
  • 网络Indirect Exporting;Indirect Export
  1. 随着我国参加WTO组织,进一步对外开放,许多企业的产品纷纷走出国门,远销到世界各地,或与国内其它企业的出口产品配套,产品间接出口。

    With the participation in WTO and further opening to the outside world by China , many companies export their products abroad , which are sold in every corner of the world , or supply components to exported products made by other companies thus becoming an indirect exporter .

  2. 同中国的间接出口成本(为总成本的8%)相比,非洲的间接出口成本(为总成本的18-35%)过高。

    The indirect costs of exporting from Africa ( 18 to35 percnt of total costs ) are exorbitant compared to exporting from China ( 8 percent of total costs ) .

  3. 统一生产企业与外贸出口企业退税额的计算依据,完善间接出口免税制度,使出口退税更具公平性。

    Making uniform the basis for calculating tax return amount of manufacturers and exporters , and perfecting indirect export tax-free system to ensure the fairness in the export tax return .

  4. 本文首先介绍我国电子类产品出口国际市场的三种主要渠道:间接出口、直接出口和投资进入海外市场。

    In this article , I first introduce the three major channels by which the Chinese electronic products are exported to oversea market : indirect export , direct export , and oversea investment .

  5. 本文通过逻辑和数学模型来分析生产商的交易模式选择问题,为出口生产企业的国际贸易模式选择(直接出口和间接出口)提供一定的理论基础和依据。

    This dissertation applies logical and mathematical model to analyze manufacturer 's choice of transaction pattern , in order to provide a theoretical base for manufacturer 's choice of international trade pattern , direct export or indirect export .

  6. 为了间接补贴出口,中国有意将人民币兑美元汇率低估。

    China keeps its renminbi undervalued against the dollar in order indirectly to subsidise its exports .

  7. 中国经济持续、快速、稳定地发展刺激了能源消费快速增长,加上世界加工厂这种间接能源出口的形势,使得能源供需不平衡状况日益突出。

    The sustained , rapid and stable economic development in China has stimulated rapid increase in energy consumption , and along with the effect of indirect energy exports situation which is called " world factory ", the imbalance between energy supply and demand has become increasingly prominent .

  8. 在间接关系上出口和进口对经济增长的影响差不多,它们主要通过对消费和投资的长期促进作用而间接地促进经济增长。

    The indirect influences of export on economic growth are the same as import and both promote economic growth indirectly mainly through consumption and investment in the long-run .

  9. 鉴于本协议赋予的独家权利,甲方不得通过乙方以外的任何渠道直接或间接地销售或出口产品。

    In consideration of the exclusive right herein granted , Party A shall in no way directly or indirectly sell or export Products to Territory through any other channel than Party B.