动参与率。

    World Bank Group analysis shows that business-friendly regulation leads to a higher share of female entrepreneurs and women in the labor force .

  10. 通过数据计算,本文认为新疆城镇女性的劳动参与率也正处于一个稳步下降的阶段。

    After analyzing the data , we find that the female labor force participation rate in Xinjiang is also getting lower and lower .

  11. 目前城镇女性劳动参与率不高,就业的行业偏向于工资收入水平低的行业,并且大多处在普通员工的职位上。

    Present urban female laboring rate is not high , and their vocations are those with low pay and mostly in low-rank positions .

  12. 长期看,随着我国人口出生率下降,劳动参与率将下降;

    In the long run , with the decline in China 's birth rate , labor participation rate will come to a lower level .

  13. 近年降幅超过许多经济学家预测的劳动参与率,微升至63%。

    The labour force participation rate , which had been falling more than many economists had forecast in recent years , edged up to 63 per cent .

  14. 最后,经济增长通常还伴随着周期性波动。人口年龄结构转变会影响人口劳动参与率的变化,进而对经济波动产生影响。

    Finally , because economic growth is usually accompanied by cyclical fluctuations , population age structure change is usually accompanied by the changes of labor force participation .

  15. 在充分考虑人口老龄化、劳动参与率年龄模式变动以及受教育水平提高影响的基础上,对未来劳动供给进行预测。

    In this paper predict labor supply to future basic on considering fully influence of population aging , changing of labor force participate in age mode and education level rise .

  16. 中东与北非地区的妇女劳动参与率是世界上最低的之一,使之成为该地区的一个最关键的性别挑战。

    The participation of women in the workforce in the MENA region is among the lowest in the world & making it one of the key gender challenges for the region .

  17. 劳动力利用机制,是指资源和机会在不同年龄组之间的配置,包括劳动参与率、劳动力的利用导向、退休制度等。

    The mechanism of labor utilization is defined as the distribution of resources and opportunities between different age groups , including labor force participation rate , labor utilization direct and retirement system .

  18. 教育的大众化、科学技术的迅速发展以及信息的广泛传播促使着女性思想的进一步解放和劳动参与率的逐渐提高。

    The popularization of education , the rapid development of science and technology and the dissemination of information prompted the further liberation of thought of women and increasing the labor participation rate .

  19. 直到2000年,美国女性劳动参与率一直与其他国家同步攀升。自2000年以来,美国女性劳动参与率开始下降,而其他地区的该比率在继续上升。

    Until 2000 , the US female labour force participation rate climbed in parallel with those of other countries . Since then , it has dropped while it has continued to improve elsewhere .

  20. 主要从提高劳动参与率,提高劳动者素质,加快农村剩余劳动力转移,完善社会保障体系几个方面论述。

    Mainly from the increased labor force participation rate , and improve the quality of workers , speeding up the transfer of rural surplus labor and improve discussed several aspects of the social security system .

  21. 由于与男性相比,女性的劳动参与率低、工资收入低、平均寿命高,具体保险规定的设计就可能在养老金分配上产生有利于女性或不利于女性的结果。

    Given that women have a lower rate of labor participation , lower salary incomes and a longer average life span , are the specific insurance stipulations concerning the distribution of old age pension favorable to women ?

  22. 如果采取合理措施应对,数据显示,由此带来的劳动参与率的提高幅度应会大于适龄劳动人口的降幅,这意味着劳动力增多,而非减少。

    Take reasonable measures to address this , and the data show that the resultant increase in the participation rate should be larger than the decline in the working-age population , meaning more workers , not fewer .

  23. 政策模拟的结果显示,未来通过提高劳动参与率和提高人均人力资本水平来缓解劳动力规模下降给经济增长带来的负面影响有着较大的政策空间。

    Policy simulation results show that in the near future there is great room for making policies for relieving the negative influence of decrease of labor population on economic growth by increasing the rate of labor participation and the level of average human capital .

  24. 研究结果表明,在核心劳工标准领域,童工与纺织服装业出口之间存在负相关性,女性劳动参与率与纺织服装业出口之间存在正相关性,工会数与纺织服装业出口之间不存在相关性。

    Results show that in the field of core labor standards , child labor has a negative correlation with textile and garment export , the female labor force participation rate has a positive correlation with it , and the number of unions has no correlation .

  25. 他还说,如果劳动参与率从2011年到2020年每年上升一个百分点,则每年可能会给中国经济增速带来0.88个百分点的提振。经济学家将就业年龄人口中实际参与工作的人数占总人数的比例称为劳动参与率。

    If the labor participation rate -- economist speak for the share of the working-age population that is actually working -- rises by one percentage point each year from 2011 to 2020 , it would lift China 's economic growth potential by 0.88 percentage point each year , he added .

  26. 整体劳动人口参与率

    Overall labour force participation rate

  27. 我国农村劳动就业参与率偏高,主要是因为农村大量青少年人口没有接受到相应的教育和培训,就过早地进入劳动力市场。

    Our country rural employment participation is on the high side . The main reason is that rural population of teenagers enter into the labour market early with not accepting good education and training .

  28. 本研究在分析农村剩余劳动力转移的对策时提出:在经济和社会持续发展的前提下,农村劳动就业参与率需要有一个适当的度。

    In analyzes the countryside surplus labor force shift problems in the current , this study proposed that the rural employment participation needs a proper degrees in the premise of economic and social sustainable development .

  29. 在不同个体特征结构水平下,最低工资水平与其他劳动特征因素对劳动参与率的影响效应是不同的,存在多区制状态。

    Under the different level of individual characteristics structure , the influence of the minimum wage level and other labor characteristics on labor participation rate effect is different , and there are many regimes .

  30. 对劳动供给的研究有助于揭示目前城镇劳动参与率下降的真实程度和具体原因,并预示将来进一步发展趋势。

    The research on labor suppliers is helpful to promulgate real drop degree and the concrete reason of the participation rate , and the indication new question appeared in future .