
  • 网络Tower height;STAGO;tower high;High of tower
  1. 本文以跨距45m,输电塔高24m的某变电所出口工程的输电塔线体系为研究背景。

    This article take span 45 m , the transmission tower high 24 m transformer substation export project transmission tower line system as research background .

  2. 塔高30米。

    The tower stands 30 metres high .

  3. C高;3塔高较矮。

    Tower height is lower .

  4. 埃菲尔铁塔(法语:LaTourEiffel)埃菲尔铁塔矗立于塞纳河畔,塔高320米,是世界最高建筑之一。

    Eiffel Tower ( French : La Tour Eiffel ) Eiffel Tower stands on the Seine River , 320 meters high tower is one of the world 's tallest building .

  5. 在新建装置中采用DJ塔板,可减小塔径,降低塔高,节约投资30%以上。

    The result of application of DJ tray in new project can decrease the diameter of the column so that more than 30 % of the investment can be saved .

  6. 罗杰斯先生嫌塔高出他家的枫树和橡树并向当地镇政府投诉,竭力反对建塔,促使verizon不得已在附近另找塔基。

    Mr Rogers says it would soar above his maples and oaks . He has complained vigorously to town authorities , and Verizon is now investigating a different site nearby .

  7. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的2号明流塔,塔高108m,是主要泄洪建筑物2号明流洞的进口建筑物。

    The No. 2 free flow tower is an intake building of No. 2 free flow tunnel , as one of the main flood discharge works .

  8. 改造中在塔径、塔高、塔盘数不变即塔体利旧的情况下,用ADV微分浮阀塔盘替换原F1型浮阀塔盘,使各个分馏塔的生产能力提高40%以上;

    In revamping , the diameter of tower tray , the tower height and the number of tower trays were fixed , while the F_1 floating valve trays were replaced by ADV differential tower tray , the throughput of each fractionation tower was increased by over 40 % .

  9. 华东电网500kV滁马线马鞍山大跨越塔高257m,是目前国内在建的最高的钢管塔。

    With a height of 257 m , the long span crossing tower over mountain Ma'an of the 500 kV Chuma line of East China Power Grid is the highest steel pipe tower being constructed in China .

  10. 北京中央电视发射塔的设计塔高为405m,该塔采用预应力混凝土结构,按9度地震设防,结构复杂,工期紧迫,质量要求高,施工难度较大。

    The Central TV Transmission Tower in Beijing with a height of 405m is mainly a prestressed concrete structure designed according to earthquake intensity 9.It has the peculiarities of complexity in structure and extreme difficulty in construction with urgent construction time limit and high construction quality demanded .

  11. 乙醇-水-甲醇精馏过程中温度和组分浓度沿塔高的分布

    Temperature and Concentration distributions in a Rectification Column for Ethanol-Water-Methanol Separation

  12. 产品气的纯度随着吸附塔高径比的增大而增大。

    The product purity increases with the bed slenderness ratio increasing .

  13. 介绍了吸收塔上段塔高的计算。

    Calculation of upper stage in the adsorption tower is introduced .

  14. 仿宋建筑鳌柱塔高高耸立。

    The imitation Song-Dynasty-style aozhu pagoda stands tall and .

  15. 矮塔斜拉桥塔高优化

    Optimization on pagoda height of low pagoda cable-stayed bridge

  16. 板拉桥结构应力与塔高的相关分析

    Relative Analysis of Structure Stress and Height of Tower in Plate Tension Bridge

  17. 城堡是由一组墙厚塔高的加强型建筑所组成的。

    Castles consist of a group of fortified buildings with thick walls and towers ..

  18. 芜湖长江大跨越塔高强度螺栓的设计

    Design on High Strength Bolts for Large Crossing Towers Over Yangtse River in Wuhu

  19. 预测了无喷淋和有喷淋2种条件下的气相湍流流场分布、沿塔高方向不同截面上的气速分布以及喷淋液滴的轨迹。

    The gas velocity profiles and trajectories of the droplets were acquired with and without spraying .

  20. 主塔千寻塔高69.13米,内部中空,不可能存放宝藏。

    The main pagoda , known as Qianxun Pagoda , is69.13 meters high and hollow inside .

  21. 这座塔高60英尺。远处的灯塔高高地耸立着。

    The tower rises to a height of 60 feet . The distant light-house reared high .

  22. 塔高65米(213英尺),在世界宣礼尖塔中高度位居第二。

    The minaret is 65 meters ( 213 feet ) high , the second highest in the world .

  23. 由于交换塔所需理论板数多,塔很高,因而采用两塔串联操作,降低了塔高。

    Two towers in series was used to deduce the height because the process required hundreds of theoretical plates .

  24. 采用频谱表示法,仿真得到了作用在合肥电视塔上的与塔高竖向相关的19条脉动风荷载时程样本。

    With the spectral representation method , 19 samples of fluctuating wind load are simulated considering the vertical co relation .

  25. 所以我们把它叫做伟大慈悲的牛-如来的美德塔高据于世界。

    So we call him the greatly compassionate cow . - The virtue of the Tathagata towers above all the world .

  26. 每个地点无论是中心地点或可变位置地点都将有一座装满各种传感器的塔台,塔高超过现有植被高度十米。

    Every site , whether core or relocatable , will have a sensor-laden tower that reaches ten metres above the existing vegetation .

  27. 研究表明:塔高和输电线张力均会影响大跨越输电塔-线体系的横线向与顺线向的位移和加速度响应和风控效果。

    The response and controlling effect of displacement and acceleration in transverse and longitudinal would be affected by tower height and tension of transmission lines .

  28. 结果表明,塔高变小,主梁竖向刚度降低,挠度增大。

    The results indicate that , with the decrease of the tower height , the vertical rigidity of girder will fall and the deflection will increase .

  29. 在华盛顿州爱尔玛市附近的森林中,两座冷却塔高高矗立着。很多开车经过此地的人们可能会琢磨:我什么时候可以搬进去?但这正是音响工程师罗恩·索罗脑海中的念头。

    Audio engineer Ron Sauro saw nothing but possibilities when he caught sight of the twin cooling towers looming over the forest near Elma , Washington .

  30. 此外,本文还探讨了不同的塔高、拉索索力等主要设计参数对全桥力学行为的影响。

    In addition , some of the main design parameters such as the tower height and the cable force which influence on the whole structure are still discussed .