
hǎi nán dà xué
  • Hainan University
  1. 热带旅游城市的大学校园规划&海南大学三亚学院B区规划设计

    University Campus Planning in Tropical Tourist Cities & Planning and Design of B Zone of Sanya Collage , Hainan University

  2. 海南大学学生HBsAg阳性率调查

    Investigation of Positive Rate of HBsAg for Students of Hainan University

  3. ISO9000质量管理体系在海南大学图书馆有效运行

    The Effective Implementation of ISO9000 Quality Management System in Hainan University Library

  4. ISO模式下高校图书馆文献资源建设的质量监控&海南大学图书馆的文献资源建设

    On the Quality Control of the Academic Library Collection Development Based on the ISO Mode & An Example of the Hainan University Library

  5. 根据实际情况利用OPNET网络仿真软件对海南大学原有校园网络进行仿真。

    Simulates the original network of the Hainan university by use of the OPNET according to the actuality .

  6. 经过全面质量管理的持续实践和不断完善,使追求服务质量开始成为海南大学图书馆的一种品牌和文化。该文着重叙述海南大学图书馆实施ISO9000质量管理和质量标准的PDCA模式。

    This paper probes PDCA mode of ISO9000 quality management and quality standard , which has been implemented in Hainan University Library .

  7. 海南大学教学实验室的建设与管理

    On the Construction and Management of Teaching Laboratory in Hainan University

  8. 海南大学教学实验技术队伍建设初探

    On the Construction of Teaching Laboratory Technical Contingent in Hainan University

  9. 海南大学游泳教学改革的实验研究

    The experiment study of swimming teaching reform in Hainan university

  10. 浅谈海南大学研究生学位论文数据库的建立

    Talking about the Establishment of Dissertation Database in Hainan University

  11. 海南大学图书馆多媒体阅览室管理信息系统分析与研究

    Management Information System for the Multimedia Reading Room of Hainan University Library

  12. 海南大学学报自然科学版1993年总目次

    Natural Science Journal of Hainan University Vol.11 1993 Contents of Main Articles

  13. 海南大学计算机基础教育改革的探讨

    Discussing the Reforms on Elementary Computer Education in Hainan University

  14. 海南大学二级图书馆建设探析

    Analysis of the Construction of Second-Class Library in Hainan University

  15. 海南大学生物工程专业建设的实践和探索

    Exploration and Practices on the Construction of Bioengineering Specialty in Hainan University

  16. 海南大学校园植物景观赏析

    A landscape study on campus plant in Hainan University

  17. 海南大学化工系实验室队伍建设的思考

    Ponder on Building the Laboratory Contingent of Chemical Engineering Department of Hainan University

  18. 海南大学思想政治理论课教学状况与改革思路

    The Ideological and Political Theory Course in Hainan University and its Reform Approaches

  19. 海南大学现有本科专业34个,教学实验室23个。

    There are 34 undergraduate specialties and 23 laboratories for teaching in Hainan University .

  20. 海南大学数字化图书馆建设初探

    Construction of the Digitized Library in Hainan University

  21. 海南大学校部85级学生体质的调查研究

    The Investigation of The Students'Physique In Grade 85 At The Head-quarters of Hainan University

  22. 海南大学农学院实验室设置的思考

    Thinking on Laboratory 's Establishment and Disposition of the Agricultural College of Hainan University

  23. 海南大学图书馆筹建海南历史文化博物馆刍议

    Discussion on the Preparation to Build Hainan History and Culture Museum by Hainan University Library

  24. 海南大学网球选修课学生学习状态的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Student ' Studying State in Optional Tennis Classes in Hainan University

  25. 二级图书馆建设的基本思路与发展目标&记海南大学二级馆建设

    Basic Ideas and Development Objectives of Building Secondary-level School Library & Hainan University in Secondary-level Libraries Construction

  26. 海南大学校园园林树种调查及其初步规划

    Study on the Preliminary Programme of the Species for the Garden Trees in Campus of Hainan University

  27. 高校图书馆学科导航资源利用现状的调查与分析&以海南大学为例

    Survey and Analysis of Subject Navigating Resources Utilization in University Library & Taking Hainan University as an Example

  28. 海南大学学生身体素质现状特点分析研究

    Analysis and Study on the Characteristics of the Present Situation about the Students ′ Health Quality of Hainan University

  29. 翁奋呆在中国的时间要比居住在国外的时间多,他是一位活跃的艺术家,目前在海南大学教书。

    Very active artist , so much in China than abroad , Weng Fen is teaching at the University of hainan .

  30. 然后作者通过一项对海南大学和海南师范大学英语专业学生展开的调查报告来考察目前英语新闻阅读教学的现状和普遍存在的问题。

    Then the author conductes a survey in Hainan University and Hainan Normal University to investigate the current situation of English news teaching .