
láo wù shū chū
  • service/labor export
  1. 劳务输出在发展中国家非常普遍。

    Labour export is very common in developing countries .

  2. 加入WTO后我国在劳务输出方面的对策及其法律完善

    On the Policies and Legislation of Labor Export After Chinese Entry of WTO

  3. 延边地区劳务输出人员AIDS知识态度行为的调查

    A survey on AIDS knowledge and attitude among exporting laborers in Yanbian area

  4. 应采取增加劳务输出和扩大劳动密集型产品在对外贸易中的比重、大力发展第三产业、调整宏观经济政策的单纯GDP取向、完善劳动力市场等措施,实现经济与就业一致性增长。

    We should increase labor service output and enlarge labor concentrated product import , develop tertiary industry , perfect labor forces market , so that can realize consistent growth between economy and employment .

  5. 劳务输出业服务价格的制定策略和方法

    Pricing Strategies and Methods in the Labor Force Exporting Industry

  6. 中国船员对外劳务输出的现状及发展策略船员管理信息系统的构想

    The Opinion of Information System on Seafarer Management of China

  7. 江西省国际劳务输出的经济效用与发展对策研究

    The economic effects and development strategies on labor export of JiangXi Province

  8. 劳务输出在发展中国家非常普遍。

    Labor export is very common in the developing countries .

  9. 黑龙江省对俄劳务输出问题研究

    Study on Countermeasures on labor services exporting from Heilongjiang Province to Russia

  10. 促进河南省劳务输出产业发展的对策

    The Countermeasure of Promoting Invisible Export Industry Development of Henan

  11. 中国对中东劳务输出的前景与对策

    China 's Perspective & Countermeasure towards Labor Export to the Middle East

  12. 中国小城镇劳务输出途径研究

    Study on Labor Exporting Approach of Small Towns in China

  13. 国际劳务输出地区农村人力资源的优化配置

    Rural Human Resources Optimization and Disposition of International Labor Services Exporting Area

  14. 朝鲜族对外劳务输出之我见

    My Opinion of the Korean Nationality External Export of Labour

  15. 山东省对外劳务输出业的发展就是一个实例。

    The labor export industry in Shandong province is a good example .

  16. 中国建成船员劳务输出大国的对策

    Measures To Be Taken To Make China The Largest Crew Power Export Country

  17. 发展教育事业,促进我国劳务输出

    Developing Educational Undertaking and Promoting our Labor Service Export

  18. 甘肃农村劳务输出的市场分析

    The Market Analysis of Labor Output in Gansu Country

  19. 我国劳务输出的若干问题研究

    Studies on Several Problems of China 's Labor Exports

  20. 运用马克思主义的劳动理论作为研究劳务输出专题的理论基础。

    The theoretic base of the labor export subject is Marxist labor theory .

  21. 此外,我部门还兼营劳务输出及咨询业务。

    In addition , we also have settled up several labor service business .

  22. 西部贫困地区劳务输出的崇拜、反思与超越

    Adoration , Reflection and Exceeding of Labor Force Export in Western Poor Area

  23. 劳务输出与脱贫致富

    Labor Export and Shaking off Poverty and Becoming Rich

  24. 2努力扩大劳务输出。

    Work hard to extend the rent service exportation .

  25. 本文适用于全体舍佛勒员工,包括劳务输出员工。

    It is applicable to all formal employees and contracted workers at SFL .

  26. 第五部分是河南省对外劳务输出的对策研究。

    The fifth part of is the service outputs in Henan Province countermeasures .

  27. 第三小节概括了四川省对外劳务输出具备的主要特征。

    The third section summarizes the main features of foreign labor in sichuan province .

  28. 四川贫困地区劳务输出差异分析

    The Analysis of the Different Situation of Labor Services Exporting In Sichuan Impoverished Area

  29. 高职毕业生劳务输出形式、渠道的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on the Form and Channel of Labor Export for Higher Vocational Graduates

  30. 我国劳务输出与出口贸易关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relation Between China 's Labor Exports and Commodity Exports