
jiàn jiē mào yì
  • indirect trade;passive commerce
  1. FDI对内资企业间接贸易效应的实证分析&以高新技术产业为例

    An Empirical Analysis of FDI on Domestic Enterprise Indirect Trade Effect & Taking High Technology Industry as an Example

  2. 海峡两岸间接贸易分析与展望

    An Analysis and Prediction of the Indirect Trade between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits

  3. 本文将对多条间接贸易渠道进行深入探讨,力图使中日贸易的面貌更加完整、清晰。

    These indirect channels need further research in order to make the study of the Sino-Japanese private trade more complete .

  4. 并从直接贸易效应和间接贸易效应两方面给出了增加贸易效应的合理建议。

    And it has proposed a reasonable proposal to increase trade effect from the perspective of direct trade effect and indirect trade effect .

  5. 中荷茶叶贸易的形式包括间接贸易、直接贸易、间接贸易与直接贸易相结合三种。

    Sino-Dutch trade of tea in the form of indirect trade , direct trade , direct trade and indirect trade between the combination of the three .

  6. 自1992年8月中韩两国正式建交以来,贸易形式从间接贸易转为直接贸易,贸易额迅速增加。

    Since China and South Korea established formal diplomatic relations in August 1992 , their form of trading went from indirect to direct trading , which led to a increased volume of cooperations between these two countries .

  7. 因而各国在环境立法中,往往制定一些直接或间接限制贸易的环境措施。

    Thus nations take action to make environmental laws , including some measures with the effect restricting trade directly or indirectly .

  8. 101.中国代表进一步表示,中国将不把原产地规则用作直接或间接追求贸易目标的工具。

    101 . The representative of China further stated that China would not use the rules of origin as an instrument to pursue trade objectives directly or indirectly .

  9. 尽管存在与其原产地规则相联系的商业政策措施或工具,但是其原产地规则不得用作直接或间接实现贸易目标的工具;

    Notwithstanding the measure or instrument of commercial policy to which they are linked , their rules of origin are not used as instruments to pursue trade objectives directly or indirectly ;

  10. 人口年龄结构的变化就是通过影响上述经济变量,来间接影响对外贸易差额的。

    A demographic transition indirectly affects the balance of the foreign trade through the above economic variables .

  11. 本协定适用于所有可能直接或间接影响国际贸易的卫生与植物卫生措施。

    This Agreement applies to all sanitary and phytosanitary measures which may , directly or indirectly , affect international trade .

  12. 这次交易会紧密结合了贴近营销及市场的设想,并且大范围的销售手段及市场营销间接使进口贸易更加便利了。

    This Campaign is tightly integrated in its approach from a Sales Marketing perspective , with an extensive range of sales tools marketing collaterals to help make selling Import Express easier .

  13. 事实上,经济增长虽然没有直接对贸易条件产生显著性影响,却通过技术进步效应、资本积累效应和劳动力供给效应三个方面间接影响着贸易条件。

    Actually , though economic growth dose not influence on Terms of Trade directly , it effects on terms of trade indirectly through technology progress effect , capital accumulation effect and labor supply effect .

  14. 汇率是平衡国际收支的重要变量,其变化既直接影响贸易品价格,又间接影响双边贸易总额及净头寸。

    Exchange rate as an important variable of adjusting trade flow , its change not only directly affects the prices of tradable goods , but also indirectly affects total bilateral volume of trade and net position .

  15. 不断降低的关税、循级而升的关税结构和免、抵、退等三个方面的关税税收政策直接影响着中间产品的进口,间接影响着加工贸易的发展。

    The reform with continuously reducing the tariff level , step by step climbing up the tariff structure and " relieving , offset and refund " directly affect the importing of the intermediate products and indirect affect the development of the processing trade .

  16. 历史上,一个国家与另一个国家最初的联系往往始于两国间贸易的发生与发展,中俄两国正式交往之前,双方已有间接和直接的贸易联系。

    In the history , the initial relationship of a country with another national often begins with the trade occurrence and the development between the both countries . Before the official contact of China and Russia , the both had trade relation indirectly and directly .