
hǎi wài mào yì
  • oversea trade;overseas trade;ultramarine trade;ocean commerce
  1. 工业发展所需的资本主要来自于工业自身的积累,而不是殖民掠夺或海外贸易。

    The Capital financing the industrial development was accumulated inside the industry , instead plundering from the colony or the oversea trade .

  2. 它在英国的兴起是英国在这一时期进行大规模海外贸易和海外扩张的一个必不可少的条件,它成为英国商人组织海外贸易的最有效的方式。

    The rise of the joint-stock company was essential to the England oversea trade and expansion and became the most effective way to organize the oversea trade .

  3. 和平没有为依赖海外贸易的经济问题带来解决办法。

    Peace brought no solution to the economic problems that pivoted on overseas trade .

  4. 海外贸易上月增长20%。

    Overseas commerce increased by20 per-cent last month .

  5. 明与清前期海外贸易政策比较&从万明《中国融入世界的步履》一书谈起WTO的环境规则与我国的外贸发展对策

    Again Comparing Ming and the Early Qing Foreign Trade Policies WTO 's Environmental Regulations and China 's Foreign Trade Policies

  6. 英国商人在外国船只中进行大量海外贸易(G.M.特里维廉)

    English merchants did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms ( G.M. Trevelyan )

  7. 日本首相菅直人(naotokan)加大了其促进海外贸易的努力,与越南政府达成协议,将为该国建造两座民用核反应堆,并在稀土矿的勘探与精炼方面进行合作。

    Naoto Kan , the Japanese Prime Minister , has stepped up his efforts to promote overseas trade by concluding an agreement to build two civil nuclear reactors for Vietnam and to co-operate with the Vietnamese government on the exploration and refining of rare earth minerals .

  8. 宋代海外贸易发展的原因初探

    Probe into the Reasons of Foreign Trade Development in Song Dynasty

  9. 他们在外国产的货船上作了很多海外贸易。

    They did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms .

  10. 此后,在1567年,海外贸易的禁令解除。

    Then , in1567 , the ban on overseas trade was lifted .

  11. 这个小国在很大程度上依靠于其海外贸易。

    This small country depends heavily on its overseas trade .

  12. 我们是代海外贸易公司买下这项专利的。

    We bought the patent for the account of Oversea Trading Company .

  13. 陆路与海外贸易的发展,促进了交通事业的发展。

    The increasing transaction sped up the development of traffic .

  14. 近代早期英属北美殖民地海外贸易发展初探

    Initial Study on Overseas Trade Development in Early Modern British North America

  15. 唐五代泉州海外贸易管理刍议

    The Management of Quanzhou 's Overseas Trade in Tang and Five Dynasties

  16. 对明清政府海外贸易政策的反思&纪念郑和下西洋600周年

    Reflections on the Overseas Trade Policy of the Government of Ming-Qing Dynasty

  17. 第一章叙述了商业公司在海外贸易领域的发展情况。

    Chapter One states the companies ' progress in foreign trade field .

  18. 近代早期英国海外贸易的兴起

    On the Rise of Overseas Trade in Early Modern England

  19. 假药的海外贸易有增长。

    There is a growing trade overseas in dud medicines .

  20. 第五是海外贸易的垄断&海禁。

    The fifth is the monopoly of overseas trade .

  21. 海外贸易对经济发展很重要。

    Overseas trade is very important to the economy .

  22. 清代海外贸易政策的演变

    On the Development of the Qing Dynasty 's Policy on Its Overseas Trade

  23. 第一是元代以前对海外贸易的管理。

    The first is the Yuan Dynasty before the management of overseas trade .

  24. 明代末期的海外贸易

    Overseas Trade at the End of the Ming Dynasty

  25. 海外贸易成为主要的项目。

    The overseas trade has become the main project .

  26. 我们的海外贸易已大大增加。

    Our overseas commerce has increased a great deal .

  27. 中国海外贸易有限公司这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。

    China Overseas Trading Company Ltd . This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce .

  28. 论行政权力对明代宁波海外贸易的影响

    About the Impact of Administrative Power on Foreign Trade of Ningbo in the Ming

  29. 丝绸是我国古代海外贸易的大宗货品。

    Silk was a major item in China 's foreign trade in ancient times .

  30. 将我们的刊物向海外贸易的商家以及中国的进出口公司广泛地传播。

    Widespread circulation among overseas trade buyers and import & export companies in China .