
  • 网络Taco Bell;Taco Bell Grande
  1. 拥有塔可钟和必胜客的百胜餐饮集团的旗下品牌肯德基已经推出了一款售价约5美元的鸡肉三明治。

    RFC , a division of Yum ! Brands , which also owns Taco Bell and Pizza Hut , has launched a chicken sandwich that costs around $ 5 .

  2. 经营着肯德基、必胜客(pizzahut)和塔可钟(tacobell)的百胜,正继续努力成为中国主要的外国餐厅连锁店,同时试图让步履维艰的美国业务复苏。

    Yum , which operates KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , is continuing its push to be the dominant foreign restaurant chain in China while trying to revive a struggling business in the US .

  3. 至6月14日为止的季度报告中,百胜餐饮集团旗下的塔可钟连锁餐厅(TacoBellchain)的业绩也好不到哪儿去。

    Its Taco Bell chain also had a disappointing showing in the quarter ending June 14 .

  4. 在美国,有很多不同种类的快餐食物。有麦当劳,汉堡王,TacoBell(塔可钟)和JackintheBox(玩偶匣)等。

    There are lots of different kinds of fast food places in the U.S.A.There are McDonald 's , Burger king , Taco Bell , Jack in the Box , and more .

  5. Reuters拥有肯德基(KFC)、必胜客(PizzaHut)和塔可钟(TacoBell)的百胜餐饮认为,中国经济趋弱是该公司同店销售额增速下滑的原因之一。

    The company , which owns KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , blamed the decline , in part , on the softening Chinese economy .

  6. 例如,去年谷歌在网上发布了一段视频,这段视频显示,它的自动驾驶汽车把一位盲人送到了塔可钟餐厅(TacoBell),谷歌由此而成为头条新闻的主角。

    Last year , for example , Google made headlines by posting a video online showing its autonomous car taking a blind man to Taco Bell .

  7. 调查也包括墨西哥菜,塔可钟(TacoBell)在排行榜上名列第八,Chipotle和Qdoba则高居榜首。

    For Mexican food , meanwhile , Taco Bell finished at No. 8 , with Chipotle and Qdoba finishing at the top .

  8. 然后,他播放了一段自己比较著名的恶作剧片段之一,他假装塔可钟(TacoBell)的不必下车即可购买食物窗口的服务员,用极为糟糕的服务折磨顾客。

    He then showed a clip of one of his more famous pranks when he posed as a server at a drive-through Taco Bell and tormented customers with terrible service .

  9. 麦当劳和美国同行百胜餐饮集团(YumBrandsInc),[旗下拥有肯德基(KFC)、必胜客(PizzaHut)、塔可钟(TacoBell)等]均立即采取措施,撇清与该供应商的关系。

    McDonald 's and U.S. - based peer Yum Brands Inc , which is the parent of KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , both immediately sought to distance themselves from the supplier .

  10. 在美国,塔可钟(TacoBell)是百胜王冠上又一颗利润极高的明珠。可到2011年,美国业务所贡献的利润将是最微不足道的,远远落后于中国及国际业务。

    By 2011 the US , where Taco Bell is the other highly profitable jewel in Yum 's crown , will be the smallest contributor to profits after China and then the international division .

  11. 百胜餐饮集团是百事可乐公司(PepsiCo)1997年分拆餐馆业务后成立的餐饮企业,旗下有肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟(TacoBell)等品牌,诺瓦克从公司成立之初就开始担任首席执行官。

    Yum ( Yum ) is the restaurant business spun off from PepsiCo ( PEP ) in 1997 , comprising KFC , pizza hut , and Taco Bell , and Novak has run it from the beginning .

  12. 她选择的梦想是和妈妈一起在塔可钟餐厅工作。

    She opted to work in Taco Bell with her mother

  13. 据报道,这批怀疑受到污染的产品已被送到了东北地区450家塔可钟连锁餐厅。

    The suspect produce was reportedly shipped to450 Taco Bells in the Northeast .

  14. 塔可钟的quesarito是外面裹有油炸玉米粉饼的牛肉卷饼。

    Taco Bell 's quesarito is a beef burrito wrapped in a quesadilla .

  15. “免下车”对于像麦当劳、汉堡王以及塔可钟这样的连锁店来说又是重中之重。

    And drive-throughs are hugely important to chains , such as McDonald 's , Burger King and Taco Bell .

  16. 在一张微波薄面饼里塞入切达干酪才是真正的墨西哥式食物,就像由餐饮品牌塔可钟提供的食物一样。

    A microwaved flour tortilla stuffed with cheddar cheese is about as authentically Mexican as a Dorito Loco taco from Taco Bell .

  17. 卫生部发言人表示,使得塔可钟产品大肠杆菌爆发的大葱可能来自南加州。

    According to health officials , the scallion suspected in the E.coli outbreak linked to Taco Bell came from a Southern California grower .

  18. 他们甚至给杰克孙连一封信都没有写。杰克孙博客里人们开始称他“叫座的签名塔可钟”之后,才发现人们针对他的攻势是那么猛烈。

    They neglected to send a letter to the rapper , but Jackson found about the campaign after blogs started calling him a sellout for endorsing Taco Bell .

  19. 百胜拥有肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟等众多餐饮品牌。上个月百胜透露了收购小肥羊已发行股票计划的初步意向。

    Yum , which owns KFC , Pizza Hut and Taco Bell , signalled its intentions last month with a preliminary proposal to acquire Little Sheep 's outstanding shares .

  20. 1996年,提供墨西哥美食的餐饮公司塔可钟在各大报纸上发布广告,宣布公司已经买下了自由钟,并把它的名字改成了塔可自由钟。

    And in 1996 , Taco Bell took out ads in major newspapers announcing that the company had purchased the Liberty Bell and renamed it the Taco Liberty Bell .

  21. 今晨在纽约的一家肯德鸡塔可钟连锁店中,十几老鼠到处乱窜。那只老狼从灌木丛里窜出来,惊魂未定地喘息,伸出舌头。

    These dozen rats were caught scurrying around a KFC-Taco Bell in New York this morning . The old wolf runs out of the bush , still badly shaken , panting with its tongue lolling .