
  • 网络oversea M&A;overseas acquisition
  1. 加入WTO以来,中国企业的海外并购活动日益活跃,形成了一股引人注目的浪潮。

    After the entry of WTO , the more and more activities of transnational annexing of Chinese enterprises has formed a noticeable tide .

  2. 谷歌近期向美国证券交易委员会(TheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission)提交的文件显示,它计划利用大部分境外资金进行海外并购。

    Google has said it plans to use most of its offshore funds to make acquisitions abroad , according to a recent letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission .

  3. 互联网巨头谷歌(Google)已经打开了它的支票本,准备拿出300亿美元进行海外并购。

    Google GOOG - 1.06 % has its checkbook open , and it 's ready to dole out as much as $ 30 billion to buy companies overseas .

  4. 在通过海外并购实现自己国际化的TCL,现在就面临着严峻的考验。

    Nowadays , TCL faced an austere test , after the accomplishment of self-internationalization through merging overseas .

  5. Dealogic的数据显示,中国2009年的海外并购总额为433.9亿美元。

    China 's outbound mergers and acquisitions to taled $ 43.39 billion in2009 , according to Dealogic .

  6. dealogic称,2005年中国的海外并购额为96亿美元,而2007年是254亿美元。

    Dealogic says that Chinese outbound M & A was $ 9.6bn in 2005 and $ 25.4bn in 2007 .

  7. 韩国未来资产证券(Mirae)能源研究主管关荣乐(GordonKwan)表示,国家能源安全及技术需要将是推动海外并购的两个关键因素。

    Gordon Kwan , head of energy research at Mirae , said that national energy security and technology would be the two key drivers of overseas acquisitions .

  8. 本章运用SWOT分析法,对中国企业海外并购的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁进行了深入分析,进而提出相应的战略模式选择:合作性战略模式、进攻性战略模式和防御性战略模式。

    In this section , the SWOT method is applied to deeply analyses the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats , based on which the strategic modes are proposed : cooperative strategic mode , offensive strategic mode and the defensive strategic mode .

  9. 在不同海外并购行业的EVA绩效上,只有采掘业的EVA值在四年窗口期中均为正值,并朝着理想的方向发展,其他行业的EVA均值都出现了逐年下降的趋势。

    Overseas Mergers and Acquisitions in different industries on the performance of the EVA , the EVA is only extractive industries in the four-year window period values are positive , and toward the desired direction , average EVA in other industries have suffered declining trend .

  10. 中海油去年以180亿美元收购加拿大尼克森公司(Nexen),创下海外并购之最。中海油管理层表示,这笔交易的完成将为未来进行更多的大型交易铺平道路。

    Cnooc 's $ 18bn purchase of Canada 's Nexen last year set a record for overseas acquisitions , and Cnooc 's management said the completion of that deal would pave the way for more big deals down the road .

  11. 中国企业海外并购既有经济风险因素,又有非经济风险因素。

    Oversea M & I faces both economic and non-economic risks .

  12. 他说:中国人的海外并购热潮已全面展开。

    Chinese foreign acquisitions are in full swing , he says .

  13. 我国企业海外并购后的知识获取研究

    Chinese Enterprises ' Knowledge Acquisition after Overseas M & A

  14. 中央企业;海外并购;策略;

    SOE by central government ; Overseas M & A ; Strategy ;

  15. 海外并购的实践中还有很多具体操作的经验和技巧需要学习和探索,不断积累以灵活运用。

    The practices have much experience and skill to study and explore .

  16. 关于资本经营的思考中国企业海外并购的人力资本保护

    Retaining of Human Capital in Transnational Merger and Acquisition of Chinese Enterprises

  17. 很多公司都已卷入了最近数月以来的海外并购巨潮中。

    Recent months have seen a surge of foreign mergers and acquisitions .

  18. 我国企业海外并购中的文化整合研究

    Research on the Cultural Integration of Oversea M & A in Chinese Corporations

  19. 王建宙表示,对华润万众电话的收购突显了海外并购的益处。

    Mr Wang said the Peoples deal underlined the benefits of offshore acquisitions .

  20. 中国企业海外并购中存在的问题与对策

    Problems of the Overseas M & As of Chinese Enterprises and the Solution

  21. 迄今为止,大多数参与海外并购的公司仅有一次这方面的直接经验。

    These cases were mainly started by companies that had no prior experience .

  22. 中国企业海外并购的风险与对策研究基于20002005年中国企业海外并购实证分析

    Oversea m & I by Chinese firms : risks and Countermeasures Chinese walls

  23. 外资并购的国际比较及对我国海外并购的思考

    An International Comparison of M A and Reflections on China 's M A

  24. 中国企业只是刚刚开始参与大规模的海外并购。

    Chinese companies are only just beginning to embark on large-scale acquisitions overseas .

  25. 我国海外并购中潜在法律风险探微

    On potential legal risks of the international merger

  26. 但是中国企业海外并购的道路并不顺畅。

    However , the road of these overseas M & A is not smooth .

  27. 海外并购中国家安全审查和反垄断问题研究

    Study on National Security Review and Antitrust System for Chinese Overseas M & A

  28. 中国企业海外并购分析

    Analysis of Chinese enterprises overseas M & A

  29. 事实上,中资银行海外并购已经不是个例。

    In fact , there are cases of overseas M & A for Chinese banks .

  30. 首先通过实例分析了海外并购中文化整合的四种模式及其优劣。

    It firstly analyzes four models of cultural integration and their respective advantage and disadvantage .