
  1. 此外,该公司2月份对中国21个城市2600个消费者的调查报告也显示,国内的火锅连锁--海底捞在最受国人欢迎的TOP10餐厅中高居榜首。

    A total of 2600 people the firm surveyed in 21 Chinese cities in February also placed domestic hotpot chain Haidilao at the top of the list of the country 's 10 favorite restaurants .

  2. 杨永发工作的餐馆就是被大肆宣传的海底捞火锅连锁店。

    The restaurant where Yang works is the much-hyped hot-pot chain Haidilao .

  3. 在这里,你可以通过远程视频会议系统,与身处中国另一个大城市的朋友或是家人们一道享用火锅(目前,该服务仅限海底捞北京和上海的门店)。

    ( for now , the teledining experience is limited to a branch in Beijing and one in Shanghai . )

  4. 但是为了避免餐馆人手不足,海底捞限制了每次叫外卖的数量。

    But in order to avoid leaving the restaurant short-staffed , Hai-Di-Lao has limited the number of deliveries at one time .

  5. 为激励员工,海底捞提供配有网络的管家服务式宿舍、教育基金及可观的离职金等作为额外福利。

    Haidilao offers Internet-connected apartments with a housekeeping service , an education fund and attractive severance pay among its perks to motivate employees .

  6. 但新加坡绝不是世界上唯一一个从海滩、河流和海底捞土的国家。

    Singapore is by no means the only nation taking part in what is a global harvest of sand from beaches , rivers and seabeds .

  7. 像海底捞这样的连锁餐厅还给食客们提供包括娱乐在内的贴心服务。比如,在服务员将面团制作成面条的过程中会伴随的舞蹈表演。

    Restaurant chains such as Haidilao provide attentive service to customers , including entertainment , such as a dance performance in which waiters fling dough to make noodles .

  8. 北京最有名的连锁店海底捞想出了一个新的解决办法:客人通过网络或电话订餐,然后送货上门。

    Hai-Di-Lao , the most well known chain in Beijing , has come up with a new solution : home delivery , where customer order online or by phone .

  9. 海底捞、小肥羊等品牌的成功使得形成具有不易复制模仿的竞争优势和独特的经营理念及模式在餐饮业中得到重视。

    The success of the Hai Di Lao Hot Pot , Little sheep and so on make the uneasy duplicate competitive advantage and the unique business philosophy important in the catering industry .

  10. 他预计未来会有更多的餐厅加入这个行列,还华为与海底捞会继续在该项目上携手合作,因为两家公司都有着以客户为中心的企业文化。

    He imagines more restaurants will be interested in the technology in the future , and says Huawei and Hai Di Lao came together on this project because of their shared customer-centric cultures .

  11. 该部分全面分析和总结了海底捞绩效考评内容、方法、考评流程和经验教训;第五部分,完善大型连锁酒店绩效考评的建议。

    The part of a comprehensive analysis and summary of " Haidilao " content , performance appraisal method , appraisal process and experience ; the fifth part , to improve the large chain hotel performance appraisal proposal .

  12. 分别从大型连锁酒店的概况、大型连锁酒店绩效考评存在的问题和存在问题的原因三方面来分析;第四部分,海底捞酒店绩效考评案例分析。

    Respectively from the three aspects of large hotel chain , there is a large hotel chain performance appraisal of the problems and causes of problems for analysis ; fourth part ," Haidilao " analysis of hotel performance evaluation case .

  13. 从海底里捞起来的动植物的遗迹,能对我们证明:它们在海底里数百年数千年之久,从来没有受到丝毫扰动过。

    When we dredge the bottom and bring up the remains of animal and vegetable life we find that they give evidence of not having been disturbed in the least , for hundreds and thousands of years .

  14. 老六将双腿伸长至海底,并且,捞了许多美丽的贝壳和耀眼的珍珠。

    He had stretched his legs to reach the floor of the sea , and he brought up with him dozens of beautiful shells and dazzling pearls .